Madam is sick again

Chapter 262 So, he is... a man and woman?

Chapter 262 So, he is... a man and woman?

"No need, sir, can I go by myself?"

Hua Jihan said sadly, and then, with heavy steps, walked towards his car.

Looking back three times at a step, that sad little expression, resentful little expression, vivid image, very much like a sad little husband who is about to leave home.

The fans watched quietly, taking a panoramic view of Hua Jihan's resentful appearance, and then thought of the conversation between the two just now.

Hua Jihan said, honey, listen to my explanation.

Hua Jihan said, things are not what you think.

As a result, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another man, who told him to rush to the airport, with the meaning of "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen."

So, these two... are they true love?

So, Young Master Hua actually likes men?The reason why he was so bothered was to protect the man behind him?
So, two such handsome people actually digested it internally?
All the fans smelled the smell of love one after another, clutching a small thumping heart, expressing that they couldn't accept it.

Ow!How can Hua Shao like a man?

Ow!Lovelorn, lovelorn, just 1 minute, the feeling of falling in love twice.

Ow!My heart hurts, I feel that I will never love again.

Xu Xinan didn't care what everyone thought, and walked directly in front of Lu Yunjin.

Lu Yunjin was still a little dazed when he saw Xu Xinan, but he didn't react until he walked in front of her.

"Ma...why are you here?"

Cough, I don't know why, but being looked at by him like that makes me feel a little guilty?
So, Lu Yunjin let go of the little hand that was wrapping around Jian Chun's shoulder.

Jian Chun's big round eyes turned around on Lu Yunjin and Xu Xinan, and suddenly said, "Yunjin, is this your boyfriend?"

He seemed to be jealous, with a stinky expression, he had been staring at Yun Jin holding her hand just now.

Lu Yunjin coughed lightly, and was about to say no, Xu Xinan put his arms around her shoulders, nodded lightly, "Yeah."

Ok? ? ?
Lu Yunjin: "..."

"No, he's me..." Lu Yunjin wanted to refute, but when she raised her head, she met Xu Xinan's quiet gaze.

In the eyes, there is danger, a storm is brewing.

It seems that as long as she says one more word, she can be picked up and spanked by a man immediately...

Lu Yunjin: "..."

I can't afford to offend, the silent eyes are threatening or something, it's too annoying.

Can't she stop talking?

"Wow, really, you are a good match, you look like a husband and wife." Jian Chun stared.

Handsome men and beautiful women stand together very seductive.

The corner of Lu Yunjin's mouth twitched slightly: "..."

Husband and wife?
Wow, how did Jian Chun know that she and Xu Xinan are married? !
She looks so soft and cute, while Xu Xinan looks so cold and fierce.

The two stood together, like Mrs. Yazhai who was snatched back by the king of the mountain. From the inside to the outside, there were two words, awkward!

Hearing Jian Chun's words, Xu Xinan's dark face finally looked a little better, and he rarely said, "Thank you."

After speaking, he hugged Lu Yunjin and left.

Around, many melon eaters listened to the conversation of the three of them, and then looked at Xu Xinan's figure hugging Lu Yunjin, and blinked in bewilderment.

So... the most handsome man is not only gay?He not only likes men, but also women?

So, he is... a man who kills both men and women? ?
Tsk, it's good to be handsome!

People who eat melons: (⊙o⊙)
I was stunned, as if opening the door to a new world.

(End of this chapter)

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