Madam is sick again

Chapter 571 I am Lu Nan!

Chapter 571 I am Lu Nan!

Thank her, successfully helped her again, and also pulled Xu Dongxiao down.

She likes this dog-eat-dog scene!

Past grievances?
Lin Meiying thought that Lu Yunjin was referring to her kidnapping, and the expression on her face was a bit ugly.

This Lu Yunjin is also a vengeful master. When they escaped, didn't they also break her arm?But the three of Lu Yunjin were still unscathed.

They had already evened out that matter, but now they brought it up again!

However, no matter how upset she was when she asked for something today, Lin Meiying could only hold back her anger and tried her best to cater to Lu Yunjin with a shy smile.

"I'm sorry about the fact that I kidnapped you." Lin Meiying gritted her teeth and apologized.

Actually, a group of gloomy people.

When did she apologize in such a low voice?

Don't think that she will be bullied if she agrees to speak for Lu Nan, this Lu Yunjin is so vengeful, it's just adding insult to injury!

"No, no, we have already written off this matter. What I said was something else." Lu Yunjin shook her head with a smile.

If the goal is achieved, then she can continue with her original idea.

"What's the matter?" Lin Meiying was taken aback.

Lu Yunjin looked at her with a smile, but her voice was faintly suppressed in the deepest part of her throat, as if coming from hell.

"Lu Nan asked me to tell you that she thanked you, thank you for "taking care" of her once, she will never forget it even if she is a ghost!"

Lin Meiying shuddered violently when she heard the endless chill in her voice.

"You, what did you say?" Lin Meiying looked at Lu Yunjin in horror.

Why, she actually felt that at this moment Lu Yunjin, this expression, this tone, seemed familiar?

She looked very much like Lu Nan when she was locked in the basement...

Is it her delusion?

Lu Yunjin didn't answer, but slightly curled his lips together, his smile was a bit pervasive.

"I think you should be very curious, why Xu Xinan defends Lu Nan so much, but I'm not angry at all, instead let you clean up for Lu Nan?"

"You, you, you..." Lin Meiying swallowed in horror. She talked for a long time, but couldn't say a word.

Why, do they look more and more like each other?
How could she be like Lu Nan?
No no no, it's impossible!
"Well, I'll tell you the reason, but you must not tell others."

Lu Yunjin leaned over a little bit, and under Lin Meiying's terrified eyes, she leaned close to her ear, and gently blew a breath of hot air, with a faint and penetrating tone.

"The Lu Nan in my family who was sent by Xu Dongxiao is just a counterfeit, and the real Lu Nan is actually standing in front of you, far away in the sky, close in front of you, hehe!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yunjin did not forget to add a string of laughter that was as crisp as a silver bell but fell in Lin Meiying's ears like a murderous sound.

Lin Meiying shivered suddenly, and her whole body, as if struck by lightning, froze on the chair.

In his mind, what Lu Yunjin said just now kept repeating.

The real Lu Nan was actually standing in front of her...

Far away in the sky, close in sight...

in front of...

Isn't that...

Lin Meiying stiffened her neck, raised her head little by little, and looked at Lu Yunjin who was close at hand with difficulty.

At this moment, no matter how much resentment and dissatisfaction I had towards her in my heart, it all turned into panic.

Many people know that Lin Meiying is not afraid of anything, but the only thing she is afraid of is ghosts!
But no one, not even Wang Ritian, knew that after Lu Nan committed suicide by jumping off a building, she had a long nightmare...

(End of this chapter)

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