Chapter 230 Yang Han's Big Move
Speaking of the Internet age, among the domestic giants, the emperor behind Penguin is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding.

It is said that this giant's surname is Ma. Although everyone knows his existence, they don't know much about him. Unlike another giant surnamed Ma who often appears in everyone's sight, no one can ignore this giant. presence, especially inside the penguin.

Yang Han and Tang Ling stood anxiously in the elevator leading to the top floor. Tang Ling looked to the side without saying a word, but his heart was already full of ecstasy, because this was the first time he was personally called by the boss to go to the office. In the entire technical department, only Yang Han could talk to the boss.

"What's going on, why did the boss call Tang Ling this time?"

Yang Han was puzzled, and looked at Tang Ling from the corner of his eye several times, because things were so weird.It's understandable to call me, after all, I'm the head of the technical department, but what does it mean to call Tang Ling?
Yang Han frowned, the more he thought about it, the more confused he became, and a sense of vigilance suddenly rose in his heart, even the way he looked at Tang Ling began to change!

Soon, the two got out of the elevator with their own thoughts, and then walked straight to the end of the corridor. There is only one office on this floor, and that is the one at the end of the corridor!
When the two entered the office, there were already two deputy directors of the technical department standing inside. In front of the two deputy ministers was a long table with simple decorations for office use. Behind him was a chair with its back facing everyone, and an invisible coercion came from the chair.


The chair suddenly turned around, and a man spoke without anger and prestige, and all four people present bowed their heads.


Yang Han hurriedly lowered his head and spoke.

"Yang Han, do you know why I called you here?" The man looked up at Yang Han, without any emotion in his eyes, or he didn't want others to see his emotions.


Yang Han nodded, his little feet were a little weak.

Facing this boss, he is like a primary school student!
"You let me down!"

The man only said six words, and he defined Yang Han.

Yang Han's expression changed, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, otherwise, once this sentence spreads, he will be thrown into the cold palace in the company!

"Boss, listen to my explanation. I have no choice but to do it. Otherwise, it is impossible for us to deal with Brother Dali by purely technical means or conventional means." Yang Han said!

"What's the result?" The man's eyes turned cold, "All I want to see is the result, but what did you get me? Are you going to push the penguin to the forefront?"

At his position, he no longer needs to do it himself, and he leaves many things to his subordinates to take care of. He only needs to see the result, and he doesn't care about the process, but this time he was very disappointed.

"Do you remember what I told you last time?" The man suddenly stood up.

"Boss, give me another chance." Yang Han stepped forward.

"Give you another chance? Let the matter expand again?" the man said.

"The matter has come to this point, and it is impossible to calm down. The only way is to completely erase the cheating incident. Please give me another chance, if I still can't solve this matter, I will resign voluntarily!" Yang Han Gritting his teeth, he knew that this was his last chance, if he didn't seize it, he would lose it completely!

The man is silent.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire office was extremely depressing!
The two deputy ministers and Tang Ling didn't dare to take a breath.

Yang Han's clothes were drenched with sweat, and his body was shaking violently. Although he was majestic in front of others, he was trembling in front of this person, like walking on thin ice.

"Yang Han, you have been in the company for almost ten years!"

The man speaks.

"It's the boss!" Yang Han was overjoyed.

"You are an old man in the company, so I shouldn't treat you like this, but you also know that the company has company regulations, and I have my own guidelines. If the matter cannot be resolved, you should know what to do, right?"

The man said!
"Thank you boss!"

Yang Han breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Tang Ling's eyes flashed with astonishment, and he felt a little regretful.

"Tang Ling."

At this moment, the man suddenly spoke, and Tang Ling was flattered and stepped forward: "Boss."

The man nodded: "How many years have you been in the company?"

"It's been 32 days since I came to the company." Tang Ling said!

Surprise flashed slightly in the man's eyes, as if the lake water wrinkled by the wind soon returned to calm.

Not only the man, but also Yang Han and the two vice ministers were surprised!
Especially Yang Han seemed to be meeting Tang Ling for the first time!
The man asked how many years to come!

But Tang Ling was very smart, so he answered it with God!

More importantly, a person who can use the days to count the days has obvious ambitions.

And how could Yang Han, who had lived in the workplace for a long time, not know why the boss asked Tang Ling how long he had been in the company?

Now that Tang Ling's answer came out, his heart, which he hadn't cared about before, tensed up instantly.

"Two thousand and thirty-two days."

The man repeated, not commenting on anything, but said lightly: "Go down!"

"Tang Ling, the hiding place is really deep enough, isn't it? Two thousand and thirty-two days, I guess you remember so clearly that you are calculating how many days it will take you to take my place!"

As soon as he walked out of the office, Yang Han's voice rang out. With his experience, how could he not know that the boss already wanted to promote Tang Ling.

Tang Ling's face was calm. At this moment, he was not as respectful as before, but said lightly: "The minister is joking!"

"Just kidding. No wonder you always persuade me to take a long-term view when dealing with Brother Dali. It turns out that you have always wanted to replace me. It's really okay!" Yang Han became more and more angry as he spoke, and the two deputy officers looked at Tang Ling with extremely unfriendly eyes. .

Originally, both of them thought that they were called by the boss to promote themselves, and no matter how bad it was, they would choose one of the two deputy departments. Who knew that Tang Ling had been inserted sideways now!
Yang Han's face was blue. If he had discovered Tang Ling's thoughts earlier, he might have kicked Tang Ling away long ago, but now it's too late for that one to speak up!

The three of them could only stare at Tang Ling, but Tang Ling looked calm.

"Tang Ling, don't be complacent, don't forget, I'm still the head of the technology department, and I still have a chance to make a comeback." Yang Han said, as long as he settles the matter, everything will go on as usual!
Tang Ling's face changed. He knew the truth was the same, but thinking of Fang Li's strength, he forced himself to calm down: "You think Brother Dali is so easy to deal with? Even professional teams don't want to provoke him. Who do you think can beat him?" ?”


Yang Han laughed, "Are you kidding? If I'm not sure, do you think I dare to say those words in front of the boss?"

"Let me tell you the truth! No matter how powerful Fang Li is, can he surpass the king of a district?"

After Yang Han finished speaking, Tang Ling's expression changed drastically!
(End of this chapter)

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