Chapter 229 Yang Han's Crisis

Coach Li thought and said the same thing in his heart, and besides, he asked Yang Han for help. Now, facing two choices, it is natural to choose fans who can bring him greater benefits, and the club also made such a decision!

But what he said had a different meaning in Yang Han's ears, so Yang Han's face sank as soon as he finished speaking: "Coach Li, what do you mean by that, you don't help me?" That's fine, but do you really think I'm asking you?"

Yang Han's tone was cold, he managed to get through the phone but was persuaded not to deal with Fang Li, how could he not be angry?
"I don't dare, I'm just expressing my own thoughts. Since Minister Yang has already made a decision in his heart, there is no need to listen to my opinion." Coach Li said!
"Okay, don't talk nonsense with me anymore, I've written down what you did today. I don't believe that if you don't help, I, Yang Han, won't be able to find anyone to deal with Brother Dali!"

Yang Han said with an angry face, and was about to hang up the phone, when Coach Li's voice sounded again: "If Minister Yang, you still want to find a professional team to deal with Brother Dali, I think you don't have to go through such trouble! Because we All LPL and lspl professional teams have reached a consensus, once we meet Dali in the rankings, we will choose to hang up!"

After saying this sentence, it is undoubtedly equivalent to saying, let our professional team deal with Fang Li, I would rather choose a dog leash.

In fact, when Fang Li took four bronzes and pushed the RNG base to nothing in a few minutes, the members of these professional teams had already quietly connected together. Even RNG could not last a few minutes in Fang Li's hands. Can it work?

Coupled with the pressure of fans' speeches, these coaches and clubs will not be stupid. Since they can't deal with Fang Li, why bother to lie in this muddy water? The gain outweighs the loss!

So in the face of Yang Han's aggressiveness, Coach Li doesn't mind teaching Yang Han a hard lesson, it's not that their professional clubs are afraid of him!

"Are you sure you're not joking? All choose to hang up?"

Yang Han's tone was cold, but only Tang Ling and the others could see him trembling.

"Of course I'm not joking. If you don't believe me, you can continue to call other teams. It's up to you whether you can get through!"

"Okay, we're still busy with training! Don't bother Minister Yang!" Coach Li hung up the phone immediately after speaking.
"What the hell, you dare to hang up on my phone!" Yang Han was furious, and then continued to dial out phone numbers one by one, "I don't believe that you really joined forces and chose to hang up."

Yang Han had a look of disbelief, but when he dialed one by one, all of them could not be connected or the phone was turned off, his whole face turned livid!
"Damn it, a bunch of trash, a big brother scares all the professional teams into cowering feet, they usually brag about how awesome they are with me, they're all fucking idiots!"

"Wait, wait for me, wait for me to clean up Brother Dali, don't beg me!"

Yang Han became angrier as he spoke, and then smashed the fruit machine in his hand on the floor with a bang, and the screen cracked and shattered.


Tang Ling on the side shouted softly!
"To shut up!"

Yang Han glared at Tang Ling.

"Well, the boss told us to go see him."

Tang Ling said calmly.

"Boss asked us to see him?" Yang Han frowned.

"Yeah!" Tang Ling nodded, "It seems that the matter of letting RNG deal with Brother Dali this time has a much greater impact than we expected."

As Tang Ling spoke, he opened the official website of the alliance. The original clean official website was now filled with graffiti and messed up, as if the post bar had been blasted.

"The official website was attacked before!" Tang Ling said helplessly.

"Then why are you eating it? Hurry up and get it back! Do you still need me to teach you how to do it?" Yang Han roared.

Tang Ling smiled wryly, and then fixed the page in front of Yang Han, but within three seconds the website was in a mess again, and someone even graffitied a penguin gnawing on it.

"They are planning to attack our website!" Yang Han pointed at the screen and said, Tang Ling and the technicians on the side all rolled their eyes, looking at him like an idiot. Do you want to say such an obvious thing?
If it was not premeditated, how could the website be attacked as soon as it was restored?
"Check, find out who is attacking the website." Yang Han said.

"I checked. They are all League of Legends players. They attacked the website out of anger. We made a rough count and there are more than 3 people taking turns attacking together."

There are hundreds of millions of League of Legends players, many of whom are computer experts. Now because Fang Li was targeted by Penguin, they directly vented their anger on Penguin.

When Tang Ling revealed the anti-tracking data, Yang Han was about to say that he would arrest the police, but he held back abruptly, "[-], why are there so many?"

The law does not blame the crowd. If there are one or two people, it can be solved, but if there are 3 people, then this will cause a global sensation!

Even if he calls the police, I'm afraid the police station will have a headache, right?More importantly, players with this kind of technology will never be unknown in certain fields. Perhaps in a certain industry, a certain unit is irreplaceable. Once they are caught, the society may be in chaos !
Another point, if he calls the police and arrests these 3 people, I am afraid that the number of League of Legends players will drop sharply, and the loss of profits to the company will be huge!
Yang Han was shocked!
He never expected that this behavior would stimulate so many players to defend Fang Li. What shocked him even more was Fang Li's huge fan base. Once he did something more extreme than today, he would not be able to Imagine what will happen?

"Is it because of this that the boss asked us to go?" Yang Han's heart beat suddenly, and he knew that he might face breaking his promise in front of his boss!

He clearly remembered the scene when he was called by the boss last time. Although he gained huge authority, he also took a huge risk. If he didn't settle the matter well, he would get out of Penguin!
Crisis, this is an unprecedented crisis!
Cold sweat was already streaming down Yang Han's forehead.

"Minister, the boss has sent someone over again. Let's see if we will go there right away," Tang Ling said.

"En!" Yang Han nodded, and then took Tang Ling to the top floor of the building to meet the emperor on the top floor of the Penguin Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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