Madam is sick again

Chapter 505 Chess becomes a puppet!

Chapter 505 Chess becomes a puppet!

Xu Dongxiao, you can't be softhearted!
Qiqi is not your daughter, she is just a pawn!

Yes, it's just a pawn, you can't be softhearted! !
Xu Dongxiao hypnotized himself repeatedly, the dense suffocation in his heart finally relaxed.


Seeing him clutching his heart in discomfort, Qiqi immediately ran up to him nervously.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? Is your heart uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Qiqi grabbed Xu Dongxiao's sleeve with one hand, then stepped on the table that Xu Dongxiao had just kicked down, trying to put his feet on his feet, and gently patted Xu Dongxiao's back with his other small hand, with clumsy and cute movements.

As soon as Xu Dongxiao raised his head, he met Shangqiqi's cute and nervous eyes, and the psychological defense line he had just established immediately collapsed.

In his heart, the suffocation became stronger again, and he almost died of pressure.

"Get out! Get out!"

Xu Dong and Xiao Hong roared angrily, pushing Qiqi's small body away.

She was standing on the desk that Xu Dongxiao fell over, she was still standing on tiptoe, she was not able to stand firmly, but Xu Dongxiao pushed her so hard...

The small body immediately fell backwards, and there was a muffled "boom -" sound, and the back of the head hit the ground.

"Hiss—" Qiqi was in pain, and his face was pale.

"Chess!" Xu Dongxiao's heart suddenly picked up, and he immediately stretched out his hand nervously to hold the chess piece.

However, halfway through his hand, he froze suddenly, and half a second later, he retracted his hand uncomfortably.

Seeing Qiqi's small body lying on the ground, with a pale face, obviously in extreme pain but trying to bear it, Xu Dongxiao tried hard to suppress the depression in his heart and turned his head away.


Qiqi got up from the ground with his little hands, endured the pain, looked at Xu Dongxiao's back, and even grinned cutely.

"Chess doesn't hurt."

Chess doesn't hurt, so uncle don't blame himself, don't blame yourself for pushing chess...

Xu Dongxiao's body froze suddenly, as if he had made a big decision, he turned around and grabbed Qiqi's shoulder uncontrollably.

"Qiqi, spit out the milk just now, quick! Spit it out!!"

His voice was still a little trembling, not just from fear but also from regret.

In addition to trembling, his tone was very rapid.

It seems that I am afraid that I will regret it...

"Uncle, why?" Qiqi tilted his head, looking puzzled.

"Tell you to spit it out and you spit it out. Why are there so many? Come on!"

Xu Dongxiao's tone was hurried, and he didn't know if it was because he was too impatient, even his eyes were a little red.

Qiqi was quite frightened by his appearance, and stood there blankly, a little at a loss.

"Uncle, what's the matter with you? Why do you want Qiqi to spit out milk? Uncle brought it to Qiqi himself, and Qiqi has already drank it all. Look, uncle, Qiqi is very obedient, so..."

So, uncle, don't be aggressive, okay?
However, she hadn't had time to say her last words...

Qiqi only felt that a warm force suddenly gushed out from his heart, and it quickly spread all over his body, which was very warm and very comfortable.

As if being illuminated by the Buddha's light, Qiqi seemed to see that his whole body was covered with golden light.

But soon, amidst this warm feeling, she suddenly felt sleepy and wanted to sleep.

Thinking seems to be frozen, a little bit, fell into a deep sleep...

Xu Dongxiao looked at Qiqi's little face that suddenly became sluggish, and those big dark eyes that always turned around nimbly, suddenly froze at this moment...

The whole person becomes lifeless...

looking at him dumbly...

Like a puppet, no, to be precise, or... a puppet!
(End of this chapter)

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