Madam is sick again

Chapter 527 Is it a coincidence or something else...

Chapter 527 Is it a coincidence or something else...

"This man, do you still remember the specific situation of the child he adopted at that time?"

Hua Jihan pointed to the figure of Xu Dongxiao in the video.

Xu Dongxiao did all his calculations, but he didn't expect that the director of the orphanage suffered from indirect amnesia, so she quietly installed surveillance cameras everywhere in the orphanage.

Moreover, in order to prevent herself from forgetting, in addition to videos, she also specially used electronic files and paper files to record any changes in the population flow in the orphanage.

"This person...Hua Shao, wait a moment, this happened more than two years ago, I don't remember much."

The dean adjusted his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and dug out all the files from three years ago from a pile of thick files.

"It's all here, Hua Shao, check it out slowly, old lady, I am old, my eyesight is not good, my heart is more than enough but my strength is not enough, I am afraid I can't help you much."

Every year, there are eight hundred people who come to the orphanage to adopt children, if not one thousand. There is a thick stack of information. When will this be turned over?
Hua Jihan used the orphanage's computer system to check, but there was no Xu Dongxiao's name. He guessed that Xu Dongxiao might not have used his real name at the time.

Therefore, only in the most primitive way, flip! !

Hua Jihan showed his seriousness in dealing with gossip, opened his eyes wide, and flipped through a pile of materials.

After about half an hour...

"Hahahahahaha, I found it!!"

Hua Jihan took out one of the documents, and on it, there was a photo taken by Xu Dongxiao taking chess with him.

Sure enough, Xu Dongxiao used a fake name.

Hua Jihan sighed, since it is a good deed and simply adopts a child, why use a fake ID card?

Sure enough, there are tricks!
"Dean, do you still have any memory of the child in this man's arms? Where did it come from?"

Hua Jihan pointed to the baby in Xu Dongxiao's arms in the photo and asked.

Judging by its facial features, it should be chess.

The dean pushed his presbyopic glasses, squinted his eyes for a closer look, and searched through the information for a long time before finally finding it.

"This child should have come from the city hospital. A kind-hearted person picked her up in the hospital. Seeing that no one claimed her, she was sent to the orphanage."

city ​​hospital...

Hua Jihan frowned, is it such a coincidence?

According to what he found, after Lin Meiying and Wang Ritian strangled the child to death, they were sent to the city hospital...

However, if that child is really Qiqi, Xu Dongxiao's adoption is also fair and aboveboard, so why use a fake name?
Isn't it superfluous?

"By the way, when the dean was sent here, did he have any bruises on his neck, like the marks of being pinched by someone?"

The dean shook his head without thinking, "No."

"Are you sure? Dean, do you need to think about it?"

Hua Jihan didn't quite believe it.

It's better to be cautious about this kind of thing.

"I'm sure, if the child sent here has traces of being strangled, I will definitely remember such a big thing. Moreover, if it is really strangled, it is impossible to send it to our orphanage. It should be the police station. It is." The dean said with certainty.

No trace of being pinched...

Very good, it seems that it is necessary to do a paternity test report again.

Hua Jihan began to wonder if something went wrong with the specimen Lu Yunjin took for examination.

Hua Jihan rubbed his hands excitedly, feeling so exciting. This feeling of Sherlock Holmes solving the case was more exciting than listening to gossip.

(End of this chapter)

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