Madam is sick again

Chapter 526 Chess is fake

Chapter 526 Chess is fake

Lu Yunjin leaned closer, looking at this beautiful face that belonged to him in the past, with a playful grin on the corner of his mouth.

It feels a bit magical to do things with my own face.

Lu Yunjin was eager to try.

As for the woman in front of her, it was a bit difficult. In desperation, she had no choice but to use the same old rhetoric.

"Well, Mrs. Su may not believe it. I still can't believe it. When I jumped from the top of the Dingguan Building, I was rescued by a mysterious person. That person collected My remnant soul helped me reshape my physical body, and then awakened my soul, so I was reborn."

As far as she knew, Su Hong's biggest characteristic was his belief in Buddhism.

That being the case, although these fantasy things are unbelievable, she should be able to accept them.

Sure enough, when Su Hong heard the woman say that, she was deeply shocked.

"Is there really such a fantasy thing?"

Su Hong is a person who usually doesn't know if he has done something wrong, so he still believes in Buddhism and religion.

Hearing what Lu Nan said at this moment, apart from being shocked, he was full of excitement.

Su Hong had also heard about the legend of the setting sun forest, and she believed in the theory of whether ghosts and gods really existed in this world.

It's just that she didn't expect that in her lifetime, she would actually encounter such a mysterious thing in person.

As soon as the woman saw that Su Hong believed her, she immediately blatantly talked to her, taking the opportunity to increase her favorability.

Lu Yunjin stood aside with folded arms, quietly watching her perform.

However, this world is indeed very mysterious.

The counterfeit in front of him didn't show any signs of plastic surgery, maybe he really turned into Lu Nan in some special way.

For example... just like Granny Zhang, wearing a human skin mask.

Another example...some spells or pills that can change a person's appearance.

It seems that the only way to go back and ask Granny Zhang about this matter is.

Lu Yunjin went to the bathroom while the two were chatting, and took the opportunity to call Feng Ya.

On the phone, Fengya's cute little voice rang.

"Hey, reserved—"

"Xiaoya, give the phone to Granny Zhang, I have something to ask her."

Feng Ya obediently gave the phone to Granny Zhang, Lu Yunjin was still thinking about asking about chess or the human skin mask first, but Granny Zhang had already spoken on the other end of the phone.

"The small one was fed a puppet pill, and the big one was a human skin mask."

Lu Yunjin:? ? ?

Why is Granny Zhang like the roundworm in her stomach?

Devil or Xiuer?
She obviously hasn't started asking yet!


"Also, Qiqi is fake."

Granny Zhang silently glanced at Feng Ya beside her.

Also, the human skin mask was too rough, and it didn't inherit her essence at all.

Bad review!

Lu Yunjin:? ? ?

Three question marks.

What is Puppet Pill?
Also, what does it mean that chess is fake? ! !
Isn't Qiqi Xinan's daughter?Not her daughter? ? ?

"Grandma, what do you mean? Isn't Qiqi the daughter of Xinan and me? How do you know?" Lu Yunjin suddenly asked eagerly.

However, on the other end of the phone, there was only Granny Zhang's sentence "The secret must not be revealed", and then there was a blind tone...

Lu Yunjin: "..."

God's secrets must not be revealed!


Meanwhile, the orphanage—

Hua Jihan also managed to find Xu Dongxiao's trace in a bunch of orphanage adoption records.

"This man, do you still remember the specific situation of the child he adopted at that time?"

Hua Jihan pointed to the figure of Xu Dongxiao in the video.

(End of this chapter)

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