Madam is sick again

Chapter 250 Then...Let's talk nonsense

Chapter 250 Then...Let's talk nonsense
Lu Yunjin quickly dodged it, quickly picked up the chopsticks and stuffed a chopstick of shrimp meat into his mouth, "I'll eat it myself."

Xu Xinan peeled her prawns and fed her prawns with his own hands. Will her life be shortened?

I was afraid that if I ate suddenly, I would choke to death.

Xu Xinan smiled, but didn't care about her dodging, and picked up a tissue to wipe off the excess oil from the corners of her mouth.

That movement was insanely gentle.

It was as if he had returned to the way he was when I first met him.

Lu Yunjin was not impressed by his gentle offensive, but felt restless all over.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

The person soaked in the vinegar jar, after tossing the flowers and offering sacrifices to the cold, did he come to torture her again?

She hasn't forgotten this man's almost perverted possessiveness and jealousy. Now that she and Hua Jihan are known all over the world about cp speculation, facing those online who ask her to be with Hua Jihan and let them marry in situ, she screams. Seeing the comment that the two are a good match, Xu Xinan exploded in place?
After finishing a big bowl of shrimp nervously, Lu Yunjin said... hiccup, I'm so full.

Just after breakfast, Xu Xinan dragged her away to eat a big meal. She is not a big eater, so naturally she couldn't stand it.

Just when Lu Yunjin put down his chopsticks and burped his round stomach, the man finally spoke.

"Did you like chasing stars before?"

Asked a seemingly unimportant topic.

Lu Yunjin shook her head honestly, "Don't chase."

"Then, how did you know Lu Nan?"

Lu Nan?

Lu Yunjin's heart skipped a beat, was he testing her words?

Thinking of the story she couldn't hold back to Hua Jihan last night, and thinking of what the two of them talked about in the study with the door closed just now, Lu Yunjin had a vague premonition in her heart.

She was sure that with Hua Jihan's IQ, she would not have guessed that the heroine of last night's story was Lu Nan, but what if Hua Jihan told Xu Xinan about it?

So, he knows it all?
"I know!" Lu Yunjin nodded, thinking quickly about how to deal with him.

"How did you know each other?" Xu Xinan tilted his head, seemingly curious.

A pair of dark eyes were tightly locked on her body.

Lu Yunjin looked very calm on the surface, slowly stroking his stuffed stomach, but in fact, he was panicking inside.

"I saw it on TV!" Lu Yunjin blinked her big eyes, trying to get away with it.

"Then, how do you know how she died?" Xu Xinan continued to ask.

This death naturally refers to the real cause of Lu Nan's death and the real cause of her accident.

Lu Yunjin's heart skipped a beat, and he really knew about it.

Hua Jihan has such a big mouth!

You shouldn't have shared any gossip with him last night!
Lu Yunjin panicked a lot, her mind was completely blank.

In the past, Lu Yunjin and Lu Nan were people from two different worlds. The other was struggling in the entertainment industry, and gradually became the first lady in the entertainment industry from a small player.

And the other one, who had faced strange or accusatory gazes from countless people in the upper circles of the imperial capital since he was a child, and carried the name of the eldest lady of the Lu family, grew from a socialite lady to a campus female hooligan.

The two people's life circles, scope of activities, and even hobbies are completely incompatible, so how could they know each other?
How did she know how Lu Nan died before?

Guess what?Even if she could guess that Bai Xiaoxiao framed Lu Nan, how could she guess the man Lu Nan liked and the person who pushed her off the roof?
Countless thoughts flashed through Lu Yunjin's head, but he choked them out one by one.

If people like Xu Xinan can't find a reasonable and seamless reason to fool people like Xu Xinan, then...just talk nonsense!
(End of this chapter)

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