Madam is sick again

Chapter 504 Distressed?regret?

Chapter 504 Distressed?regret?
"Kangdang—" There was a loud noise.

Then, I heard the sound of "Dengdengdeng--", the sound of rushing upstairs.

"Uncle!" Panting heavily, Qiqi ran in on short legs, and ran up to Xu Dongxiao nervously, "What's wrong? Are you not injured?"

"Who let you into my room? Didn't I say that you are not allowed to enter my room without knocking?"

Xu Dongxiao's anger still persisted, he stared at Qiqi and scolded him.

Qiqi shrank her small body, apparently startled by Xu Dongxiao's scolding.

However, her big round eyes still fell on Xu Dongxiao's body, she checked up and down stubbornly and nervously, as if she was relieved after confirming that he was really fine and not injured.

"Uncle—" Qiqi pursed his mouth in aggrieved way, "Qiqi made a mistake, I'm going out now."

She lowered her head and looked depressed, as if she hadn't thought about why her uncle, who had always loved her so much, suddenly became angry with her.

In the past, she often came in without knocking, and my uncle was never angry.

This time, why are you so angry?
Did Chess do something wrong?
Chess remember, before entering the door in the future, you must knock on the door first.

Poor Qiqi, at such a young age, is already so sensible, so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

"Wait a minute—" Xu Dongxiao picked up the freshly poured milk on the table, hesitated for a moment, and quickly put the pill in his hand into the milk.

It is a small white pill, colorless and odorless, it dissolves when it meets water, and there is no abnormality.

"Uncle?" Qiqi turned around in surprise, with obvious joy on his little face.

In fact, Qiqi is really very satisfying, just like now, she was sad and frustrated because her uncle reprimanded her just a second ago.

But in the next second, just because Xu Dongxiao called her to wait, when she turned around and saw Xu Dongxiao handing her a glass of milk, she could immediately forget all the unpleasantness before.

Because of a glass of milk, and even because of Xu Dongxiao's simple "wait a minute", she immediately cheered up.

You don't need coaxing at all.

"Drink this glass of milk." Xu Dongxiao handed the milk to Qiqi.

In fact, Qiqi didn't like to drink milk since she was a child. She always said that milk is not good, and she prefers to drink orange juice.

But it was too hasty just now, Xu Dongxiao only had a glass of milk at hand, so in desperation, he put the pills into the milk.

Perhaps, he knows chess and chess, and knows that she is very well-behaved and sensible.

Perhaps, he was forcing himself to make a decision, afraid that he would not want to do it when he was in a better mood.

Anyway, in the end, Qiqi happily took the milk.

She has a small face, and when she tilts her head up to drink milk, the milk glass covers almost half of her face and plate.

After drinking, a circle of milky white floats around the lips.

She even stuck out her little tongue and licked the milk on her lips.

Well, the milk uncle brought her to drink himself. Uncle is in a bad mood now, so she must drink all of it.

Xu Dongxiao watched Qiqi drink a whole glass of milk with his own eyes, but in his heart, he was not as relaxed as he imagined. Instead, he felt like he was being crushed by a heavy stone.

He couldn't breathe under the pressure.

It's hard, it's hard.

Xu Dongxiao stretched out his hand to cover his heart, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

In the heart, there was a sudden pain of suffocation.

Are you sorry?
Still reluctant?


Xu Dongxiao, you can't be softhearted!
Qiqi is not your daughter, she is just a pawn!

(End of this chapter)

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