Chapter 218 Shocking means
At this moment, only Fang Li's voice echoed in Nuo Da's meeting room!

Everyone sat silently in their positions, not daring to move!

This is a murderous monster!
Even begging for mercy is useless!

At this time, Fang Li mentioned surrender or die again, and everyone was in danger for a while!

"This brother, listen to me, I am willing..." The death of the mouse seemed to make Qin Fei lose his last support, and he no longer cared about his dignity and begged for mercy like a dog.


Fang Li spat out two words lightly, and stretched out his hand to pinch Qin Fei's neck.

With a click, Qin Fei, one of the three giants of the Thirteenth Sister, collapsed on the chair like a dead dog.

Thirteenth Sister fell down again, and everyone who was still in the conference room was already drenched, and they all knelt down with a plop.

Among them was Hong Dao who ordered the siege of Fang Li.

"We are willing to surrender!"

These senior members of the Thirteenth Sisters are all kneeling down and begging for mercy, but Liu Shisan has long been forgotten!
Liu Shisan is terrible!
But compared with the devil in front of him who kills people at the slightest disagreement, this is completely two levels of existence.

Fang Li stood in front of everyone, condescending like a king!
His eyes were extremely calm, neither sad nor happy.

"Others can live, but you can't!"

Fang Li's gaze was like a sword, and he went straight to Hong Dao: "You ordered me to attack me, I shall be killed!"

A person who wants to kill himself, Fang Li feels that it is impossible for him to exist, first Hong Dao, then the Hua family!

Today he will use the blood of the three elder sisters of the thirteenth sister to tell the Hua family that Fang Li is about to enter the darkness!

"You can't kill me, I can give you money, I can give you all my things, please don't kill me!"

Hong Dao begged for mercy with a pale face, nowhere was he as domineering as before.


"From the time you ordered to attack me, you are already a dead man in my eyes!"

Fang Li's face was stern, and he moved towards Hong Dao step by step!

To kill chickens to warn monkeys, Hong Dao was the last chicken he killed in Shisanmei!

And if He Haoran, Qin Fei, and Hong Dao were not removed, how would he arrange for Yang Long and Xiao Dao to take over.

"Don't come here, you devil, don't come here!"

Hong Dao said that he took out a pistol out of nowhere, and pointed it at Fang Li with a dark movement!
Fang Li was taken aback for a moment, and stopped his steps.

The reversal of this scene instantly changed the atmosphere of the entire conference room, and everyone looked at Hong Dao expectantly for a while.

"Brother Li, be careful!"

Yang Long and Xiao Dao screamed in surprise and were about to rush forward to block Fang Li's gun, but Fang Li signaled them to back down.

"Hahaha, are you scared?"

"So what if you can fight? It's the 21st century. Can you shoot a gun again? Are you good enough to shoot a gun?"

Although Hong Dao's body was still trembling, he was calmer after all with a pistol.

"Kneel down, kowtow to me and beg for mercy, if you can lick my shoes clean, maybe I can give you a good time!" Hong Fei muzzle moved, sticking out his dirty shoe upper.

"you wanna die!"

Fang Li's eyes turned cold, and an unprecedented chill emanated from his body, and Nuo Da's meeting room seemed to freeze at this moment.

"It's you who is looking for death!" Hong Dao pointed the gun at Fang Li with a stern face, and then pulled the trigger.

The bullet spat out the fire snake and drew a straight line towards Fang Li!
At this moment, everyone's hearts were suspended!
I couldn't stop praying in my heart, I must kill this demon, even Liu Shisan felt a little nervous.

"Brother Li, be careful!"

Yang Long and Xiao Dao rushed towards Fang Li desperately, hoping to help him block this fatal blow.

But the next second!
Everyone was dumbfounded!

After the gunshot, Fang Li lightly raised his hand, and the bullet was covered in frost out of thin air in the void!

But the thin frost can't stop the bullets fired at such a close range!
Fang Li's face changed, and he tried his best, and the frost condensed around the bullet slowed down the speed of the bullet!

After a moment!

The bullet broke through the ice all the way and finally stopped in front of Fang Li.

At this moment, time seemed to be stopped by frost!
Everyone stood in place like a statue!

Fang Li let out a long breath of foul air, but fortunately he blocked it!

"Do you still feel that the gun in your hand is useful?" Fang Li grabbed the bullet covered in frost and said lightly!
This voice, like a demon, instantly awakened everyone!

Those members of the Thirteen Sisters who stood up again knelt down again, with their faces already attached to the floor surface, and they didn't get up again after killing them this time!
Freezing bullets in the void, this method is beyond their imagination!

"Devil, you are the devil!"

Hong Dao fell down on the chair with a bang, as if he had aged in his twenties.

Even bullets can't kill the demon in front of him. Is there a better choice besides waiting powerlessly to die?
"Brother Li!"

The Xiaodao and Yang Long who rushed up could not stand still!

Originally thought that he already knew enough about Fang Li's methods!

But at this moment, they realized that what they understood was far from the tip of the iceberg!
Freezing bullets in the void, this is beyond the normal human worldview!
Even if you have seen Spiderman Batman Superman in the movie, but it is a movie after all, but what you see is a living example, you can try to let Spiderman catch a bullet, see if it is not every minute ko!

Liu Shisan was sitting on her seat, her pretty face had lost any color. Although she looked very calm, under his exquisite professional attire, her hot body was trembling slightly!

The bullets were frozen in the void, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe it was real.Even bullets can't hurt the young man in front of him, what else can he do?
"Now do you know how stupid it is to point a gun at me?" Fang Li played with the bullets and walked towards Hongdao step by step!

Hong Dao slumped on the chair powerlessly, panting heavily as if his strength had been drained, and looked at Fang Li with despairing eyes!

"Forgive me..." He begged for mercy with the last ounce of strength, but what was waiting for him was a moment of cold bullets.

In the blink of an eye!

The three giants of Thirteen Sisters, He Haoran, Qin Fei, and Hong Dao, all died in Fang Li's hands!
Fang Li was standing on one side of the meeting room, but at this moment he was the well-deserved focus, the center of the Nuo Da meeting room!

"Submit, or die!"

Fang Li spoke again!
"I'm waiting to come down!"

The rest of the senior thirteen sisters all bowed, and there was no voice of rebuttal.

The woman sitting on the master seat also stood up palely at this moment, and bowed to Fang Li: "Thirteen, I have seen the master."

(End of this chapter)

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