Madam is sick again

Chapter 506 It's All Xu Xinan's Fault! !

Chapter 506 It's All Xu Xinan's Fault! !

Xu Dongxiao looked at Qiqi's little face that suddenly became sluggish, and those big dark eyes that always turned around nimbly, suddenly froze at this moment...

The whole person becomes lifeless...

looking at him dumbly...

Like a puppet, no, to be precise, or... a puppet!
The effect of the's happening! !
It's too late.

Qiqi's small body stood upright, his eyes were dull and dull, and he looked at him steadily, as if waiting for her to give an order.

Xu Dongxiao slumped to the ground, his voice trembling, "Chess?"

The girl didn't respond.


Xu Dongxiao was oppressed and out of breath.

This is clearly the result he wants to see, this is clearly the ending he wants.

Things obviously went smoothly, but at this moment...

Looking at the cute and well-behaved little girl, the little girl who clings to him and follows his ass all day, has become what she is now.

In his heart, he felt unspeakably oppressed and uncomfortable.

Are you sorry?
No!He won't regret it!Absolutely not! !
Soon, he will be able to send the chess to Xu Xinan's side...

Thinking of this, he pushed himself up from the ground, looked at Qiqi's small face, and there was a hint of ruthlessness on his face.

"Qiqi, don't blame uncle, if you want to blame, blame Xu Xinan for not accepting you!!"

Yes, it's not his fault, none of this is his fault.

It's all Xu Xinan's fault! !

Only Qiqi can help him work as an undercover agent beside Xu Xinan. The position of the head of the Xu family and the successor of the Xu Group will all belong to him, Xu Dongxiao, sooner or later.

So what if he couldn't enter the Xu family's ancestral hall, what about the illegitimate child?
Su Hong, Xu Fusheng, Xu Xinan, he wanted to prove to them, to prove to everyone in the Xu family that he, Xu Dongxiao, was a hundred times better than Xu Xinan!
Xu Dongxiao led Qiqi downstairs, and was about to find an excuse to send him to Xu's house, but Su Hong came to the door by himself.

"Chess——" Su Hong's eyes lit up when he saw Qiqi, and he ran up in three steps at a time, hugging Qiqi's small body in his arms.

"Oh, I miss my grandma. Did Qiqi miss her?"

Qiqi's body was stiff, his face was expressionless, he didn't move and didn't speak.

"Chess?" Su Hong was a little surprised, "What's wrong with this kid?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and touched Tan Qiqi's forehead with a worried look on his face.

"I don't have a fever..."

"Qiqi, why are you staring blankly? She is your grandma, quickly call grandma!" Xu Dongxiao said from the side.

Only then did Qiqi's stiff little face regain some popularity, rolled his eyes, and then called out, "Grandma, Qiqi misses you."

"Hey, Chess is so good!"

Hearing her precious son and granddaughter calling her grandma obediently, Su Hong smiled happily, and immediately put aside the doubts she had just had.

She thought that yesterday in the old house, the child was angry with her, that's why she came back to Xu Dongxiao with Xinan crying.

Unexpectedly, Qiqi would still recognize her as a grandma, and even said that she missed her.

So good, so good.

Su Hong's eyes were a little moist, and she stretched out her hand to rub Qiqi's little head, but accidentally touched the back of her head, which was swollen and high...

On the hand, it is still a little sticky.

Su Hong withdrew her hand, and after seeing the bright red blood on her hand, she was so frightened that she felt ill.

"God, what's going on here? Qiqi, why is the back of your head bleeding? There's such a big swollen piece?"


[The author has something to say: the plot in the later period is a little bit fantasy, but it does not affect the reading, and the main line remains unchanged!

It’s the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass~]

(End of this chapter)

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