Chapter 537
Because when the mother-in-law picked her up, she was strangled to death, and the mother-in-law was afraid that the birthmark would bring her danger.

Therefore, Granny Zhang not only removed the birthmark on her body, but also cast a spell on her to give her a crow's mouth.

It is precisely because of saving her and casting spells on her that the mother-in-law exhausted her strength, and she has been half asleep and half awake all these years.

The mother-in-law also said that this is a secret and should not be leaked, and no one can tell it, otherwise, if the secret is leaked, they will be punished.

Therefore, Fengya didn't even tell Lu Yunjin.

The two had their own concerns, and had no intention of continuing to chat, so they quickly hugged each other and fell asleep.


Early next morning

As soon as Lu Yunjin got up and went downstairs, she saw that the fake Lu Nan had cooked a sumptuous breakfast, and Su Hong was sitting at the dining table, smiling from ear to ear.

It took only one day of work, and Su Hongcoax couldn't even close his mouth.

When Lu Yunjin walked to the dining table and saw Xu Xinan and Qiqi on the plate in front of them, those two big eggs deliberately made into the shape of a heart...

Tsk sigh.

Yo, love eggs!
It is said that if you want to capture a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach.

This fake Lu Nan did his homework well...

In front of her, the hostess, to hook up with Xu Xinan so openly, is she just a show?

Su Hong ignored Lu Yunjin directly, and pushed the love breakfast in front of Xu Xinan with a smile.

"Xinan, what are you doing in a daze? Try it quickly. Ms. Lu got up to make this game for you before dawn. Don't disappoint her kindness."

Xu Xinan didn't even look at it, but looked at the newspaper in his hand expressionlessly.

Lu Yunjin, on the other hand, walked slowly to sit next to Xu Xinan, and naturally put his hands on the man's arm.

"Husband~ This is Miss Lu's loving breakfast specially made for you. If you don't eat it, people will be sad."

Lu Yunjin could soften his voice, making it long and soft.

The man trembled, and the expressionless handsome face under the newspaper was almost showing signs of breaking.


It seemed that this was the first time she called him that.

However, it sounds pretty good.

The man's lips curled up slightly, "wife!"

Lu Yunjin: "..."

Hey, goosebumps all over!

She didn't notice when she called out just now, but when Xu Xinan called her wife, she felt that it was too boring.

Can't stand it!

It doesn't feel good to show such affection so early in the morning.

But well...

Lu Yunjin glanced at Su Hong's embarrassing expression, and at the fake Lu Nan's expression of jealousy.

Lu Yunjin's red lips curled slightly, "Honey, if you don't eat these love eggs, they will eat them~"

It is said that a spoiled woman is the luckiest.

With such a delicate tone, Lu Yunjin almost couldn't stand herself anymore, and suppressed the goosebumps all over her body.

But Xu Xinan seemed to be very pleased with what he heard, and squinted his eyes in satisfaction. The man put down the newspaper in his hand, took the initiative to bring the plate in front of him, picked up the knife and fork, and cut the heart-shaped egg on the plate into small pieces. block.

Like cutting a steak, tsk tsk.

Eggs in the shape of a love heart, cut into fragments, just like some people's hearts.

After the egg was cut, Xu Xinan picked it up and brought it to Lu Yunjin's mouth with his own hands. He even said dotingly, "Ah~"

Signal her to open her mouth.

Lu Yunjin: "..."

You who should cooperate with my performance, spare no effort.

However, is this going too far?

(End of this chapter)

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