Madam is sick again

Chapter 536 Star Birthmark...

Chapter 536 Star Birthmark...

Lu Yunjin suffocated for breath and almost fainted, she took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down.

Before she is sure, she can't mess up on her own.

"Fengya, tell me, is it true? Do you remember anything else?"

"It's true, my mother-in-law said that although a person's body is dead, within an hour of death, the soul does not leave the body, that is, the brain is still alive, it is not considered dead, and it can be completely saved. So at that time, I vaguely I remember that I was in a very cold place, and then I seemed to be brought out by someone, and then picked up by my mother-in-law."

Fengya is very smart, Fengya is a genius.

Therefore, she remembered all the very small things when she was a child.


Thinking of this, Fengya lowered her head in frustration.

Unfortunately, I can't remember what my mother looks like...

The mother-in-law said that she stopped drinking the fairy water and returned to her normal appearance, and she will be able to see her mother soon.

But after so long, she has not found her mother.

She has asked many times where her mother is and who her mother is, but her mother-in-law always said that the secrets should not be revealed and refused to tell her.

Fengya almost gave up, Fengya sometimes even thought about whether her mother has a new family now and has a baby with another man.

Mom has a new baby, so don't come to Fengya, so don't Fengya?
Different from Lu Yunjin's excitement and nervousness, Fengya's mood dropped a little bit...

very cold place...

Wang Ritian said that after her daughter was strangled to death by Lin Meiying, it was Wang Ritian who threw her into the morgue of the city hospital.

Isn't it cold there?

So, Fengya is likely to be...

Lu Yunjin's heart almost jumped out, and she was so nervous that she couldn't say a word.

"Xiaoya, can you, can you show me your back?"

Lu Yunjin trembled when she heard her own words.

Fengya cutie didn't hear anything unusual, she was in a depressed mood that her mother had other cuties and wanted her away.

When Jin Jin said that she wanted to watch her back, she didn't ask why, she turned around obediently, lifted up her pajamas, and exposed her back...

Lu Yunjin closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said several times in her heart to calm down before she managed to restrain her nervousness.

Little by little, open your eyes...

His eyes fell on the elegant and clean back.

She remembered that her daughter had a pink birthmark in the shape of a star on the right side of her back, near her right waist.

About the size of a pinky fingernail.

More conspicuous, belonging to the kind that can be seen at a glance.


On Fengya's back...

The light in Lu Yunjin's eyes dimmed instantly.

Perhaps the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

No, nothing.

There is nothing on Fengya's back.

There are no star-shaped birthmarks the size of fingernails.

She is not my daughter...

Lu Yunjin suddenly laughed at himself, yes, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?

And Fengya, with her head down, immersed in the sadness of not being able to find her mother, thought of Lu Yunjin looking at her back, and still had time to think about other things.

The mother-in-law said that she used to have a birthmark on her back, but the mother-in-law used water to remove the birthmark.

Because when the mother-in-law picked her up, she was strangled to death, and the mother-in-law was afraid that the birthmark would bring her danger.

Therefore, Granny Zhang not only removed the birthmark on her body, but also cast a spell on her to give her a crow's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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