Chapter 222 Bronze VS Team
As Fang Li landed in the game, the entire Penguin technical department became tense again!

"Minister, are we really going to do this?" Tang Ling stood beside Yang Han nervously and asked cautiously.

"Nonsense, I have already negotiated with the club, and they are willing to accept our cooperation!" Yang Han said with a frown.He said that the club is willing to cooperate with him, but in fact he spent money on it.

When he asked Tang Ling to use the five kings to VS Bronze, he had already negotiated terms with several top LPL teams in China, and he was ready to let them deal with Fang Li!
"I don't believe that these professional players are not as good as Fang Li!" Yang Han smiled. The difference between a professional player and a passer-by player lies in the use of tactics and the cooperation of the team. This is why the rank of the national server is the first. Even the reason why there are few professional players in the top ten!

Now let a team with intensive training and tacit cooperation to deal with Fang Li, Yang Han's chances of winning have greatly increased.

"But Minister, after the matter of blocking the stick, Brother Dali's image in the hearts of players on the national server has greatly increased, and even many players have chosen to quit and support Brother Dali. If we do this, I am afraid that the public opinion will become more serious!"

Tang Ling was extremely worried. Fang Li hung up the blocking stick and caused the stick to fall from king to bronze in just five days. This incident caused a sensation in the national server, and even the Korean server was shocked by it.

Especially those players with a sense of nationality and patriotism, they chose to support Fang Li one after another. For a while, Fang Li's popularity soared several times within this month.He was worried that if something excessive was done against Fang Li, the players might not be happy about it!
"Don't worry, the players are just talking. If you really want to make them do something, they don't dare." Yang Han smiled. He has been the minister for so many years and has also worked in the circle for decades. I have known the psychology of netizens for a long time, so I can only talk about it online.

"I'm just making a suggestion. Since you've made a decision, Minister, then we'll just follow what the Minister said!" Tang Ling nodded, and then stopped dwelling on this topic.

"Well, let's get ready! I've already contacted the club to which the RNG team belongs, and let them go first for the first battle." Yang Han prepared several teams for Fang Li, such as EDG, LGD, OMG, etc. In order to get the clubs of these teams to agree to allow the teams to deal with Fang Li, he spent a lot of effort, so this time he is bound to win.

"With four bronzes, you can beat five kings. Could it be that you can win a professional team with four bronzes?" Especially RNG, which is a very powerful team in the world, he doesn't believe Fang Power can turn the tables!
What's more, he has other backup players. If RNG can't do it, then he can join EDG. If he can't do it, he can change teams. If he can't do it in the end, at worst, all teams will play together!

Yang Han's eyes were crazy, and he quietly waited for Fang Li to start the game!
On the other side, when Fang Li enters the live broadcast of the game, it will be turned on automatically. At this time, the audience who have been waiting hard for a long time in the live broadcast room are suddenly excited!

"Brother Li, where have you been all this time? If you haven't started the live broadcast for so long, I'm going to die of anxiety!"

"Me too, I can't sleep without watching Li Ge's game recently."

"I can't fucking eat anymore and lost ten catties."

Some fanatical fans would come to Fang Li's live broadcast room almost every day, or even every once in a while to refresh to see if Fang Li had started the live broadcast.

Seeing Fang Li's live broadcast now, these fans immediately became excited like addicts seeing something that can stop their addiction.

"Hehe, I have something to do during this period. I may not have much time to start the live broadcast in three days. You don't need to watch it every day."

Fang Li was a little moved. Many viewers here had never even seen him face to face. They just knew this ID, but they waited for him to start the broadcast every day. For a while, he felt a little sorry!

Thinking that he was going to attend Mr. Jiang's birthday three days later, he didn't know if there would be any changes, so he said hello in advance, so that the audience would not be waiting here for nothing.

I don't know why, but as he uses the system more frequently, especially after obtaining the Frost Bloodline, he feels more and more that this system should not be as simple as just playing games. It is very likely that there is a shocking secret behind this system!
Where did this system come from?Who developed it?Why are you bound to yourself?What will happen when this system is used until it finally merges with the body?
These questions flashed through his mind, and he was even more sure that the number of live broadcasts he played would decrease. As the system was used more and more, he would discover more system secrets. By then, the game might be over. Stay away from him, and a more vast world will appear before his eyes!
"Brother Li, don't do this! Concentrate on playing the live broadcast, or I'll send you the blade!"

Fang Li thought so, but the audience didn't think so, and some fanatical fans even said that they would send blades.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's start the game directly!" Fang Li smiled, and just about to click to start matching, UZI's information box flashed!
"Brother Li, we will meet later!"

Fang Li looked confused: "Meet me, what kind of meeting?"

"Of course we met in the game! To tell you the truth, our entire team may have to fight you later!" UZI said!
"No way, how did your team play against me? How could this ranking system allow five of you to line up with me at the same time." Fang Li said, the smile on his face suddenly froze, "You mean Penguin?"

Except for Penguin, he couldn't figure out who could match the five members of the RnG team against him!

"Ah." UZI nodded, "I don't want to, but the club asks us, and we can't help it. You also know that we all have contracts!"

Xiaogou is a little helpless. Although professional teams look good, they are actually working for the club behind them, even UZI is no exception.

"I rely on it, no!"

Fang Li was a little crazy!

Let yourself face a professional team?
He has played professionally, but his career is very different from the LPL team, especially this professional team is still RNG, a team that is at the top of the world stage!
"I'm also secretly reminding you, so it's best to start and end the game as soon as possible." In order to remind Fang Li, UZI didn't even dare to start the live broadcast, and even sent messages to Fang Li secretly after logging in to the game. of!

"Okay, I got it!" Fang Li nodded, but his heart was a little nervous, "But if you give me four kings, it doesn't mean that you won't be able to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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