Madam is sick again

Chapter 297 Did we know each other before?

Chapter 297 Did we know each other before?

"Oh, the good show is over, let's go, go home! Tonight is really exciting, this show is really not in vain."

Hua Jihan saved the high-definition video in the phone, and did not forget to save another copy.

Well, important files should be kept separately.

Although Hua Jihan had a good relationship with Xu Xinan, after all, he was an artist under Yaoxing, and Xu Xinan never cared about the entertainment industry. In Yaoxing, Xu Dongxiao almost covered the sky.

As for him, he really couldn't get used to Xu Dongxiao's decent appearance. Xu Dongxiao believed that he also couldn't get used to him. He had secretly poked him and his manager into wearing small shoes several times.

After Xu Dongxiao went back, the first thing he did was immediately publicize and destroy all the videos and evidence.

With Yaoxing covering the sky with one hand in the entertainment industry, Xu Dongxiao is sure to be able to do it.

At that time, the video in his hand will become a treasure, not to mention that it is an authentic live broadcast.

If Xu Dongxiao still dares to wear small shoes to deal with him in the future, then, hum, don't blame him for taking advantage of others.

Hua Jihan arranged everything clearly, and then dragged Lu Yunjin away.

Lu Yunjin stepped off the stage, and immediately went to the lounge to find Granny Zhang and Feng Ya.

But in the end, Feng Ya and Granny Zhang had already left, leaving only Nian Susu alone.

Thinking of what happened just now, Lu Yunjin felt a little worried.

Bai Xiaoxiao kept saying that Lu Nan died, and Feng Ya's cutie must have seen it, so she must be sad, otherwise, it would be impossible to leave Granny Zhang early without waiting for her.

Just as Lu Yunjin was about to find Fengya, Zhao Qize pushed open the door of the lounge.

"Miss Lu, can we talk?"

He took a tissue and covered the wound on the back of his neck with a complicated expression on his face.

Lu Yunjin had no choice but to put Fengya aside, greeted Nian Susu, and went out with Zhao Qize.

"What happened just now, thank you for your help. Mr. Zhao should go to the hospital to have a look. The toilet paper is not clean. If the wound is infected, it will be troublesome."

Although Zhao Qize was forced to owe this favor, but if you owe it, you still owe it, and you still have to pay it back.

This point, Lu Yunjin is still very clear.

"A little injury, it's okay. I've been used to rough skin and thick flesh since I was a child, so I'm not that expensive."

Zhao Qize smiled indifferently, obviously not paying attention to the wound on the back of his neck at all.

"Are you used to rough skin and thick flesh since you were young?" Lu Yunjin squinted his eyes calmly, and asked, "Mr. Zhao was joking, you are the son of the Zhao family, and you should have been rich and well-clothed since you were a child. Why? Will you get used to rough skin and thick flesh?"

She is testing him.

She really wanted to know how he changed from Aze to Zhao Qize, the prince of the Zhao family?
Zhao Qize did not disappoint her either, he explained clearly about his past.

"To be honest, Ms. Lu, in fact, I grew up in an orphanage since I was a child. I used to think that I was an orphan. It wasn't until two years ago that I returned to the Zhao family and recognized my ancestors."

So, he didn't deceive her on purpose before.

Hearing him explain to her personally, Lu Yunjin didn't know what it was like, it was a bit complicated.

"Really? Then Mr. Zhao's life experience is quite rough." Lu Yunjin smiled reluctantly.

Zhao Qize looked at her quietly, stopped talking several times, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Miss Lu, did we know each other before?"

He always felt that Lu Yunjin looked like an old friend...

(End of this chapter)

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