Madam is sick again

Chapter 256 That boy has died in the torrent of time

Chapter 256 That boy has died in the torrent of time
Yes, she is guilty.

Even when questioning Lu Nan's fans, she has never felt guilty, and she can still call Lu Nan a bitch.

But for Zhao Qize, she couldn't do it.

This man has been defending her from the very beginning, and was even willing to go to jail for her.

Even if she changed suddenly and became the son of the Zhao Group, he still supported her as always.

Bai Xiaoxiao, who had always only used Zhao Qize, at this moment, at this moment, at such a sad moment, when she had tasted all the warmth and coldness of human feelings, and at this moment when her life fell to the bottom, she suddenly felt guilty and guilty towards him.

Perhaps, a friend in adversity sees the truth, this is how the saying came about.

At this moment, only he stood up without hesitation and stood by her side.

"You'll be fine."

Zhao Qize breathed a sigh of relief, and when he turned his head to look at the little girl who threw the water bottle, his usually gentle face turned cold.

"This girl, no matter how dissatisfied you are with Xiaoxiao, you shouldn't attack her personally. If you intentionally hurt someone, you will be held legally responsible!"

The little girl shrank her neck and felt even more guilty. She lowered her head and apologized, "I didn't mean it, I'm sorry..."

"Also, Xiaoxiao didn't kill Lu Nan, I believe she is innocent!"

When Zhao Qize said this, his voice fluctuated slightly, but he quickly covered it up.

The little girl mustered up the courage to raise her head, her eyes widened, and she subconsciously wanted to refute, but when she met Zhao Qize's cold face, in the end, she shrank her neck and didn't say anything.

Nan Nan is also innocent!
She was killed by Bai Xiaoxiao!
"Xiaoxiao, let's go!"

After Zhao Qize finished speaking, he pulled Bai Xiaoxiao up, walked through the crowd, tightly protected her with both hands, got into the car, and walked away.

Among the crowd, Lu Yunjin watched from a distance, and suddenly, laughed at himself.

When she rushed to Yaoxing's gate, she just happened to see the scene where Zhao Qize was covering Bai Xiaoxiao's water bottle, and just happened to hear him rebutting the girl's words.

He said that he believed that Bai Xiaoxiao was innocent.

He said that he believed that Bai Xiaoxiao did not kill Lu Nan.

In other words, he doesn't believe her, and doesn't believe that Lu Nan was framed by someone...

He believed that Lu Nan was willing to degenerate, climbed into Wang Ritian's bed for the sake of being in the top position, and willingly became Wang Ritian's mistress, right?

Lu Yunjin looked up at the sky, and in his mind, there was a flash of the young man from before, the one who depended on her for life, although he was poor, he always wore a washed white shirt, always grinned silly, and always called her Sister Nan juvenile.

That, the boy who had died in the torrent of time.

That boy named Aze, whom she regarded as her own younger brother...

After all, I can't come back.

"Ah Ze..." She murmured softly, raised her hand, and wiped the corners of her eyes. At some point, the corners of her eyes had already gathered a sparkle.

Lu Yunjin took a deep breath, resolutely wiped away the tears from his eyes, just like erasing that boy named Aze from his mind...

The figure in my mind dissipated little by little, and in the end, I couldn't find it everywhere.

From then on, there was no such person as Ze in her life.

Lu Nan was an orphan in the past, and he still is now. He never had a younger brother, nor did he have a boy named Aze.

"Ah Ze..." Lu Yunjin murmured again, "I called you for the last time, and I will never see you again..."

At the same time, Zhao Qize, who had just gotten into the car, suddenly felt uneasy, and a suffocation hit his heart.

He lowered his head and covered his heart, looking a little dazed.

This feeling seems familiar, only when she had an accident, did she have it...

(End of this chapter)

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