Madam is sick again

Chapter 240 I Heard You Went on a Date Last Night?

Chapter 240 I Heard You Went on a Date Last Night?
His embrace was very warm, just nestled in his embrace so quietly, and could still hear his powerful heartbeat very clearly.

In less than 10 minutes, Lu Yunjin's whole body softened, and the nerves that were tense because of being hugged by the man gradually relaxed.

Drowsiness hit her, she was in a daze, subconsciously arched into Xu Xinan's arms, and fell into a deep sleep.

Drowsiness hit her, she was in a daze, subconsciously arched into Xu Xinan's arms, and fell into a deep sleep.

Feeling the gradually steady breathing of the girl in her arms, in the darkness, Xu Xinan slightly curled her thin lips, lowered her head, and gently pressed a kiss on Lu Yunjin's lips.

"Good night, my girl."


next morning

When Lu Yunjin woke up, her first reaction was to look to the side, but in the end, there was nothing beside her.

And looking at the quilt and pillows, they are neat and tidy, without any wrinkles, it doesn't look like someone has slept on it.

Lu Yunjin was confused, could it be that she was sleepwalking last night?Or was it a dream that Xu Xinan came back?

However, Lu Yunjin didn't have doubts for too long, because just as she went downstairs, she was at the dining table and saw that all-too-familiar figure.

Xu Xinan! !

So, last night, it wasn't her sleepwalking or dreaming.

But Xu Xinan really came back and slept with her all night? !

Lu Yunjin was terrified. Last night, she actually slept in his arms all night without resisting or hitting him. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen?
Lu Yun is at his wit's end, what should I do, I feel that I have lost my morals.

After the panic, Lu Yunjin began to comfort himself, not afraid, just like sleeping with a humanoid pillow all night.

Or just, as a mother's arms, well, that's it.

The embrace last night was indeed very warm, which made her feel full of maternal love, so even her insomnia was cured.

Yes, nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, Lu Yunjin miraculously calmed down in her heart, and walked down the stairs slowly, with a cute and bright smile on her face.

"Mama, are you back? Good morning."

Xu Xinan had a panoramic view of the series of changes in the girl's expression as she descended the stairs, and a smile flashed across her eyes.

"Well, good morning, did you sleep well last night?"

"Okay, I seemed to have a dream last night. I dreamed that I went back to my childhood and slept with my mother. My mother hugged me and sang me a lullaby." Lu Yunjin grinned, smiling cutely.


Xu Xinan's body froze, his face darkened faintly.

So last night, she took him for her mother?
"The food is cold, eat quickly." Xu Xinan sullenly pushed the breakfast in front of her.

Lu Yunjin smiled, sat down opposite Xu Xinan very calmly, and ate breakfast in a leisurely manner.

"I heard you went on a date with Hua Jihan last night?"


Lu Yunjin's hand trembled just as he picked up the milk, and almost spilled a glass of milk.

"No, I stayed at home last night, watching TV with Fengya, and I didn't take a step out of the door." Lu Yunjin shook her head, looking for an excuse to prevaricate.

However, she just finished speaking...

"Good morning, the man from last night just called my mother-in-law and asked her to go out for dinner tonight."

Little Fengya ran down the stairs bouncing down, talking while walking.

The man last night...

Lu Yunjin coughed lightly, raised her head, and sure enough, she saw Xu Xinan's face darken by two points.

"Hey, grandma... Uncle, you're back?" Feng Ya let out a light snort, and then she was a little disappointed, "Then tonight, can't I go shopping with that uncle from last night?"

 [Is no one joining the group?Humble author, wait online~]

(End of this chapter)

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