Chapter 223 Need for Players
When Fang Li was still fantasizing about fighting RNG with the four king teammates, UZI couldn't bear to remind Fang Li that your teammates would only be the bronze five out of the bronze five, absolutely impossible to be the four kings!
"Brother Li, take care!" U Zi shook his head with a self-seeking expression.

"Brother Li, don't be hypocritical, just open the cheat and do it directly, RNG is nothing!"

"That's right, all tactics are paper tigers in front of cheats!"

"No matter how deep the routine is, it is less than one ten-thousandth of a cheat!"

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard that Fang Li was going to face RNG, not only did they not feel scared, but there was a faint trace of excitement, and the words revealed their desire to see RNG being beaten to the ground by Fang Li's cheats!

Fang Li nodded, and then clicked to start matching!
At the same time, the five members of the RNG team, UZI, Xiaohu, Ming, LETME, and Mala Xiangguo, who had already prepared, also clicked on the match!
"The show is about to begin!"

Yang Han looked at the few people who matched with him with a smile on his face, and a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Players are matched together in just three seconds!
"Quickly see if you match the five members of the RNG team!"

"Don't watch it, I opened Li Ge's live broadcast room and UZI's live broadcast room at the same time, and the two did meet!"

"Oh my god, Brother Li VS professional team, just thinking about it makes me a little excited!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was excited.

Fang Li also had some expectations. After all, there are very few opportunities to compete with professional teams. As a senior League of Legends player, how could he waste this opportunity.

Soon he discovered that something was wrong!
The banned heroes turned out to be ice sword masters and the like. Isn't it true that some versions of strong heroes were banned?
"Is there still a special routine?" Fang Li comforted himself in his heart. After all, the routines of high-end players are also famous, and often a 450 hero can play a variety of tricks, and the show is overwhelming.

But when the hero selected on the first floor came out, Fang Li began to doubt it!

Demacia jungler on the first floor!
The barbarians on the third floor are assisting!

The fourth floor also grabbed the mid laner, but ended up choosing a nanny!

Fang Li was dumbfounded for a while!
However, the fifth floor still chose Wheel Mom to play ADC normally!

But in the next second, I was typing on the fifth floor!

"Wheel mother is on the order!"

Li was dumbfounded at this point!

Are you playing Lao Tzu?
What kind of tricks are these?
Dema is the jungler, the nanny is the mid laner, the barbarian is the support, and the wheel mom is the top laner. Then why is my mid laner Syndra going?
"Play ADC! Your Syndra can be used as an AD!"

When the four teammates said these words, Fang Li was already going crazy!
Let yourself be a Syndra to play ADC, is there a dung beetle in your mind?
"Fuck, I feel that this scene seems a bit familiar!"

"That's right, I also feel a little familiar. It seems that Brother Li ranked four bronzes at the beginning. That's it. Could it be four bronzes this time?"

"In my opinion, this is definitely the king of bronze, otherwise it wouldn't be like this!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were discussing, and then someone quietly began to search by Fang Li's teammate ID!
"Hmph, enjoy the surprise I prepared for you with peace of mind!" Yang Hanhan laughed a few times, these bronze players were carefully selected by him.

"Fuck, I just checked Dema's record, five thousand games in the field, this is an old Dema!" At this time, the audience who checked Dema's information exclaimed!

Fang Li was taken aback, but at the same time he couldn't help comforting himself, five thousand games of Dema shouldn't be too bad, right?

"What's the five thousand games of Dema? The barbarians are fucking terrible. I'm telling you that the barbarians are awesome. This bastard has fought three thousand games against the barbarians, and it's a full [-] games in terms of man and machine, but you know him What is the winning percentage? One percent"

Another audience checked out Manzi's information. When Fang Li heard that Manzi had a [-]% winning rate in [-] games, he couldn't help but took a deep breath. Could this Manzi be a curse?

"You're so weak, all of you are so weak! The nanny is the real bronze king!"

"I agree with the above, I'm afraid of seeing this nurse's record! Every page is full of red, and the more important thing is that this professional nurse is definitely a cancer in e-sports!"

"Brother Li, it's normal for him to use the nanny mid laner. I see his record as nanny top laner, nanny jungler, nanny ADC, and he's played everything except the support position!"

Fang Li shuddered when he heard that the nanny was playing wild and ADC: "Do you want to be so willful when you play everything except support?"

"The wheels are at least normal, right? There won't be any AP wheels, meat wheels or something?" Fang Li asked cautiously!

"Wheeler's mother is quite normal, but what's a little scary is that the data shows that he has been blocked more than 3 times. It is estimated that there are not many friends. The number of black fans is enough to go around the world several times!"

"The key point is that this is not the main point. The key point is that I can see that almost none of his record has a death toll lower than [-]."

Nima, is this a mobile cash machine?

He shuddered for no reason when he heard that Wheel Mom's average death rate would not be less than 50 per game. It took a lot of effort to die more than [-] times!

Don't you get tired of dying so much?
"Brother Li, are you mentally prepared?"

"May you have good luck, if not, then you deserve bad luck."

The audience in the live broadcast room made a joke about Fang Li!
Before, they were looking forward to Fang Li's battle with RNG, but the premise was to bring four king teammates, but now the four bronze players are still the best in bronze, and the audience can only mourn for Fang Li!
"Don't talk about it! Besides, I'm going to retreat instantly!" Fang Li struggled in his heart, but he knew that even if he retreated instantly and matched again, the result would still be the same, unless he wasn't going to play this game anymore!
Soon, UZI also confirmed the last candidate!
Top laner Qing Gangying, mid laner Clockwork, jungler Excavator, ADC Wayne, and support Nami.

After the lineup is determined, the game starts to enter, and the eyes of countless people are focused for a while!

"I'm a little nervous!"

Mala Xiangguo smiled, especially when he thought of the factory manager's jungler being brutalized by Fang Li's Teemo, the smile on his face was a little embarrassing!
"Who isn't nervous! This is Brother Dali, who can drop directly from king to bronze within five days!" Top laner LETME also spoke!
"That puppy, you have a good relationship with Brother Dali. You have to explain to him that we have no other way to deal with him. Otherwise, I'm afraid that if Brother Li hates me, I will become like Han Chengjun." If you become bronze, you're done!" Xiaohu thought he was facing Fang Li, so he asked UZI to explain!

"Yes, yes, I think it is necessary to explain this matter, otherwise we will be the ones who suffer! I don't want to meet Li Ge in the rankings and be played to death in the future!"

Assistant Ming also nodded vigorously!

"Don't worry! Brother Li is not such a stingy person!" UZI smiled, and didn't tell everyone that he had already explained it!

(End of this chapter)

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