Chapter 201
If you succeed in face slapping, you will be rewarded with 73 points worth of face slapping, and the current value of slapping face is [-] points!
Ding Ding Ding.
Congratulations to the host for improving his proficiency in pretending to be forceful and punching faces, and winning the title of forceful king!

Obtained the permission to open the system reward intermediate mall, please open it!
Obtain security system integration authority, whether to open it now!
A series of voices sounded, and Fang Li's mind suddenly became chaotic, but in the end he opened his mouth slightly!
Previously, his proficiency in pretending to face and face punching had almost accumulated a level of proficiency, and the title upgrade was also within his expectations, so he was not very happy to get the title of King of Kings!
But when he heard that he had obtained the permission to open the intermediate mall, he was taken aback for a moment!
"Do you have permission to open the intermediate mall?"

A junior shopping mall had already changed his life greatly, what would a mid-level shopping mall look like now?
But before he could choose to turn it on, another voice sounded!
Get Security System Fusion Access!

What the hell is this?

Looking at these two permissions, Fang Li was very puzzled!
People have an innate fear of unfamiliar things, and Fang Li is the same at the moment, but he still calms down thinking that this is something recommended by the system!
"Open the Intermediate Mall!"

Fang Li looked at the system prompt and clicked to open it!
Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the intermediate mall!
"Let me see what's in the mid-level mall!"

The mall opened, Fang Li immediately opened the mall!
But it made him dumbfounded!
There are very few things in the intermediate mall, not even as many as the junior mall, and the things in each mall are hidden, which means that you have to exchange them first to know what it is!

Fang Li cursed!
I don't know how to exchange anything in the mall, what if I exchange it for something I don't need?

Fang Li was instantly dissatisfied!

This kind of shopping mall model is simply a lottery, spend the value of pretending to face to choose one at random, if you are lucky, you can choose the one you need, if you are not lucky, it will be another story!

"Things are so expensive! At least 300 face value is required to exchange, and the most expensive one is more than [-]?"

I can't bear this force!
This mall is definitely a bottomless pit!

But at the same time, he has a little bit more expectation for the thing that needs more than 300 pretentious face value to exchange!
"Do you want to unlock the security system fusion authority now?"

At this moment, another voice sounded, and Fang Li clicked to open it without hesitation!
"Congratulations to the host for reaching the title of King of Kings and starting the journey of system integration!"

What follows is a large section of relevant information about system integration. At first Fang Li didn't care about it, but gradually he was astonished!

"System integration, the higher the degree of integration, the higher your own strength!"

When Fang Li saw this sentence, his whole body was shocked!
What he desires most now is strength, and only with strength can he obtain everything he wants!
Although he also relied on the system before this, but it was all external forces, such as talismans and seals, which were not his own after all, but now it is different, the higher the degree of system integration, the higher his own strength, which has deeply attracted him. he!
"And the fusion of the system and itself is actually to comprehend the true meaning of various heroes so that the body can achieve a certain balance!"

When he saw this, Fang Li had already opened his mouth!

"The true meaning of a hero? What is this?"

He forcibly held back the shock in his heart and continued watching!

"It turns out that all kinds of things in the intermediate mall are the true meaning of heroes! That is to say, I need to exchange the true meaning of heroes from the intermediate mall to comprehend. When the body reaches a certain balance, the system will be 100% integrated. During this period, every comprehension of a The true meaning that can be integrated, then my own body will be stronger!"

Looking at this long section of explanation, Fang Li already understood it completely!
"Does the hero really mean it? What is this thing?"

Fang Li frowned, and after a while, his hand holding the mouse trembled, and then he chose a hidden item in the intermediate mall that needed to be exchanged for seventy face-slapping points!


The moment I click OK, a cold voice sounds!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Frost Mysteries of the Frost Witch Lissandra!"

When the voice sounded, there was a new book on Fang Li's system inventory. This book exuded bursts of cold air like ice cubes, and it read: Frost Mystery!
Lissandra is no stranger to Fang Li, but what is this Frost Mystery?
Could it be that Lissandra's hero skills evolved from the Frost Mysteries?
Fang Li frowned, then clicked Confirm!
"Congratulations to the host for learning the Frost Mystery. The host can learn the Frost Mystery by himself, comprehend the Frost True Meaning and transform his own body, so as to promote the integration of the system with himself!"

The moment the sound sounded, Fang Li felt as if a cold air was swimming in his body. Although this cold air was like a gossamer, he could feel that this cold air was real!
"Is this the introduction of the Frost Mystery?"

Relying on this weak esoteric guidance to realize the true meaning, one's body can reach the body of ice, and if one can go one step further, one can comprehend the true meaning of water.

Ice belongs to water, so there is no need to comprehend the true meaning of water at that time!

Judging from the current situation, Fang Li has vaguely guessed that in order to achieve a certain level of balance in the body, the five elements are naturally indispensable!
Gold, wood, water, fire and earth!
This is a kind of balance, as for the others, I don't know!
But this is not bad, after all, we have already started now, and then we only need to comprehend the Frost Profound Truth and transform our physique!

"No, according to the previous meaning, isn't there some true meaning that can't promote body fusion?" Thinking of the system saying to comprehend the true meaning of various heroes, Fang Li suddenly felt that things should not be so simple!
More than 100 kinds of true meaning, does the body need to integrate more than 100 kinds?

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to open his information bar!
Sure enough, he saw the degree of his body fusion in the system information: [-]%!

That is to say, the Frost Mystery can be fused into the body, and above his fused true meaning, there are nine blank spaces, which means that it is necessary for the nine true meanings to reach a balance in order to completely integrate the system!
"So it is!"

Seeing this, Fang Li was already stunned. At this time, he also understood that the things in this mall are the most important things. Compared with the things here, the things in the junior mall are like heaven and earth!
Thinking of this, when he looked at the things in the high-end mall, his eyes had completely changed!
"Brother Li, come and help! If you don't help, we will lose!"

At this moment, several messages flooded in, and Fang Li finally realized that he was still playing the game!
(End of this chapter)

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