Madam is sick again

Chapter 289 Dismantle CP if one word disagrees?

Chapter 289 Dismantling the CP if there is a disagreement?

"Rabbit..." Hua Jihan pushed Lu Yunjin's shoulder, "What are you doing...fuck, Rabbit, what are you doing?"

Lu Yunjin stood up straight away, walked up to Bai Xiaoxiao, raised her hand, and slapped Bai Xiaoxiao twice without saying a word.

The movements are crisp and neat, and the voice is crisp and loud, which makes the listeners very happy.

The crazy little expression on Bai Xiaoxiao's face was stunned by the slap, and she looked at Lu Yunjin in disbelief.


Before Bai Xiaoxiao could say anything, Lu Yunjin raised her hand again, slapped her twice, and slapped her again.

Directly, Bai Xiaoxiao was stunned.

Even Zhao Qize, who was on the side, looked at her in surprise.

"I'm sorry, I really couldn't hold back." Lu Yunjin took a deep breath.

"The first two slaps, I slapped for the dead Lu Nan. No matter what she was in life, I really feel sad for her after having a girlfriend like you. The second two slaps, I slapped for the past. The boy who was imprisoned by you slapped him, he was blind and helped people like you, but in the end, he was bitten by you, similarly, I feel sad for him."

When Zhao Qize heard Lu Yunjin's words, he gave her a complicated look. Her second reason was a little strange...

What is the boy who was imprisoned by her before?Isn't it him?
Why do you say that?
At the scene, everyone was stunned for several seconds. In the end, Hua Jihan was the first to react.

"Damn it, Rabbit Smash! It's so handsome! Well played!"

Hua Jihan couldn't help but want to applaud Lu Yunjin.

Those four slaps were really satisfying. For such a cruel and merciless woman, this is the way to deal with it. It would be best if she was slapped so hard that her own mother would not be able to recognize her.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens launched a new round of frenzied swiping, but this time, the target was not Bai Xiaoxiao, but Lu Yunjin.

"Fuck, I feel that the young lady's action just now is so handsome! What should I do? I love it!"

"Miss Sister is awesome, she fights so well, she fights so well, this is what she should do to deal with this kind of green tea bitch, it's so relieved!"

"Miss Sister is simply a messenger of justice. Is it true? When Bai Lucha said those words, Mr. Zhao was very angry, but he didn't do anything to Bai Lucha. Most of them were concerned about his own image. He wanted to do it but didn't dare to do it. At this time Miss Lu Yunjin stepped forward and became an envoy of justice to help Mr. Zhao vent his anger. She is inexplicably very loving!"

"I'm not alone upstairs. Look at Mr. Zhao's eyes when he looked at Miss Lu Yunjin. There was shock in the complexity, gratitude in the surprise, and surprise in the accident. Those little eyes clearly showed love and love. What should I do, I want to change CP!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I feel the same way, somehow I feel that Miss Lu Yunjin is helping Mr. Zhao to slap white green tea angrily, isn't she so handsome and cool? Ahhh, I'm so popular, Miss Sister, I'm here! From now on, I will be Mr. Zhao and Lu Yunjin's cp fan, I'm sorry for you, I'm going to climb the wall."

"Add one upstairs!"

Lu Yunjin: "..."

Hua Jihan: "..."

Zhao Qize: "..."

Dismantle cp group cp if there is a disagreement?

This class of netizens may be the most difficult class of netizens they have ever led.

Bai Xiaoxiao finally woke up from the difficult fact that Lu Yunjin hit her, covered her face and screamed.

"Ahhh! What are you, you dare to hit me!"

As he said that, he raised the two or three centimeter nails he had just made, and dug towards Lu Yunjin's small face.

(End of this chapter)

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