Madam is sick again

Chapter 631 Kicked out of bed by his wife

Chapter 631 Kicked out of bed by his wife

The corner of Xu Xinan's mouth twitched slightly: "..."

What about the most basic trust between people?

What's more, they are still husband and wife.

No more love, goodbye.

In the end, she couldn't resist Xu Xinan, Xu was pregnant, Lu Yunjin felt sleepy after a while, and fell asleep in a daze under Xu Xinan's gaze.

Seeing the girl on the bed breathing gradually, Xu Xinan gently rubbed her head.

The person on the bed is his daughter-in-law and his child.

Seeing the girl's peaceful sleeping face, Xu Xinan felt his heart was about to melt.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, took the sleeping girl into his arms, and leaned against her.

Well, Lu Yunjin is really right, Xu Xinan is really this kind of person.

He only wants to live a warm life with his wife and children on the kang, but he wants to sleep in the guest room when he sees a beautiful woman by his side. What's the reason?

He had just laid down on the bed and hugged the girl into his arms. Lu Yunjin, who was sleeping, seemed to have sensed something, turned over while muttering, and then stretched out her feet subconsciously...

He kicked Xu Xinan.

Unprepared, the man was kicked from the bed to the ground by her.

Xu Xinan at the time:? ? ?

A black face full of question marks.


Maybe it was because of being kidnapped by Xu Dongxiao and tired of worrying, Lu Yunjin slept until noon the next day.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Feng Ya's cute little round head leaning forward.

"Mom, you're awake!"

Feng Ya's eyes lit up, and she threw herself directly into Lu Yunjin's arms.

"Mom, I'm sorry, it's all Xiaoya's fault. If Xiaoya hadn't followed Uncle Hua back, you wouldn't have been taken away by the bad guys. It's all because Xiaoya didn't protect her mother. Xiaoya will never leave her mother again. You have to stick to your mother every moment."

Fengya is determined to be a little follower.

Dad said that mother had a baby in her womb, which was her future brother or sister.

Therefore, Xiaoya has a crow's mouth, which is very powerful. If she stays by her mother's side at all times, she can always protect her from harm.

"Xiaoya, I'm sorry to make you worry."

Lu Yunjin hugged the little girl's soft body in her arms, her heart softened into a puddle of water.

The little girl is only three years old, but she has experienced too much, knows too much, and knows how to protect her.

After all, she herself was so useless, she had to make Xu Xinan and Feng Ya worry about her all the time.

Lu Yunjin took a deep breath, remembering what happened yesterday, Xu Dongxiao and Ning Ran.

"Where's your father? Where did he go?"

She wanted to handle Ningran's affairs herself.

As for Xu Dongxiao, the interests of the Xu family have already been touched, so I will leave it to Xu Xinan and Su Hong to solve it by themselves, but... Ning Ran, Bai Xiaoxiao, Lin Meiying, and Wang Ritian...

She will solve these people by herself.

Only in this way can she completely untie the knot in her heart and be with Xinan with complete peace of mind.

Before this...

——I am a cute little theater dividing line——

[A certain flower: Thousands of rivers and mountains are always love, can I vote for a monthly ticket?
Xu Xinan: Oh, no meat, bad review!Still want a monthly pass?

A certain flower: Meat?Do you want to drive?
Xu Xinan: Huh!Is it possible that I still want my wife to continue calling me Dad?

A certain flower: Sorry, meat is impossible, and it is impossible to have meat in this life!

Xu Xinan: What did you say?Say it again?
A certain flower: I said, said... meat is... completely possible, as long as you have a monthly pass, how much meat you want, how much meat you have!

Xu Xinan: Did you hear that?Hurry up, throw up the monthly pass! 】

(End of this chapter)

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