Madam is sick again

Chapter 263 You Seem to Care About Him

Chapter 263 You Seem to Care About Him

On the car going back——

Xu Xinan opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but before he could speak, Lu Yunjin preempted the attack.

"Mama, why are you here? How do you know I'm here?"

Xu Xinan glanced at her, "I have a heart..."

Before finishing the word Lingxi, Lu Yunjin tilted her head and said to herself.

"Oh, Shao Hua must have told you, right? I just saw him surrounded by his fans so badly."

Xu Xinan: "...Well, he told me."

The voice was a little muffled.

"What about Hua Shaoren? I just saw you told him to go to the airport. What are you doing at the airport?"

Xu Xinan's eyes sank slightly, "I'm flying to Japan."

As soon as she got in the car, she kept talking and chattering endlessly. She never paid attention to him.

"Japan? What did he go to Japan for? You wouldn't really ask him to make a movie with Yuko Katsura, would you?"

Lu Yunjin exclaimed, as if she didn't notice Xu Xinan's displeasure at all.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Xu Xinan said quietly.

For a man who was filming hug scenes and kissing scenes with his wife's cp, and was called by countless people to marry in place, he just sent him to Japan, but beat him to death with one punch. Is your friendship over?

Lu Yunjin: "..."

I really thought you were joking.

How can anyone send his brother of more than 20 years to the island country to make that kind of film?
If this is really filmed, what will Hua Jihan do in the entertainment industry in the future?
"If he makes those films, his reputation may really be gone. How will he get along in the entertainment circle?"

Lu Yunjin was a little worried. For the first time, she found that Xu Xinan was so naive in doing things, and didn't care about the overall situation at all.

Is she worried about Hua Jihan?
This realization made Xu Xinan even more unhappy.

If you just ate a little bit of vinegar just now, then now, you are completely soaked in the jar of vinegar.

"The movie I chose for him is just a bit difficult to control. The plot is very exciting, it won't affect his reputation, and it can even make him more popular." Xu Xinan said.

Regardless of the overall situation?Hehehe, if he ignored the overall situation, Hua Jihan would not be as simple as going to Japan now.

"Can you let him come back?" Lu Yunjin asked cautiously.

She thinks it's time to plead for Hua Jihan.

After all, Hua Jihan formed a CP with her purely to help her, and the one who benefited the most from this matter was herself.

In the end, because she let Hua Jihan go to Japan, she felt very sorry.

Xu Xinan was silent, staring at her quietly for a long time, then suddenly pulled his tie and approached her without saying a word.

It was only then that Lu Yunjin belatedly noticed that the man's face had turned black into charcoal, swallowed hard, and backed away a little bit, until the whole person was stuck against the car door.

The man leaned forward, put his hands on the window glass, and wrapped her in his arms in a perfect and standard car-thumping posture.

"You and him seem to have a good relationship?"

Lu Yunjin laughed dryly, "Is there...?"


Relationships are normal.

In fact, she is not familiar with Hua Jihan, not at all.

However, before Lu Yunjin could explain in detail, Xu Xinan spoke again.

"You seem worried about him?"

Lu Yunjin shook his head like a rattle: "No, no, absolutely not! I just greet him out of humanitarianism, on behalf of the motherland, on behalf of the party, on behalf of the vast number of netizens and his thousands of fans."

(End of this chapter)

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