Madam is sick again

Chapter 544 I Want to Hear Her Call Mom!

Chapter 544 I Want to Hear Her Call Mom!
Lu Yunjin suddenly wiped away tears, grinned, his laughing eyes were bent into slits, but the tears slipped down again.

"Hey, let me say, Tuzai, why are you crying? Don't cry, my lord, I was wrong, can't I be wrong?"

"It's all me. I shouldn't have lied to you back then. I shouldn't have given you a fake paternity test report. Why don't you beat me up and stop crying?"

Hua Jihan was a little panicked, very panicked.

The remote alley, the deadlocked car door, the closed car window, and this sad music, accompanied by the tears of the rabbit hitting the face.

People who didn't know thought he did something to the rabbit.

If Xinan knew that he had smashed the rabbit and made him cry, with Xinan's wife-slave character, he would really beat him to death this time.

"Tuzai, you, can you stop crying..." Hua Jihan was at a loss for what to do.

If you cry any more, he's about to cry too, okay?

"Hua Shao—" Lu Yunjin wiped away her tears, and tried her best to smile brightly.

"I'm not crying, I'm happy."

Yes, that's right, she is happy, how can she not be happy?
It turns out that the paternity test report is true, true...

No wonder Fengya keeps saying she wants to find her mother.

No wonder Fengya was also picked up by Granny Zhang in the city hospital, and there were still bruises on her neck from being pinched.

No wonder Feng Ya said that she liked Lu Nan very much the moment she saw her.

No wonder Fengya said that in her dream, someone beat her mother and called her a vixen.

No wonder Fengya is about the same size as Qiqi.

No wonder Granny Zhang told her that chess is fake.

No wonder...

It turned out that in the past, there were so many clues in front of her, but she didn't realize it.

It turned out that her biological daughter was always in front of her, and she didn't even know it.

It turns out that Feng Ya is her daughter from her previous life, and she and Xinan's biological daughter...

"Tuzai, what are you happy about? You are not stupid, are you? Or have you committed an old problem again?" Hua Jihan was a little worried.

After all, Tu Zai is a person with a history of mental illness.

If because of his stimulation, Tu Zai fell ill again and treated Xinan as a numb, then Xinan would not simply beat him to death.

Lu Yunjin sniffed, "Don't worry, Hua Shao, I'm really fine."

It's just that I'm so happy.

Lu Yunjin recalled last night, obviously on Fengya's back, she didn't see anything...

"Hua Shao, I have something to do and I'm leaving first."

After Lu Yunjin finished speaking, she opened the car door and ran away.

"Hey, Rabbit, you haven't told me yet..."

Before Hua Jihan finished speaking, he opened the car door, and Lu Yunjin was no longer in sight...

"Damn, liar! Women are big liars, what about the exchange? I told you everything, but you just ran away?"


The Xu family——

Lu Yunjin ran up to the second floor in one breath, but after searching all the rooms, she couldn't find Fengya.

Obviously early in the morning, before she and Hua Jihan went out, Fengya was still in the room...

Lu Yunjin took out her mobile phone and called Fengya.

"Hey, reserved—"

On the phone, Feng Ya's voice came, a little noisy, with a lot of noise.

"Xiaoya, where are you? I have something to ask for you." Lu Yunjin's tone was a little hasty.

She couldn't wait to know why the birthmark on Feng Ya's back disappeared.

These things can't be explained clearly on the phone.

She wanted to hug her face to face, ask her clearly face to face, hear her call her mother in person.

This little girl dreams of finding her mother.

If you know the truth, you will be very happy, right?
(End of this chapter)

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