Madam is sick again

Chapter 503 Mysterious Man!

Chapter 503 Mysterious Man!
She thought that Lu Yunjin would take this opportunity to make excessive demands.

From the looks of it, it was she who judged the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Well, that's the only requirement." Lu Yunjin nodded.

"Okay, I promise you." Su Hong breathed a sigh of relief, "Actually, for Xiaoya, I liked her quite a bit at first, maybe because I think she looks a bit like Xinan when she was a child, or because I have a predestined relationship with her." , anyway, the first time I saw her, I really liked this little girl, but unfortunately later..."

It's a pity that later, there was chess.

It's a pity that later, Xinan and Lu Yunjin didn't accept chess, and instead treated Fengya as their own daughters.

That's why she is dissatisfied with Fengya, and she especially prefers chess...

After agreeing with Lu Yunjin, the conversation ended happily.

After that, Su Hong insisted on dragging Lu Yunjin to go shopping, chose a pair of flat shoes for her, and then ordered the driver to take Lu Yunjin back to Xu's house in person.

After sending Lu Yunjin back to Xu's house, Su Hong couldn't wait to go straight to Xu Dongxiao's house, ready to find an excuse to take over the chess.

at the same time--

Xu Dongxiao's family——

He was upstairs in his study, making a video call.

The strange thing is that even though it was a video call, it was pitch black on the other end of the phone, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

No, if you take a closer look, you can see a thick black fog constantly flowing on the screen.

There was a rough and ugly voice on the phone.

"What are you doing with that medicine?"

Xu Dongxiao stood respectfully, with his back straight, with a flattering expression on his face.

"My lord, I'm going to give that medicine to a child. I raised that child as a puppet since childhood. Unfortunately, recently, the child has grown up and is not very obedient, so..."

Therefore, some special means are needed to let that child be used by him and do things for him.

On the phone, the rough and ugly voice rang again.

"The medicine has been given to you. What you promised me, when will you help me?"

"My lord, I am working hard recently. The person you are looking for has a very outstanding appearance. If she appears, she must not be unknown, and you also said that she is good at disguise, and she can change forms like a human skin mask. If she changed her skin, I'm afraid I'm looking for a needle in a haystack..."

Xu Dongxiao nodded and bowed like a grandson on the surface, respectful, but he was a mmp in his heart.

I just gave him a photo and told him that the person can disguise himself. As for the rest, there is no information at all. There are billions of people in China, how can I find it?

Isn't this looking for a needle in a haystack?

"Stop talking nonsense! I only give you one month, if you can't find that person again, don't blame me for being rude to you!!"

The rough and ugly voice was tinged with anger.

Then, the video call was cut off.

"Huh—" Xu Dongxiao let out a long sigh of relief, and sat slumped on the chair, his face so ugly that he seemed to have eaten Xiang Xiang.

"Damn it, what kind of onion are you? If it weren't for this elixir, you think I would like to lick your ass like a pug? Shit!"

Xu Dongxiao cursed and cursed for a long time, but he couldn't get enough of it, and then kicked over the desk in front of him.

"Kangdang—" There was a loud noise.

Then, I heard the sound of "Dengdengdeng--", the sound of rushing upstairs.

"Uncle!" Panting heavily, Qiqi ran in on short legs, and ran up to Xu Dongxiao nervously, "What's wrong? Are you not injured?"

(End of this chapter)

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