Madam is sick again

Chapter 632 Will Mother Be Fengya?

Chapter 632 Will Mother Be Fengya?

She will solve these people by herself.

Only in this way can she completely untie the knot in her heart and be with Xinan with complete peace of mind.

Before this...

Lu Yunjin remembered what happened last night, and a playful flash of light flashed in his eyes.

Before that, she would wrong Xinan a bit and continue to be her "father".

"He went out early in the morning, as if he was going to deal with the bad guys."

Feng Ya nestled in Lu Yunjin's arms obediently, and after a while, she raised her head curiously, her big round eyes fell on her flat belly, and she stretched out her small hand, as if wanting to touch it.

But he stretched his hand halfway, and then stopped, as if hesitating, his soft and cute face was full of entanglements.


"Xiaoya, what's the matter?"

Lu Yunjin held the little girl's hand that was suspended in mid-air.

"Mom, is there really a little brother or a little sister here?" Feng Ya tilted her head, seemingly very puzzled.

Mother's belly is so small, how can she give birth to younger brothers and sisters as big as her?
"Of course, it's just that he is still very small now, and he hasn't even grown his head yet. After a while, mother's belly will grow bigger and bigger. At that time, he will grow up in mother's belly. After that You can give birth, and from now on, there will be younger siblings playing with Xiaoya, is Xiaoya happy?"

Feng Ya frowned, with a troubled expression on her face, and did not answer Lu Yunjin's words.


Uncle Hua said that when parents have new siblings, they may not love Fengya anymore.

She has watched many TV dramas played by her mother before, and they also have this kind of plot.

After my mother has younger siblings, will she not like Fengya anymore?

Thinking of this, Feng Ya's small mouth shrunk, and she immediately had an expression of heaven and earth falling apart, even her big round eyes were filled with tears.

"Xiaoya, what's the matter? Don't cry, don't cry, mom is here, if you have any questions, can you tell mom?"

Seeing her like this, Lu Yunjin immediately panicked.

For this lost and found daughter, Lu Yunjin really hurts to the bone.

She couldn't bear to shed a little tear.


In just such a short time, Feng Ya's voice was already stained with crying, which can be said to be really sad.

"Mom has new siblings in the future, will she not want Xiaoya? Xiaoya has just found her mother, and she doesn't want to be separated from her. Even if mother loves her siblings in the future, don't chase Xiaoya away, okay? Xiaoya will be obedient Yes, I will listen to my mother."

Just like Grandma Su.

In fact, Grandma Su liked her very much at first, but later, with Qiqi, Grandma Su didn't like her anymore.

He even hated Xiaoya very much.

So, if mother has other younger siblings in the future, will Xiaoya be abandoned because of this?

The more Feng Ya thinks about it, the more she thinks it is possible, the more she thinks about it, the more afraid she becomes, within a short while, her round eyes are already full of tears.

Just looking at Lu Yunjin with tears in her eyes made her feel distressed.

Feng Ya's voice was already soft, and now that she was tinged with crying, it was even more distressing.

Hearing this, Lu Yunjin's heart almost melted.

"Xiaoya, no, mother will never want Xiaoya, even if mother has a new child in the future, Xiaoya will always be mother's favorite daughter, no one can replace your position in mother's heart, do you understand ?”

————The author has something to say———

[It's the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass!There are still five cards left to guarantee the bottom line this month, crying! 】

(End of this chapter)

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