Madam is sick again

Chapter 514 You Betrayed Pride, You Are a Bad Person!

Chapter 514 You Betrayed Pride, You Are a Bad Person!
Lu Nan:? ? ?
Lu Nan: "..."

My heart is simply MMP!
Little kids these days don't go to kindergarten, only watch TV dramas and novels?

The great truths of fantasy, one pile after another, all the ways of the world.

Seeing that the woman was silent, Feng Ya tilted her head and continued to popularize science.

"So, sister, how could you be reborn from the body? You must be reborn from the soul. Since you are reborn from the soul, how can you be exactly the same as your previous appearance?"

Lu Nan: "..."

This little brat can talk nonsense better than her.

"Fengya, who taught you what you said?"

The woman tried to divert Feng Ya's attention again.

However, is Fengya the kind who is easily taken away?nonexistent.

"Mother-in-law! Sister, don't try to change the subject. If you don't answer my question, I will keep asking you."

The elegant little face is full of seriousness and persistence, giving full play to the tireless spirit of studying when you don't understand.

Lu Nan:? ? ?
She suddenly discovered that from the very beginning, she shouldn't have deliberately approached Fengya.

She thought she was just a harmless little girl, but in the end, she turned out to be an out-and-out little devil...

Fortunately, when the woman racked her brains and couldn't think of an excuse to fool the little girl, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Fengya? Why are you here?"

It was Xu Xinan's voice.

Xu Xinan walked up to Feng Ya and rubbed the little girl's head.

"Where's Yun Jin? She's not with you..."

Halfway through, after seeing the woman in front of Feng Ya, the man's dark pupils suddenly constricted.

Lu... Nan? ? ?

When the woman saw Xu Xinan, it was like a mouse seeing a cat. She covered her face in a panic and tried to run away.

But the man grabbed his wrist...

"Mr. Xu, let me go..."

The woman's voice was flustered and trembling.

"I didn't come to you on purpose, I just wanted to see my child..."

child? ? ?

Xu Xinan's pupils constricted suddenly, "What child?"

Lu Nan is obviously dead...

No, how could she still be alive?

At this moment, Xu Xinan was extremely flustered, he thought of that night, the ridiculous night between him and Lu Nan.

He thought of chess and chess, the scene at the door of the operating room three years ago, and the trembling thin back of the girl as she walked into the operating room step by step.

He also thought of Lu Yunjin...

Thinking of how hard it was for him and her to get to where they are today, thinking of the "Queen" that hasn't been sent out yet...

"Mr. Xu, child, our child, don't you remember? Don't get me wrong, I'm here just to see her, I won't snatch her from you..."

our children……

Before Xu Xinan could say anything, Feng Ya pushed Xu Xinan away first, his small face was full of anger.

Grinning at the small appearance, very much like a little animal protecting the calf.

"You and her child? That Qiqi is your and Lu Nan's child? What about Jinjin? You betrayed Jinjin, you are a bad person!!"

Fengya was so angry that even grandma stopped calling.

In her small world, grandma had a child with another woman, which was a betrayal of pride.

That kind of feeling is like, if one day, Jinjin has other children, because of other children, she doesn't like Fengya anymore.

Fengya will also feel that her modesty has betrayed her, and Fengya will also be very sad.

Therefore, I empathize with you, and if you know about it, you will be very sad and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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