Chapter 607

Chen Desheng was also filled with emotion, no wonder Xu Xinan was able to sit in such a high position at such a young age, such a marketing method, this ability to figure out people's hearts, he was really far beyond his reach.

"I can't think of such a good solution, Mr. Xu is wise!" Chen Desheng sighed.

Mr. Xu?Xu Xinan?
The assistant director was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Director Chen, what do you mean, Mr. Xu didn't help his little lover Lu Nan, but instead helped our crew??"

Judging by Mr. Xu's anger at the crown as a confidante and disbanding the entire Shining Star Entertainment, how could he help their crew instead of Lu Nan?
This unscientific!


No matter how surprised the assistant director is, Xu Xinan's action must be surprising.

Early the next morning, "Whisper" was released, and the box office continued to rise. In less than half a day, it had already exceeded [-] million.

Like a dark horse, it suddenly appeared in the eyes of the public with an unstoppable momentum, surprising everyone.

Lu Yunjin was completely on fire, and it exploded overnight.

Not only Lu Yunjin, but also Si Xuan, Jian Chun, Feng Ya, and even the villain Ning Ran immediately became popular all over the country.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for Xu Xinan to take Lu Yunjin to the cinema to watch a movie in a big way.

Instead, he chose to stay at home, bought a high-definition film, took Lu Yunjin to watch the premiere, and enjoyed the two-person world that belonged to two people.

Everything is so beautiful, of course, if Lu Yunjin is willing to let him hug her, it will be more perfect.

It's a pity that the current Lu Yunjin doesn't even let Xu Xinan touch his little finger, which makes Xu Xinan very aggrieved.

Xu Xinan was enjoying the rare world of two, but at this moment, the phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Xu Xinan answered the phone, but when he heard the voice on the phone, he squinted his eyes in dissatisfaction.

"Si Xuan?"

"Hey, Xu Xinan? How did I remember that I called Lu Yunjin? Why did you answer it? You still have the habit of answering the phone for others?" Si Xuan's strange voice came from the phone.

Instead of being angry, Xu Xinan smiled, glanced at Lu Yunjin, who was watching a movie with great interest, and while his wife was not paying attention, he groped over quietly and hugged Lu Yunjin's shoulder.

"It's only natural for me to answer my wife's phone call?" Xu Xinan declared his sovereignty online.

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time.

After a while, Si Xuan's ruffian voice came again.

"Oh, since that's the case, it's the same if you tell her about it. The "Love Match" program team asked me and Lu Yunjin to record a show just now. Well, I have already agreed, and Lu Yunjin We signed the share together, so... see you at [-] o'clock tomorrow night."

After Si Xuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

"Love Match" is the most popular variety show in the entertainment industry. Unlike "First Love Diary", it usually invites popular male and female stars, as well as popular crews.

If the guests of the show are all in the same crew, the male and female protagonists in the crew will generally be asked by the show to form a cp and show their affection in the show, so as to gain popularity and attract attention.

There are two hosts of "Love Match", both of whom are highly respected seniors in the entertainment industry, so once they receive invitations from the program group, almost no one refuses them.

There are many fans of this show, and they are all old fans, diehard fans.

————The author has something to say———

[The previous chapters have all returned to normal~ You can just refresh the cuties you have seen before. 】

(End of this chapter)

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