Madam is sick again

Chapter 251 Bai Xiaoxiao is completely cold!

Chapter 251 Bai Xiaoxiao is completely cold!
If people like Xu Xinan can't find a reasonable and seamless reason to fool people like Xu Xinan, then...just talk nonsense!
As a result, Lu Yunjin's neck stiffened, his teeth clenched, his back straightened, and he smashed the jar.

"I had a dream the night before yesterday. I dreamed about Lu Nan. She told me!"

Xu Xinan: "..."

So you're talking about such a big secret, after Lu Nan died, he didn't find a reporter, a company, or a friend, but he specifically found an unrelated passer-by to tell you all this in a dream, trying to ask you to help her redress her grievances?

You are afraid of being a liar.

Seeing that Xu Xinan's face was faintly dark, Lu Yunjin added without fear of boiling water.

"Yes, she told me in a dream, Ma Ma, do you think it's amazing? I think it's amazing too! How could she tell me this in a dream? It must be because she thinks I'm honest, reliable, and smart."

Amazing...a hoe.

Xu Xinan: "..."

I really almost believed your evil.

Also honest and reliable, smart, you are such a clever little ghost.

In the end, Xu Xinan didn't ask why, and took Lu Yunjin back to Xu's house dumbfounded.

Lu Yunjin originally planned to go to the hospital to see Chen Desheng, but well, he didn't want to move after eating and drinking enough, he just went home and collapsed on the bed, and then fell asleep happily.

As a result, she slept until the afternoon. When she woke up, she received a call from her manager, Nian Susu, and realized that the Internet was about to explode.

The first thing is that the MV "Epiphyllum" filmed by Hua Jihan and her was officially released early in the morning. In just half a day, the popularity has already jumped to the top of the hot search list, and the sales volume is also firmly at the top of the new song list .

Under the new song, a group of netizens cried and wailed while looping the single, expressing that their impression of Hua Jihan had undergone a 180-degree change.

From an unrestrained scumbag who loves freedom, he instantly transformed into an infatuated man who is deeply affectionate and hurt by love.

Thanks to the blessing of Hua Jihan, she also became popular. Although the heroine in "Epiphyllum" does not have many shots, but the back is as weak as the wind, the clean and pure temperament, and the tragedy of a beautiful woman's fate, none of them did not attract the attention of the general public. The wailing of netizens.

There are also many cp fans, under the video, calling for the two to get married in situ.

The number of her Weibo followers, like a rocket, soared again, and within half a day, she had already broken through the [-] mark.

This traffic is already comparable to many small stars outside the third tier in the entertainment industry.

The song "Epiphyllum", from the lyrics to the mv and even the narration, was a hit!
The three lines she recited drew the tears of many fans, and many fans yelled that Miss Sister's voice is really nice.

Nian Susu called her and told her that several advertisers had approached her, which made Lu Yunjin a little excited.

She also has traffic, which is a good start!
The second thing is that Bai Xiaoxiao is cold, completely cold.

Yaoxing Entertainment didn't know what was going on, but a scandal about Bai Xiaoxiao suddenly broke out!
Said that she hooked up with the director of the public relations department at Yaoxing, abused the assistant, and after her best friend Lu Nan died, relying on her superiority, she quickly took over all of Lu Nan's resources and inherited her inheritance, so she quickly became the first sister of Yaoxing .

After she became popular, she used the banner of a good girlfriend in China to go around chasing Lu Nan's previous traffic, and quickly packaged herself as a person who is beautiful, kind, loving, and righteous.

As soon as these news came out, Bai Xiaoxiao was completely finished. She was blocked by Yaoxing, her contract was forcibly terminated, and her reputation was also bad. Even if she left Yaoxing, no agency would dare to take her.

She couldn't get along in the entertainment industry at all.

(End of this chapter)

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