Madam is sick again

Chapter 572 Revenge!

Chapter 572 Revenge!

At this moment, no matter how much resentment and dissatisfaction I had towards her in my heart, it all turned into panic.

Many people know that Lin Meiying is not afraid of anything, but the only thing she is afraid of is ghosts!
But no one, not even Wang Ritian, knew that after Lu Nan committed suicide by jumping off a building, she had a long nightmare...

After all, he killed a person, how could he let go so easily?

Now, this woman, this damned Lu Yunjin, actually told her that Lu Nan was alive again.

And it's far away and close at hand!

In front of you, isn't it Lu Yunjin?

So, Lu Yunjin is Lu Nan? ? ?

No, it's impossible, how is it possible?Back then, when Lu Nan jumped off the building, there was a lot of noise, and it was said that he fell all over the floor with blood, and his brain was blown out.

So, in this case, how could she still be alive?
Impossible, it must be Lu Yunjin who frightened her!
"Lu, Lu Yunjin... Don't scare me with Lu Nan, do you think you're acting in a fantasy TV series? A dead person will come back to life if he says he's alive, reborn?"

Lin Meiying tried to comfort herself, but she had no confidence in what she said.

This is what happens when you do something wrong.


Lu Yunjin's red lips curled slightly, "Congratulations, Miss Lin, you really guessed it right, I'm really reborn!"

"No, it's impossible, don't scare me, that bitch Lu Nan fell to his death a long time ago, how could he still be alive?"

Lin Meiying pushed Lu Yunjin away violently, as if going crazy, her reaction was very violent.

Lu Yunjin squinted her eyes, and sat back on her seat indifferently, her eyes seemed to be poisoned, locked on Lin Meiying's body.

Do not believe?She has plenty of ways to convince Lin Meiying!
Even if it doesn't scare her to death, it's not bad to scare her into a mental disorder.

After all, after posting on Weibo to clean up Lu Nan, Lin Meiying's existence is worthless.

Taking advantage of the current crisis of the Lin family, she has something to ask of her. If she doesn't take revenge at this time, when will she wait?
Lu Yunjin is serious about taking advantage of the fire to rob, adding insult to injury, and taking advantage of the situation!

"Since you don't believe me, then I might as well help Miss Lin recall the secret that only you and I knew about what happened between the two of us." Lu Yunjin folded his arms, with a faint smile on his face, His expression looked very calm.

However, no one saw that the hands holding her arms had already clenched her arms tightly, and were even trembling slightly.

Those painful memories of the past are now being dug out by her and put bloody in front of her and Lin Meiying. How much courage does it take for her?

"At the beginning, you and Bai Xiaoxiao cooperated internally and externally and imprisoned me in the basement. In the following two years, you beat and scolded me frequently, made me a living target, and practiced boxing for you. Don't you remember all of this? "

"By the way, there is another person, tsk, that person, but your dog-headed military division, who worked hand in hand with you, quietly let me out behind your back, and finally chased after me, forcing me to the roof of the Dingguan Hotel , personally, pushed me down the building, you don’t know about this person, do you?”

"Oh, by the way, and also, I was imprisoned by you when I was pregnant, and after giving birth, my daughter was taken away by you, because you and Wang Ritian have no children for so many years, so you took my child away .”

"But, you robbed her, why didn't you treat her well, why did you strangle her to death with your own hands???"

(End of this chapter)

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