Chapter 532
"It's delicious and sweet."

"is it?"

Looking at the smiling face of the girl in front of him, the man's voice was suppressed in the deepest part of his throat.

"I'll try it."

Lu Yunjin was taken aback for a moment, then just watched...

The man stretched out his hand, put it on Fengya's head, twisted her little head aside, and leaned forward...

A little warmth on the lips...

"Well, it's really sweet."

Lu Yunjin: "...!!!"

this man!
"That's because you put too much brown sugar and too little water!" Lu Yunjin said angrily.

Is it too late for her to take back what she just said?

The man took a deep look at her and corrected, "I mean, you're sweet."

Lu Yunjin:! ! ! ! !

Rustic love story?
This man, why is his head suddenly turned on, so deceptive?
What's more, there is a little Fengya next to her.

"What if I fail to teach Fengya?"

"will not."

Feng Ya who had her head twisted: "..."

Said to be used to it.



As soon as Lu Yunjin sat down, Xu Xinan brought a plate of braised pork on the table in front of her as if offering a treasure.

"Try it."

The man spoke calmly, seemingly indifferent, but the corners of his lips were slightly pursed.

He seems a little nervous?

Lu Yunjin's heart moved, "Xinan, you didn't make this yourself, did you?"

It happened that Sinan was wearing an apron.


The man pursed his thin lips slightly, picked up a piece of fat but lean meat with his own hands, and handed it to Lu Yunjin.

"Open your mouth."

Lu Yunjin: "..."

Can she refuse?

Looking at the fatty piece of meat, Lu Yunjin only felt his stomach churning.

Reluctantly opened his mouth, as soon as the sweet taste entered his mouth, it seemed to be magnified countless times...


Lu Yunjin's stomach was churning for a while, she hurriedly pulled a tissue to spit out the meat, stood up and ran to the bathroom.

Xu Xinan's face darkened instantly: "..."

Is what he made so unpalatable?

Su Hong looked at Lu Yunjin indifferently, "It's okay, it's just morning sickness, it's normal."

She thought Lu Yunjin was pregnant, so she thought it was morning sickness.

But Xu Xinan didn't think so, she was immersed in the negative emotions that she made Lu Yunjin's braised pork with her own hands, and she threw up without taking a bite.

Then, after being negative for three seconds, he decisively sent a text message to Secretary Zhang, asking him to enroll himself in a chef class.

Secretary Zhang who is eating at home:_

Chef class? ? ?
Mr. Xu's precious hands, which are only used to sign documents, are going to learn how to cook? ?
He seemed to smell the smell of old dog food.

People sit at home, and dog food comes from the sky.

Blue skinny mushroom.jpg
Let's talk about the Xu family——

Seeing that Jinjin vomited after eating a piece of braised pork, Fengya was very curious, stretched out her chopsticks to pick up the pork, and took a bite.

Well, not tasty.

Too much sugar, a little too sweet.

But it's still within the acceptable range, it's an exaggeration to be reserved.

Thinking of this, Fengya picked up another chopstick of braised pork.

Well, it's the first time grandma cooks, although it's not delicious, but she still has to pretend to be delicious, to give him some confidence, and to give him a personal show.

There are a lot of small truths in Fengya's stomach, and she still doesn't forget to give a thumbs up while eating, comforting the frustrated Xu Xinan.

"It's still delicious. Don't be discouraged, grandma. Continue to work hard in the future to make more delicious food, so that you don't have to cook by yourself when you stay at home and don't have a babysitter."

Fengya cutie makes things clear.

(End of this chapter)

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