Madam is sick again

Chapter 298 I Don't Like Going To The Hospital Alone

Chapter 298 I Don't Like Going To The Hospital Alone

Zhao Qize looked at her quietly, stopped talking several times, and finally couldn't help asking.

"Miss Lu, did we know each other before?"

He always felt that Lu Yunjin looked like an old friend...

Like... Lu Nan.

It is clear that the two people have completely different styles, different personalities and different appearances, but it is very inexplicable, he just has a very strange intuition that she is very similar to Lu Nan.

"Do you know him?" Lu Yunjin was dazed for a moment, then smiled, "I think this should be the second time Mr. Zhao and I met. We had dinner together before the "Whisper" interview."

Zhao Qize shook his head, "I know this, I mean, a long time ago, a long time ago, did we..."

Zhao Qize was talking, but stopped again.

He also found it unbelievable, because in his impression, it was indeed the second time he saw Lu Yunjin...

However, that feeling is indescribable, as if it is familiar from the soul...

Lu Yunjin remained silent, still thinking about what Bai Xiaoxiao said just now, she said that A Ze liked her...

For so many years, she never found out that she always regarded him as her own brother.

So, for now, don't tell him.

"Mr. Zhao, did someone tell you that your way of approaching girls is very old-fashioned and outdated." Lu Yunjin raised her head with a playful smile on her face.

Zhao Qize was taken aback, strike up a conversation?

"Miss Lu, you misunderstood." Zhao Qize smiled apologetically and explained, "I just... that's all, let's not talk about it."

Sometimes, the more you explain, the deeper the misunderstanding, especially in such a situation, even he himself finds this idea ridiculous, how can Lu Yunjin believe it?

However, Lu Yunjin believed it, but she couldn't say it out.

"Mr. Zhao, thank you for your help with what happened just now. I think you should go to the hospital quickly."

Lu Yunjin wanted to get out of the way, and a smart person should be able to understand her subtext.

However, Zhao Qize was indeed a smart person, but he said that he didn't want to just let Lu Yunjin go.

"If Miss Lu is not busy, can you accompany me? I don't like to go to the hospital alone."

Lu Yunjin: "..."

He still hasn't changed, and he never wants to go to the hospital alone.

He once said that the patients in the hospital are all guarded by their family members, and if he is lying on the hospital bed alone, he will feel very insecure, and he can't help thinking, why is he an orphan?Why don't you have parents?

Therefore, every time he went to the hospital, she accompanied him.

Unexpectedly, now that he has become the eldest master of the Zhao Group, this habit has not changed at all.

Lu Yunjin hesitated for a moment, but actually wanted to refuse.

After all, things are different, she is no longer the former Lu Nan, and he is no longer the former Aze, Lu Yunjin and Zhao Qize are actually not familiar at all.

Accompanying him to the hospital will only bring back her memories of the past and only increase her sadness.

However, the thought wanted to refuse, and when he opened his mouth, he responded directly with "yes".

Lu Yunjin's brain: I don't want to go.

Lu Yunjin's mouth: No, you want to go!
After saying a good word, Lu Yunjin regretted it: "..."

She suspected that she was kidnapped by aliens just now, and it was not she who agreed to accompany Zhao Qize to the hospital just now.

However, since he had already agreed, adding Zhao Qize was because of her injury, Lu Yunjin couldn't go back on his word, so he had to accompany Zhao Qize to the hospital.

As soon as the two of them left the house, Lu Yunjin didn't see it. Behind them, a pair of dark eyes fell on the two of them faintly...

(End of this chapter)

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