Chapter 217 Surrender or Die
"you wanna die."

He Haoran was furious, and raised his hand to pat the pear wood round table in front of him, and a crack appeared instantly.

"Tips for carving insects."

Fang Li's voice was flat, dismissive.

He Haoran's face changed, and he got up with a grim expression, all the bones in his body were rattling at this moment.

"Boy, I haven't done it for a long time, and you will know how stupid what you said later."

He Haoran got up and walked towards Fang Li!

"Brother Li, be careful. He Haoran is known as the god of war for the thirteenth sister. He once chased and killed 100 people by himself." Yang Long and Xiaodao retreated with a change in expression. Having become famous for a long time, the two are still worried.

Fang Li didn't speak, and while motioning for the two to step back, he took a step forward, and in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of He Haoran.

What a great speed!

He Haoran was startled, and then punched out, no matter how fast the speed was, it would be useless in front of absolute strength!


The force of this fist was heavy, as if a speeding train blasted out, bringing the sound of whirring through the sky!

The members of Thirteen Sisters saw He Haoran's attack with such momentum, all of them showed calm smiles, as if they were determined by Fang Li!
Fang Li's complexion remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand and pinched it lightly, with stronger force and faster speed, unexpectedly pinching He Haoran's neck in the first place!
At this moment, everyone who was still smiling was silent for a moment, like a duck being pinched by the neck, all of them were ashen, staring in embarrassment!

He Haoran was pinched by the throat with one move?

"Boss He is the god of war of the thirteenth sister, how could he be defeated with one move?"

How imposing He Haoran's shot is, compared to Fang Li's shot, it is so painless. A moment ago, everyone thought that Fang Li was settled, but who knew that the ending would change so quickly.

He Haoran looked at Fang Li with a deadly expression at the moment, the confidence in his heart was shattered at this moment, Fang Li shot without pain, but at the moment he was pinched, he felt an aura like a prehistoric beast. Make him breathless!
What a terrifying skill, what a powerful boy!
He Haoran forced himself to calm down, but his back was already soaked.

"Submit, or die!"

Fang Li spoke again, his voice sounded like thunder in the conference room, and everyone changed color again.

"This is the headquarters of Thirteenth Sister, you dare to kill me?" He Haoran said.

Not only He Haoran didn't believe it, but everyone present didn't believe it. If He Haoran was killed, could Fang Li go out?


But as soon as He Haoran finished speaking, he heard a click.

"how dare you."

He Haoran's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground like a duck whose neck had been twisted. He didn't believe that Fang Lisha dared to kill him until his death, and a subtle cold shadow lingered around his neck.

He Haoran is dead!
Nuoda's meeting room was dead silent!
Be it the members of Thirteen Sisters or Yang Long Xiaodao, all of them had dull expressions, and even their breathing was still at this moment.

He Haoran, who was like a god of war among the thirteen sisters, was so easily crushed to death by Fang Li!

Liu Shisan sat on the seat, and his brows, which had been calm until now, finally moved slightly.

"Boy, you killed Boss He and wait to die!"

"My thirteenth sister hasn't had a boss killed since she was established, just wait to bear the wrath of my thirteenth sister!"

A series of angry voices sounded.

"Come on, surround this arrogant person." Qin Fei shouted angrily.

"Who can kill this ignorant boy and avenge Boss He? The reward is 100 million!" surrounded.

He Haoran's death was actually the happiest thing for Qin Feihongdao. On the contrary, the two were very grateful that Fang Li killed He Haoran and cleared the obstacles for the two of them. Establish prestige, and even win over He Haoran's subordinates!
Fang Li can fight, but so what if people can fight?Can you beat a hundred or a thousand people?
Ants can't beat you if they bite an elephant to death, and the tactics of crowds of people can also drag you to death.

"I said surrender or die, it seems that you don't take what I said seriously!"

Fang Li stood in the middle of the crowd and shook his head indifferently. A group of native chickens and dogs, what's the use of having more?

Mobilizing the true intention, the power of frost condensed on the hands and feet, Fang Li moved first, like a tiger descending the mountain and pounced directly into the crowd, after that no one can stop him!
"This kid is really ignorant. He really thinks he can defeat a hundred with one!" Qin Fei chuckled lightly.

"I have seen a lot of people who can fight, but there are countless masters who have died in my hands." Hong Dao also sneered again and again!

As time passed, members of the Thirteenth Sisters fell to the ground while the figures flickered. At first, Qin Feihongdao didn't care, but after 5 minutes, there were fewer and fewer people besieging Fang Li.

Ten minutes later, all members of the Thirteen Girls who besieged Fang Li fell to the ground!

This time Qin Fei and Hong Dao couldn't sit still!

"All the more than 100 elite members have been brought down?" Qin Fei's feet were trembling, and a ghostly expression appeared on his face.

"This, this, this..." Hong Dao couldn't even speak clearly, how could these more than 100 elites not be able to stop Fang Li?
Standing behind Fang Li, Yang Long and Xiaodao were as dumb as a statue!
Then the two of them were startled together, showing ecstasy!

Fang Li first killed the God of War, and then used one as a hundred. In the hearts of the two of them, he was already a figure like a heavenly man!
"Brother Li!"

"God man!"

The two of them can't wait to go forward and save Fang Li's thigh!
God, take me to pretend, take me to fly!

"It was you two who ordered people to besiege me just now? It seems that He Haoran's death doesn't have any effect." Fang Li said to Qin Fei and Hong Dao after all, and the faces of the two of them suddenly changed when they were frightened.

"Speak well, little brother, let's talk well if we have something to say!"

Qin Fei begged Hong Dao for mercy, but secretly gestured to his subordinates!

The mouse and He Man form an angle and attack Fangli.

Fang Li's eyes were stern.

At this time, the two of them still dare to attack secretly?

"court death!"

Fang Li's anger went straight to the top of his head, it seemed that he had acted too lightly!
With a wave of Fang Li's hand, a condensed chill hit the mouse's chest, instantly freezing the mouse's heart!
Qin Fei's confidant, the mouse was cut off with one blow!
"Quickly kneel down!"

Fang Li turned his head to wait for his anger, and drank at He Man!
This sound was like a thunderclap, and his angry eyes widened like diamonds. He Man was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Forgive me!"

He Man had never seen such a killing god, and immediately knelt down and cried out in mourning.

But what awaited him was a chill in his heart, and then he collapsed completely.

"Surrender or die, it seems that you have indeed forgotten what you said!" Fang Li looked down at Qin Fei and Hong Dao who were sitting in their seats with stern eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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