Madam is sick again

Chapter 535 Could Fengya Be Hers...

Chapter 535 Could Fengya Be Hers...

Lu Yunjin looked at Fengya's sad face, and said tentatively, "Xiaoya, if I tell you, I am Lu Nan, would you believe me?"

She just said it on a whim.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing her words, Feng Ya suddenly raised her head, her eyes lit up like light bulbs, and she looked excited.

"Really? Are you born again?"

She believed it.

Since rebirth, Lu Yunjin has never said this sentence, never mentioned this matter in front of anyone.

Now, what she has experienced is more and more full of fantasy, and she still keeps this secret tightly.

Even Xu Xinan, she never told him.

Even when she learned that Qiqi was her daughter and the fake Lu Nan met Qiqi in front of her, she held back her words.

But now, Lu Yunjin didn't expect that she would tell Fengya on a whim.

What's more, Feng Ya actually believed it.

Lu Yunjin thought that marrying Xu Xinan and meeting Feng Ya and Granny Zhang were probably the two luckiest things she had encountered since her rebirth.

Such a fantasy thing was really placed in front of Feng Ya, but she didn't even have the slightest hesitation, she just believed it.

This is Fengya's unconditional trust in Lu Yunjin, and this is the indestructible relationship between the two.

Lu Yunjin's heart softened, and she held Feng Ya in her arms.

"Yes, it's true, but Xiaoya, this is my biggest secret, you must help me keep the secret, you know?"

Feng Ya excitedly nodded her head, "Yeah, reserved, that's great. No wonder I liked Lu Nan so much the first time I saw her. I didn't expect her to be reserved."

Lu Yunjin smiled.

Yes, the fate between people is really amazing.

"Jinjin, can't even mother-in-law say it?"

Granny Zhang?
Lu Yunjin froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered what she said on the phone during the day.

"She should know."

Granny Zhang is so mysterious, it's not surprising that she knows it.

Feng Ya nodded, agreeing.

"Yes, my mother-in-law said that she knows the art of divination, she can know astronomy and geography, so my mother-in-law knows everything, that's why she saved me in the hospital before.

My mother-in-law said that when she rescued me, I was already dead, and there were bruises on my neck from being strangled, but she brought me back to life with fairy water.

My mother-in-law also gave me my crow's mouth, she said it was for me to protect myself, be reserved, do you think my mother-in-law is very powerful? "

Perhaps it was because she was in a good mood after knowing that Lu Yunjin was Lu Nan, and Fengya kept talking excitedly.

However, Lu Yunjin keenly grasped the point of her words...

Why do you have bruises on your neck from being pinched?

Lu Yunjin's heart skipped a beat, and her breathing was a little short.

"Fengya, what do you mean to say, when Granny Zhang picked you up in the city hospital, there were bruises on your neck from someone pinching you, and you were already dead at that time?"

The mother-in-law said that chess and chess are fake...

Feng Ya said that she had bruises on her neck.

Same age, same city hospital, same bruises...

And that photo, which was composed of photos of Lu Nan and Xi Nan when they were young, is very similar to Feng Ya...

A vague, absurd, incredible idea slowly formed in my mind...

Lu Yunjin suffocated for breath and almost fainted, she took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

Before she is sure, she can't mess up on her own.

(End of this chapter)

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