Chapter 533

"It's still delicious. Don't be discouraged, grandma. Continue to work hard in the future to make more delicious food, so that you don't have to cook by yourself when you stay at home and don't have a babysitter."

Fengya cutie makes things clear.

Xu Xinan:? ? ?

So the reason why you encourage me so much is to let me practice my cooking skills so that I can cook for Yun Jin and you in the future? ?

You are such a clever little devil.

On the opposite side, Lu Nan stared at the plate of braised pork, with a flash of jealousy in his eyes.

She likes to eat sweet food, just now she wanted to try it with chopsticks, but Xu Xinan ruthlessly refused, saying, this is specially made for his wife, only Lu Yunjin can eat it.

Even Su Hong wanted to have a taste of Xu Xinan's craftsmanship, but he ruthlessly rejected him.

As a result, an unrelated brat is now allowed to eat whatever he wants.

Su Hong glanced at the cheerful Xiao Fengya, but didn't say anything, but made up her mind secretly.

In the future, she must make Qiqi more important than Fengya in Xinan's heart.


While sleeping at night, Fengya pulls Lu Yunjin into her camp, and the two of them agree to speak out.

He decisively drove Xu Xinan to sleep in the guest room.

Xu Xinan was depressed, Xu Xinan was wronged, Xu Xinan was miserable.

However, one of the opponents is his daughter-in-law, and the other is Xiao Fengya like a daughter, emmm...

If only Feng Ya drove him away, he would still pick up the little girl and throw her into the guest room without changing his face.

But there is also my own daughter-in-law...

What can Xu Xinan do?Isn't it just pampering?

However, before he left with the quilt and pillow in his arms, he looked at Lu Yunjin with resentful little eyes, just like a resentful woman who has a new love and does not want an old love.

After feeling a little guilty in her heart, Lu Yunjin happily lay on the bed hugging Xiao Fengya's soft body.

How nice not to have Xu Xinan tell a bedtime story!

"Jinjin, what are you doing sneaking into Lu Nan's room this afternoon?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Lu Yunjin smiled mysteriously, took out her mobile phone, and clicked on the monitor.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the scene of the guest room suddenly appeared.

Lu Nan was holding Qiqi and was singing nursery rhymes to her. Qiqi was nestled in Lu Nan's arms obediently, his little head was beating little by little, obviously, he was almost asleep.

Lu Nan patted the little girl's back, closed her eyes, and began to sleep.

Lu Yunjin frowned.

Unexpectedly, this woman is so vigilant, doesn't she tear off her human skin mask while sleeping?

"Xiaoya, I need your crow's mouth, let Lu Nan tear off the human skin mask on his face."

Human skin mask?

Fengya doesn't understand.

"Isn't Lu Nan just Lu Nan? Why is there a human skin mask? Is it the kind of human skin mask that can change faces like my mother-in-law?"

"You'll know in a while." Lu Yunjin smiled mysteriously.

However, when mentioning Granny Zhang, Lu Yunjin asked casually, "By the way, where is Granny? Why didn't she come with you?"

"My mother-in-law said she wanted to stay at home, so I came by myself, but be reserved, did Lu Nan really wear a human skin mask?"

Lu Yunjin raised his eyebrows: "Whether you wear it or not, you will know if you try it?"

Feng Ya nodded, a flash of excitement suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"Okay, let me tell you! In the next second, Lu Nan will definitely take off the human skin mask!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the woman on the screen suddenly stretched out her hand from under the quilt, and kept scratching her face.

The expression is a little painful.

Then, after scratching for a while, she simply put her hand behind her ear and slowly tore off a piece of skin...

(End of this chapter)

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