Chapter 200 Fang Li curses three times, responds to every call
"Big Brother"

"Why does he say that about us, and what is he!"

After Han Chengjun and Park Yihui reacted, they were so angry that they roared directly in the room!
In the two live broadcast rooms, tens of millions of viewers were stunned after Fang Li's words, and then everyone was shocked and shocked, and a violent uproar broke out!

"Hahaha, be happy, be happy!"

"Brother Li is really good, I feel comfortable after being scolded three times, and my blood is boiling!"

"That's right, ridiculous, sad, shameful Korean sticks, let them pretend to be aggressive here, now they have met their opponents!"

South Korea Bangzi, a country without its own national background and sovereignty is in the hands of American soldiers, I don’t know where he has a sense of superiority!
At this moment, Fang Li's three curses can be said to be incisive and vivid, and many people who scolded were greatly relieved!

"Good scolding!"

Mala Xiangguo and UZI were standing in front of the computer, and they were breathing fast at this moment. They didn't know what Fang Li's six words meant before, but now that the three curses came out, the eyes of the two of them looking at Fang Li have completely changed!
"Isn't that too strong?"

Liu Ying is a girl, logically speaking, the passion in her heart should not be as strong as that of a man, but after Fang Li's words, her blood is boiling with fire.

At this time, she remembered what Fang Li said: Is this what you call pride?If this is the case, then I will trample and smash your pride one by one, and let you know that your so-called pride is nothing but our pity for you!

I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it!

Every time she thinks about this sentence again, Liu Ying's heart thumps unconsciously, feeling like a deer is bumping wildly in her heart!

What is domineering, one sentence tramples on your pride one by one is domineering!

What is trampling, those three curses are trampling on Han Chengjun and others!
Now that the three curses are over, Han Chengjun has become completely bruised!
"What kind of man will he be?"

Thinking of the ID behind it, Liu Ying unconsciously became confused again!

Is that a peerless hero?

The factory directors in the game are also angrily excited at this moment!
"Exhaust, it's too exhilarating!"

"This stick really doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, so he can't say a word now!"

The factory manager and the others were all excited, as if the domineering Brother Dali had returned at this moment!

At the same time, following Fang Li's three curses, countless posts have been posted on major websites, forums, and post bars!
"Our Brother Dali is back!"

"It's ridiculous, sad, and shameful. The Korean Bangzixiu is superior, and it's humiliating for itself. Everyone in China can be humiliated!"

"Brother Li cursed three times and trampled on Bangzi's dignity. Where is Bangzi's pride after today?"

One by one, the posts were posted on the forum post bar, and the number of posts increased by tens of thousands per second, and they were quickly posted on the homepage!
At the same time, the official Weibo of each major team also updated their status!
"The national uniform is the national uniform of the Chinese people after all! Praise, praise, praise!"

The EDG team was the first to stand up, not caring at all that they had Korean foreign players in their team. Although the expression in the words was tactful, everyone knew what was being expressed by posting this status at this time. It was a kind of support from the opponent!
"Praise Brother Dali, you can relieve your anger by scolding, and you can scold hard!"

UZI and Mala Xiangguo's team even made no secret of their support, and directly named and praised Fang Li's practice. For a while, the RGN team gained countless fans, and the number of trolls was reduced by more than half!


"Where does the sense of superiority come from!"

"National uniform stand up!"

"This is what each of us would like to see!"

Various domestic teams have expressed their support one after another, either implicitly or directly!
As for the foreign players invited by the major teams, all of them stood behind their teammates with livid faces. At this moment, they said nothing, let them offend their teammates and those Chinese fans, they did not have the guts, so at this moment they have Han Chengjun is extremely dissatisfied with such a thing!

Even on some forums in South Korea, many people have posted posts to pay attention to this matter, and some people directly pointed the finger at Han Chengjun!
"Shame, being scolded like this is really embarrassing to Dahan!"

"Han Chengjun, a coward, fight back!"

Many people also pointed their finger at Fang Li directly!

"Brother Dali, don't be arrogant, if you have the ability to come to Korea, I will let you know what despair is!"

"That's right, the server of the national server is too imprecise! If it's in our country, how could there be cheating!"

One after another voices were transmitted among the Korean players, and countless people threatened to teach Fang Li a lesson.

As for the country, countless players set off a wave of support for Fang Li!

With just six words and a hearty scolding battle, Fang Li won a large group of fans!
"Support Brother Li, if passers-by become fans in the future, definitely not Brother Hei Li!"

"That's right, without Brother Li, the stick will ride on our heads this time!"

When people are still a small number of people are pedantic to the bone, they still treat Fang Li with hostility!

"Hmph, it's just a cheat, it's even more embarrassing if you ask me!"

"That's right, spreading the word will only make others laugh!"

As for the Penguin Technology Department, Tang Ling and the others were already sluggish at this moment!

They were in Liu Ying's live broadcast room!
At this moment, they were shocked to see the tens of millions of people online in the live broadcast room!

"This amount is astonishing!"

"Yes! It's frighteningly tall!"

Many technicians took a deep breath. It’s not that they haven’t invited celebrities to broadcast live. At that time, the first broadcast of the star summoner was watched by more than 4 million people. Now Fang Li’s live broadcast has 1000 million people. The number of people, this does not include the number of people diverted from the UZI live broadcast room, one can imagine how amazing it is!

"What I'm thinking is that after this time, it will be even more difficult for us to deal with Fang Li!"

Tang Ling shook his head and sighed as he watched the frenzy of support for Fang Li on the Internet!

The current Fang Li is no longer the Fang Li that was resisted by countless people when he first started cheating!

Now Fang Li already has countless fans, even more terrifying than professional players. Once something happens, the frenzy of public opinion will even overwhelm the penguins!

"Then what should we do now? Do we just let him go like this?" Someone asked!
"No, of course it will be carried out according to the plan!" Tang Ling shook his head. Some things have already started, so they won't end so easily!
"But if we go too far, will people do that?"

Some people are afraid!

"Don't worry, the sky will fall and there will be a tall one holding it up. We are just grass standing under the big tree!"

Thinking of Yang Han standing on his head, a sneer appeared in the corner of Tang Ling's eyes. For some reason, he felt that the situation was moving more and more in the direction he wanted!

(End of this chapter)

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