Madam is sick again

Chapter 257 Intuition Tells Him That Things Are Not Simple

Chapter 257 Intuition Tells Him That Things Are Not Simple

He lowered his head and covered his heart, looking a little dazed.

This feeling seems familiar, only when she had an accident, did she have it...

"Mr. Zhao, what's the matter with you?" Bai Xiaoxiao leaned forward and asked with concern.

Zhao Qize shook his head, trying to suppress the suffocation in his heart, took a deep breath, "It's okay."

After a pause, he added, "Xiaoxiao, don't call me Mr. Zhao when there is no one in the future, call me the same as before."

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled shyly, "Okay, Brother Aze."


Zhao Qize was stunned for a moment, a little dazed.

For a long time, no one called him that.

It feels like a world away.

He subconsciously ignored the last word brother, just because every time he heard the first two words, there was a feeling that could make his heart beat extremely fast.

Hearing these two words is like seeing her, it can make his heart beat faster...


Yaoxing Entertainment Entrance

Hua Jihan brought a few bodyguards, and they squatted secretly on a van on the side of the street.

Originally, after Bai Xiaoxiao avoided the crowd, he would find a place where no one was around and tie her up, or find some excuse to send her to a mental hospital.

Well, after all, Xinan opened his mouth and wanted to lock him up.

But, unexpectedly, before Bai Xiaoxiao got rid of those crazy netizens, she was taken away.

Moreover, he was still taken away by Zhao Qize.

The Zhao family is an enterprise that has a long-term cooperative relationship with the Xu Group. Although its status in the imperial capital is not as high as that of the Xu family, it is also much more powerful than ordinary upper-class families.

Hua Jihan was a little impatient for a moment, and when he was still hesitating whether to go up and snatch the person, Zhao Qize had already driven away in the car with the person in his arms.

When Hua Jihan reacted, he couldn't even see the exhaust of his car.

Hua Jihan thought about it, and decided to report to Xu Xinan, asking him what to do, whether he needs to offend Zhao Qize in order to catch Bai Xiaoxiao.

However, the call had just been made, but no one answered, Hua Jihan raised his head in boredom, and glanced at the crowd.

He swears, he really just glanced at it casually.

Then, he saw an exceptionally familiar figure.

Lu Yunjin...

Yo!Rabbit hit!

How did the rabbit come to Yaoxing's door?
Besides, looking at the expression on the rabbit's face, why is it so sad?
According to his eight-fold mirror-like eyes, it seems that he can still see the tears hanging from the corners of the rabbit's eyes, and he looks very sad.

She stared into the distance in a daze, and that direction was exactly the direction Zhao Qize pulled Bai Xiaoxiao to leave just now.

Hua Jihan keenly smelled the gossip in it, and intuitively told him that it was not simple.

So, he immediately filled up a series of bloody plots in his mind, such as love triangles, love and hatred, and so on.

Then, the phone was connected, and Xu Xinan's deep voice came from inside.

Hua Jihan screamed excitedly on the spot.

He seemed to be grabbing Tuzai's little tail, and he seemed to have a little secret hidden by Tuzai.

If he told Sinan, would Sinan completely give up the idea of ​​sending him to the island country?

Xinan was in the study room in the morning, but he only asked Brother Yuan to cancel his air ticket to the island country temporarily, but did not promise him that he would be let go.

If the filming doesn't start, if Xinan doesn't promise him personally, he won't feel at ease.

But at this moment, hey, it seems that there is a way to completely avoid going to the island country.

"Xinan, let me tell you, I discovered a big secret. Guess who I saw at the gate of Yaoxing just now?"

(End of this chapter)

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