Chapter 608

There are two hosts of "Love Match", both of whom are highly respected seniors in the entertainment industry, so once they receive invitations from the program group, almost no one refuses them.

There are many fans of this show, and they are all old fans, diehard fans.

If the guests reject the program group, they will inevitably be blackmailed, saying that they are playing big names and will not give face.

Si Xuan said this on purpose, because he was sure that Lu Yunjin would definitely participate in "Love Match", and he deliberately said it to make Xu Xinan feel awkward, right?

"Whisper" had just been released, and the box office and ratings for the premiere hadn't been released yet, so he received an invitation from the crew of "Love Match", which shows that the entertainment circle recognized "Whisper" and Lu Yunjin.

It is enough to see the popularity of "Whisper".

It's a pity...Xu Xinan couldn't be happy.

Heh, want to show affection with his daughter-in-law on cp show? ?

""Love Matches"?"

When Lu Yunjin heard the name, her eyes lit up, and she was so excited that she couldn't even care about Xu Xinan's paws on her shoulders.

"I didn't expect "The Whisper" to have such a good result as soon as it was released! It's great, this is everyone's recognition of me!"

Even Lu Nan in his previous life received an invitation from the crew of "Love Matches" only after he won the title of Best Actress.

It's a pity that something happened to her before she could go.

This incident can be regarded as a bit of regret from her previous life.

Therefore, she will definitely go to this show.

Si Xuan reckoned, that is to say, if he had grasped Lu Yunjin's mentality, he would have the confidence to help her accept the program group's invitation, and dare to tell Xu Xinan deliberately without fear.

"So..." Xu Xinan looked at Lu Yunjin's rarely bright smile and asked tentatively.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the girl took over the conversation.

"So, I'm definitely going! Dad, do you have any objections?"

Xu Xinan choked: "..."

She said so, what else could he say?
He stopped it now, asked her to push the show, agreed and then backed out, wouldn't he put her on the cusp of the storm?

"According to the routine of this show, you and Sixuan group CP will show affection." Xu Xinan just reminded lightly.

Lu Yunjin nodded as a matter of course, "I know, what's the matter?"

Xu Xinan:? ? ?

So what? ? ?

Is this the rhythm of adding a touch of green to his head in front of the people of the whole country? ?

Although it was just a fake, just a joke, but when Xu Xinan heard this sentence, especially when she asked him what happened with a face of course, why was it so annoying?

"Do you know, you now..."

Xu Xinan was about to talk about married women, but in the middle of talking, he stopped abruptly.

Yeah, she doesn't know now, she doesn't know anything now.

She knew everything, but only forgot her relationship with him!

Xu Xinan was even a little secretly annoyed. At the hospital, why did Feng Ya call her father so that she could preconceive it.

The girl looked at him seriously, but her big dark eyes were full of innocent light.

Xu Xinan could only hold back his stomach full of anger, and after a while, he finally said, "You heartless girl!"

Forget all the troubles completely, shield his heart, and put him in such a distressed situation.

However, looking at her innocent and rare carefree appearance, as if everything in the past did not exist, with a bright and pure smile, Xu Xinan couldn't blame her.

 [Sweet tooth-losing new book, all you cuties should support, "The Almighty Movie Queen Wants to Cultivate Immortals"

  Introduction: According to the legend, Mu Jiuchen, the president of the Mu family chaebol who has been single for more than 20 years and has been single for more than [-] years, has left the singles!The other party is also a notorious [-]th-line starlet on the entertainment network?

  After falling in love, Mr. Mu said, high cold?fickle?Not close to women?Hehe, that's impossible!The cold and ruthless big wolf dog becomes a loyal dog and little milk dog in seconds.

  Before falling in love, Mu Jiuchen's goal was to be the richest man in the world, but after falling in love, Mu Jiuchen's goal was only one, to give away dog ​​food, to give dog food or to give dog food!

  This book is also known as: "Mr. Mu Scattered Dog Food Again", "Wife Slave Mr. Mu Abuses Dogs Online"

(End of this chapter)

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