Madam is sick again

Chapter 288 You are not qualified to compare with her!

Chapter 288 You are not qualified to compare with her!
Bai Xiaoxiao didn't think that she was at fault, and no one would be punished for herself.

She was right, she did this just to live a better life.

Lu Yunjin was at the side, quietly listening to Bai Xiaoxiao's words, and laughed at himself.

It turned out that for so many years, the girlfriends she had treated with all her heart and soul, never regarded her as a friend from the beginning to the end.

It turned out that for so many years, Bai Xiaoxiao only hated her.

Are you going to destroy her because you are jealous of her, because you hate her?
Zhao Qize looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with a sad face, the expression on the watch changed unpredictable, and finally became stiff and decisive.

"You are not qualified to be compared with her! You are not worthy!"

She is Bai Xiaoxiao, she is not worthy to compare with Lu Nan.

She can't even compare to Lu Nan's one finger or one strand of hair!

"At the beginning, I was blind, so I went to jail for you, and I took all the charges for you."

At the beginning, when she was harassed by the investor, he was the one who stood up to save her recklessly, and beat the investor so hard that he lay in the hospital for half a year, almost paralyzed.

At that time, he was just an orphan with no power, no power, and no money. It was inevitable to beat the investor into such a horrible state, and he would go to jail.

But at that time, he was fascinated by ghosts, and he was willing to go to jail for her.

When he came out of the prison, everything changed, and things had already changed...

"Oh, is it? Then I don't want to tell you one more thing. The investor and I designed to frame you and sent you to jail on purpose."

Tsk, in the end, this idiot jumped into the hole she dug in one fell swoop, and even put himself in prison.

Originally, she just wanted Zhao Qize to be a hero to save the beauty, and then take the opportunity to have something to do with him.

In the end, he was good enough to directly beat the investor into a cripple, and he was not interested in facing her who was tearing up most of her clothes and crying in the rain.

Just, pretending to be a gentleman, put a coat on her.

She even took off her skirt and hugged her, but he didn't even look at her, saying that he just treated her as his own sister.

From the beginning to the end, he only had Lu Nan in his eyes.

Therefore, she doesn't mind teaching him a lesson and letting that investor sue him directly to jail.

"You!!" Zhao Qize was shocked, "From the beginning to the end, it was a game set up by you and that investor?"

"Of course, after you were released from prison, your dear sister Nan has died and is no longer around. Are you very sad to hear the news? Hehe, if I can't get it, Lu Nan can't even imagine it!"

How can someone be so bad?

The host and Hua Jihan on the side, as well as the netizens in the live broadcast room, were all stunned.

Although they didn't seem to understand it very well, it didn't hinder their understanding at all.

So, at the beginning, Bai Xiaoxiao and an investor collaborated to stage an overlord attack, which attracted Zhao Qize to rescue Bai Xiaoxiao, but finally sent Zhao Qize to prison instead?
Tsk tsk, are you such a white-eyed wolf?

"Oh my god, Tuzai, did you hear that? I seem to have watched a palace fighting drama. Is this woman so scary?" Hua Jihan sighed.

After finishing speaking, she didn't hear Lu Yunjin's answer for a long time. Hua Jihan tilted her head, but saw Lu Yunjin standing there blankly, staring at Bai Xiaoxiao with a blank expression...

That look made people panic.

"Rabbit..." Hua Jihan pushed Lu Yunjin's shoulder, "What are you doing...fuck, Rabbit, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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