Madam is sick again

Chapter 513 Is Lu Nan True or False?

Chapter 513 Is Lu Nan True or False?


Feng Ya tilted her small head and looked at her suspiciously.

"They all said you were dead, why are you still alive?"

Fengya cutie said that she likes Lu Nan very much, but this question is really, emmmmm, very rigid!
They all say that you are dead, why are you still alive?
This tone, as if can't wait for people to die.

The corner of the woman's mouth twitched: "..."

But she couldn't answer this question.

Is it possible to tell the girl in front of me that she crawled out of the grave?
An unnatural look flashed across the woman's face, but it quickly disappeared.

"Little friend, what's your name? I think we are so destined, why don't I invite you to dinner, and let's chat while eating?"

The woman raised a kind smile on her face, and tried her best to present an image in front of Feng Ya that I am a good person, I am a good person, I am a super invincible and good person.

"My name is Feng Ya, the wind of the kite, the elegant Ya, sister, you haven't told me how you survived yet."

Feng Ya expresses that she doesn't like this at all.

Self-introduction is self-introduction, but there is still one question that should be asked.

As for eating?I'm sorry, Fengya cutie said that she can't eat with strangers.

Although I like Lu Nan, what if this Lu Nan is a bad person and kidnaps her?
At this point, Feng Ya is very clever.

"Sister, why don't you talk? You haven't answered my question yet."

The woman's face darkened: "..."

This little brat is still holding on to this question, isn't he?

"My sister is not dead. I am dead in the eyes of the world. That is just a blindfold."

The woman maintains a deceptive professional smirk on her face.

However, Fengya's little witty ghost expressed his disbelief and further raised his own doubts.

"What kind of blindfold? I watched on TV, you jumped from the top of the Dingguan Building, your head was smashed, and blood flowed all over the floor. Can you still live if you fall like this?"

Fengya cutie raised her own question with a serious and puzzled face.

That serious appearance made one have to believe that she really just didn't understand, rather than finding fault on purpose.

The woman froze: "..."

She didn't expect that the little kid in front of her was actually her fan, and she even knew how she died.

Such a small kid, only three years old, so courageous, watching the video of her jumping off a building?Or is it too busy to chase stars?
Doesn't she even go to kindergarten?
It was a bit difficult to maintain the professional fake smile on the woman's face.

"Little friend, have you heard of rebirth? In this world, there are actually many fantasy things. It's nothing if your brain is broken. As long as your soul is immortal, you are not considered dead."

The woman lowered her voice, making her voice sound as low and terrifying as possible.

Today's little kids don't understand anything, and they have seen too much Ultraman. They will definitely believe this kind of fantasy excuse.

However, is Feng Ya an ordinary brat?
Fengya shows with actions that it is not!
"So you are reborn? Then why do you look exactly the same as before? My mother-in-law said that if a person is reborn, there are generally two ways, one is that the soul resides in someone else's body and becomes another person, and the other is It's body remodeling.

But the mother-in-law also said that the body remodeler needs a huge amount of mana to support, and the body remodeling is extremely time-consuming. Ordinary souls will be dissipated before the body remodeling is completed, so this situation is basically impossible. of. "

Lu Nan:? ? ?
Lu Nan: "..."

My heart is simply MMP!

(End of this chapter)

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