Chapter 219 Do One Thing
Fang Li looked at Liu Shisan with a smile on his face. There is no doubt that this woman is indeed very attractive. Whether it is her appearance, body, or mental ability, she is almost impeccable!

"Don't you care about the death of your men?"

From He Haoran's killing to Hong Dao's killing, Fang Li had been paying attention to Liu Shisan during the whole process. During this long half an hour, except for the time when he froze the bullet in the void, the woman didn't have the slightest bit in the whole process. waves, as if the life and death of these people had nothing to do with her.

"They offend the master, damn it."

Liu Shisan lowered his head and said.

The person has been killed, do you want to avenge the dead?Leaving aside whether he could take revenge, it would be a fool to have this idea after seeing that Fang Li couldn't even deal with hot weapons.

A person who knows the current affairs is a hero, so she chose to bow her head!
"But I don't believe you."

Fang Li said lightly, a woman with a heart as cold as ice, he didn't believe that she would bow her head so willingly.

For a dangerous wolf, he will not keep it as a dog: "So give me a reason to trust you, or not to kill you!"

"I can give you everything I have, Thirteenth Sister, including Liu Shisan." She raised her head and stared at Fang Li, then reached out and unbuttoned her professional uniform one by one.

Liu Shisan threw the coat on the ground, and followed her to unbutton her shirt in front of everyone.

one, two
When the skin whiter than the shirt was exposed, and the deep ravine appeared in front of Fang Li, her body trembled imperceptibly.

This is the first time she has unbuttoned herself in front of a man, and she is also confident in her body and appearance, no one can resist the temptation of her body, Fang Li is naturally included among these people!
But when her eyes fell on Fang Li, her whole body felt as if struck by lightning, and her trembling became more and more violent, as if her most confident thing had been shattered.

Fang Li stood calmly on the spot, although his eyes were fixed on Liu Shisan, but there was only joking in his eyes, not the slightest bit of enthusiasm.

Liu Shisan was dumbfounded!
For the first time, I doubted my own body.

No, at this moment he has doubts about Fang Li's orientation!
No one can resist the temptation of their own body, no one
Reluctantly, she reached out to undo the third button, but Fang Li's voice interrupted her.


Fang Li's voice was calm, without any ups and downs.

"Sister Thirteen is mine, but you, I'm not interested."

After Fang Li finished speaking, he looked away lightly, as calmly as if he was telling a fact.

Liu Shisan's body trembled, tears welled up in her eyes, Fang Li's ignorance was worse than killing her.

"The boss is the boss, such a beautiful woman can stand unbuttoned in front of her." Xiaodao at the side said with a look of admiration.

"Do you think Brother Li is comparable to a weak chicken like you? Brother Li has never seen anything in the world, would he care about a woman?" Yang Long reprimanded Xiao Dao with a dissatisfied expression, and then swallowed hard.

When the two of them said this, Liu Shisan's rolling tears immediately fell, and her pretty face turned pale and colorless.

"Put your tears away, it's useless to me!" Fang Li sat on the round table, "I just need you to do one thing for me, you can live if you are satisfied, and there is no need for you if you are not satisfied!"

Fang Li didn't have any sympathy, and since Liu Shisan had chosen this path, he also didn't need sympathy.

"The master ordered!"

Let the tears flow down, Liu Shisan stubbornly opened his mouth!
"I want you to integrate all the underground forces in Jiang City except the Hua family within seven days to form a heart organization called Dark Night."

Fang Li said it easily, but Liu Shisan was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "Impossible!"

"Why not."

"It's just impossible that Jiang City's underground forces are too messy. If I want to integrate them all, firstly, I don't have the strength, and secondly, it will arouse the dissatisfaction of Jiangshi Baidao,"

Liu Shisan said straightforwardly, she had worked so hard in Jiang City for so many years to make Shisanmei like this, now Fang Li wants her to integrate the underground forces other than the Hua family within seven days, the difficulty of which can be imagined Know how big it is.

"You don't have to worry about Bai Dao's affairs, I will help you carry them naturally, you just need to let go and do it!" Fang Li spoke again, Liu Shisan was stunned again by the confidence in his words, and even at this moment he was a little nervous. I can't see through Fang Li anymore!

Skilled, decisive in killing, demanding to integrate Jiang City's underground forces except the Hua family, and having a strong white background, could this be someone from the Hua government?
"It still doesn't work, as long as we make a move, if other gangs join forces, I can't handle it alone, and I can't suppress three people!"

If He Haoran was still around, she might be able to give it a try, but now that He Haoran has been beheaded by Fang Li, she has no chance of winning, so even if Fang Li wants to kill her, she will tell the truth.

"Don't worry, since I let you do it, I will naturally give you a way."

Fang Li said that a long sword appeared in his hand out of nowhere, and then flew towards Liu Shisan: "You take this long sword with you, and it will allow you to kill all enemies that stand in your way."

Dolan sword, increased combat power by [-] points, and combined with Liu Shisan's own strength, there would be no problem if he thought about it.

"So it's not magic."

When seeing this sword appear again, Yang Long was shocked!
How similar is this sword, isn't it the one that hung around his neck that day?

The same length, the same sharpness, and even the way they appear is exactly the same.

"Brother Li is really a god!"

Xiao Dao was so shocked that he couldn't even close his mouth!

He had never seen such a big sword on Fang Li's body all the way, and now this scene immediately changed the expressions of the two of them.


"Is he really a devil?"

Those surrendering members of Thirteen Sisters saw this scene with mouths so big they could swallow a duck egg!
A sword was conjured out of thin air, and the shock brought by it was no worse than the bullet frozen in the void.

Liu Shisan's tear-filled eyes flickered in shock at the moment. Originally, she thought that freezing bullets in the void was Fang Li's greatest method, but she didn't expect that Fang Li's cards were far more than that!
She took the long sword with trembling hands, but she was puzzled in her heart, could this precious sword greatly increase her strength and make her invincible?

When she took over Dolan's sword, her heart trembled suddenly, as if an endless sharp breath hit her heart, she lightly stroked the round table with one hand, and the round table with a diameter of three meters was cut in half.

The round table fell to the ground with a bang, and Liu Shisan's heart was beating at this moment. The sword was so sharp that she cut the three-meter-diameter round table without any effort. No wonder Fang Li dared to say that this sword could cut all enemies.

"Do you still think it's impossible?"

Fang Li was full of smiles.

"Thirteen, I will definitely not disappoint Master." Liu Shisan said respectfully with a startled delicate body.

So she gave the sword to herself as she said, at this moment, all she had was awe of Fang Li, nothing else.

So far, Thirteenth Sister, flat!

(End of this chapter)

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