Chapter 543

Hua Jihan thought for a while, and decisively pushed everything to Su Yuting.

"Yes, that's right, it's all Su Yuting's idea, and it has nothing to do with my young master. I tried my best to persuade Su Yuting, but I couldn't persuade you. I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have kept it from you. Long."

Hua Jihan said in tears, in fact, in my heart, I almost clicked 120 likes for my wit.

First, he decisively dumped the pot, then expressed his attitude, and finally came a deep repentance.

In this way, the rabbit will definitely not blame him.

All of this is Su Yuting's fault, yes, that's it.

Anyway, at that time, Su Yuting also agreed with this idea, and he was also half responsible.

Su Yuting was not familiar with Tuzai, so Tuzai probably wouldn't beat him to death, at most he would scold him in his heart.

But for himself, if he was telling the truth, Hua Jihan had a very strong intuition that he would be beaten to death by a rabbit.

So, emmmmm...

Brother, at the critical moment, it is used to insert a knife.

Amitabha, fellow Taoist who is dead and immortal, if you don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?

However, these words fell into Lu Yunjin's ears...

She only felt buzzing in her ears and a buzzing in her head.

Her focus was not on the fact that Hua Jihan and Su Yuting lied to her.

Wait, what do you mean?
What does it mean that the original paternity test was subcontracted by him?
"Swapped, what do you mean?"

Lu Yunjin felt a little giddy all over.

Xu Shi suddenly heard such news. I don't know if he was too shocked. His brain couldn't react for a while, or he didn't dare to think about it...

What does it mean to be transferred?
Why do you need to switch packages?

So, the paternity test she got back then, about Xinan and Fengya's paternity test results, was it fake?


What about the actual paternity test results?

According to the results she got, Xu Xinan and Fengya are not related by blood, if this is false...

Does that mean, means...

"It's that Su Yuting deliberately gave you a fake paternity test. The real paternity test shows that the two are related by blood, father and daughter, so you have to tell me, and Xinan Who is the person who did the paternity test?"

The two are related by blood...

related by blood...

The two are father-daughter relationship...

These few words sounded like thunder in Lu Yunjin's ears, and a gorgeous firework exploded in her mind.

Lu Yunjin didn't know how she felt when she heard these words, she only knew that before she could react, her eyes were already wet...

"Tuzai, you promised me that you wouldn't hit me. I told you. In exchange, you should tell me. Who is the girl who did the paternity test with Xinan?" Hua Jihan asked again.

However, after asking this question, I found that Lu Yunjin suddenly cried...

Her whole body was like a sculpture, sitting there motionless, her body stiff.

Two lines of clear tears slid down the corners of the eyes, and the eyes were full of tears.

But in this case, the corners of her mouth were raised slightly, evoking a brilliant arc.

Crying and laughing again?
Lu Yunjin suddenly wiped away tears, grinned, his laughing eyes were bent into slits, but the tears slipped down again.

"Hey, let me say, Tuzai, why are you crying? Don't cry, my lord, I was wrong, can't I be wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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