Madam is sick again

Chapter 570 Lin Meiying's Apology

Chapter 570 Lin Meiying's Apology wasn't until later, until that time, that she kidnapped Lu Yunjin, that she began to doubt whether Lu Nan was really innocent...

Later, she found someone to investigate what happened back then, and also forced to question Wang Ritian, and only then did she know the truth of what happened back then.

However, after knowing the truth, Lin Meiying didn't feel any guilt in her heart.

After all, things have already happened, people die when they die, she, Lin Meiying, will never regret anything she has done!
"I can only prove that I arrested Lu Nan after the accident, but the culprit in Lu Nan's incident was not me, but Bai Xiaoxiao and Wang Ritian, so Bai Xiaoxiao must come forward at the same time for this matter! "

Moreover, Xu Dongxiao couldn't get away from this matter!

Besides Xu Dongxiao, there are...

Back then, Lin Meiying was also kept in the dark and used, so her testimony could not directly vindicate Lu Nan.

Lu Yunjin also knew this, but the incident back then had too much influence, and Lu Nan's image as a junior was already deeply ingrained, so even if it was fake Lu Nan's evidence, not many people believed it.

But don't worry, this matter has to be done slowly, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest, she will change everyone's views on Lu Nan little by little.

"You don't have to worry about Bai Xiaoxiao's side, just do your own thing well." Lu Yunjin said.

As for Bai Xiaoxiao, she could draw conclusions from her repeated temptations to Hua Jihan.

Most of Bai Xiaoxiao was in Xu Xinan's hands.

As for Wang Ritian... Since he asked Xinan to meet, Xinan knew what to do.

Wang Ritian's fate in Xinan's hands must be much worse than Lin Meiying's in her hands.

Lu Yunjin was not worried about this at all.

"Okay, I'll send it now!"

Lin Meiying took a deep breath, logged on to Weibo, clicked on the video posted by the fake Lu Nan, edited a paragraph of text, and quickly clicked send.

In order to save the Lin Group, she, Lin Meiying, also did her best.

Lu Yunjin took out her mobile phone and saw Lin Meiying's Weibo, but... the content was a bit unexpected.

"In the matter of Lu Nan, she was framed by Bai Xiaoxiao. She never had any improper relationship with my husband. I was also bewitched by others, so I did some things that hurt Lu Nan. Regarding this, I have no regrets. I express my deep apologies for the harm caused to Ms. Lu Nan by my past words and deeds."

"However, there is one more thing I need to clarify. At the beginning, after Lu Nan's accident, the then general manager of Shining Star Entertainment did not immediately conduct a public relations investigation. Deliver it to me!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Dongxiao was also specifically asked at the back.

Some remarks dragged Xu Dongxiao into the water, making him unable to continue to be alone.

This point, which Lu Yunjin did not expect, can be regarded as a windfall.

Lu Yunjin's red lips slightly curled up, expressing that she was very satisfied with today's results, without reading the comments on this Weibo, Lu Yunjin directly put away her phone.

"Miss Lin, put aside the past grievances, today, I would like to thank you."

Thank her, successfully helped her again, and also pulled Xu Dongxiao down.

She likes this dog-eat-dog scene!

Past grievances?
Lin Meiying thought that Lu Yunjin was referring to her kidnapping, and the expression on her face was a bit ugly.

——— Digression dividing line———

[The first four chapters have been modified, and the cuties who have read it can reload after refreshing~]

(End of this chapter)

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