Madam is sick again

Chapter 538 Stealing her face, you have to charge rent

Chapter 538 Stealing her face, you have to charge rent
Lu Yunjin: "..."

You who should cooperate with my performance, spare no effort.

However, is this going too far?

Seeing her not moving, the man's eyes were deep, and he said meaningfully, "Do you want me to feed you in another way?"

other way...

The way……



Do you use your mouth?
Lu Yunjin understood what this other way meant almost instantly, and immediately opened her mouth obediently without even thinking about it.

"Well, that's nice."

The man hooked his lips in satisfaction and fed the egg into her mouth.

The corner of Lu Yunjin's mouth twitched slightly: "..."

This man really shines with a little sunshine.

Give a bamboo pole and you can climb up.

She just wanted to declare her sovereignty and embarrass the fake Lu Nan.

But now... emmmm, the hot eyes of Su Hong and fake Lu Nan almost scorched her.

Is there anyone who frantically shows affection in public so early in the morning?really? !

"Okay, I'll eat it myself." Lu Yun was embarrassed.

Before she hurriedly took the fast food from Xu Xinan's hand, she swallowed the eggs on the plate three times and two times.

The woman on the opposite side watched helplessly, heartbroken, and wanted to kill Lu Yunjin.

Is it easy for her to fry a love egg?
In order to put it in a good shape, she scrapped countless eggs and started busy before dawn.

As a result, now, Xu Xinan didn't eat a single bite, and everything went into Lu Yunjin's stomach! !
damn it!
One day, she will replace this woman and become Xu Xinan's wife and the only mistress of the Xu family.

Therefore, the most urgent thing to do is to please Su Hong first, and chess.

"Mrs. Su, please try my fried ham omelette."

With a dog-legged smile on Lu Nan's face, he put a piece of omelet into Su Hong's bowl, and then another piece for Qiqi.

"Come on, Qiqi, you eat one too, to nourish your body."

"Thank you—" Su Hong picked it up slowly and took a sip, a little surprised, "Well, the taste is quite good, I didn't expect Miss Lu to be so virtuous and virtuous. Miss."

When Su Hong said this, she glanced at Lu Yunjin again.

Like some people, isn't it!

I'm afraid I can't even cook rice.

Lu Yunjin smiled and said nothing, cooking?

Just kidding, she used to be in an orphanage, and she cooked all the meals from childhood to adulthood, and she was a good cook.

However, she didn't need to explain to unimportant people.

Want to eat her cooking?Su Hong is not qualified enough.

"It is said that women who love to cook are good women, and Ms. Lu must be the same. The outside world misunderstands Ms. Lu too much. Since Ms. Lu is still alive, why doesn't she stand up and clarify in person?" Lu Yunjin said with a smile.

Since she doesn't have evidence to prove her innocence back then, why not... borrow a little help.

The fake Lu Nan was just Qiqi's babysitter, how could he know what happened to her back then?And even the minutiae are clear.

Maybe, there is something unexpected in her hand.

Why doesn't she lend her hand?

With her Lu Nan's name, borrowing her identity and face, how can it be done without paying some rent?

Lu Yunjin's abacus jingled.

The fake Lu Nan listened, but smiled wryly, and shook his head, "It's not that simple. I'm alone and weak. Ms. Lu has never experienced it. I'm afraid she doesn't know how terrible cyber violence is."

Lu Yunjin pouted.

Say it like you really experienced it.

Internet violence?Oh, not only has she experienced it, but she has also suffered from it.

(End of this chapter)

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