Chapter 247 Fang Li Wrath

When the Jiang family banquet was halfway through, An Ye's headquarters was caught in a fight!

Everything went as Fang Li expected, the Hua family is here!

And it was a thunderbolt, dispatching a core force like Night Thorn!

The night falls, and the night thorns come out!

"President, many forces have been secretly plotted against by the Hua family and now they are turning against us!" Yang Long said to Liu Shisan angrily.

Before the Hua family sent out the night thorns, they rebelled against the newly integrated forces of the dark night, and the dark night swept Jiang City's underground forces. People immediately defected like grass on the wall!

"I knew these idiots didn't really join the dark night. We should have destroyed them all in the first place." Xiaodao gritted his teeth, and the night stab suddenly attacked, and he was also injured, how could he not be angry!
Liu Shisan frowned and did not speak. Beside him were Dolan's sword and the powerful talisman bestowed by Fang Li.

"What are you panicking about? The master has already expected this scene!" Liu Shisan said lightly, not knowing why she had inexplicable confidence in Fang Li, "We haven't lost any of our core members, so the matter is not over yet!"

"That's true, thanks to Brother Li's ability to predict things like a god, otherwise we would really fall into a big fall." Yang Long smiled, and Fang Li admired him even more!
"Where did the Hua family go?" Liu Shisan stroked Dolan's sword.

"It's about to come up! The [-] or so people in this dog day are really too fierce!" Xiaodao said!
Liu Shisan picked up the Dali Talisman, and said, "Give it to the brother with the best skills, and we'll go and see what this night stab is capable of!"

"Yes!" The two excitedly took the powerful talisman!

This night is destined to be a bloody night, and I don't know whether it is the night that covers the thorn, or the thorn pierces the night.

. . . . . .
The banquet continued, but apart from Jiang Deshan, Mr. Jiang, and Murong Hua, the others seemed very dissatisfied with Fang Li sitting with him!

But since Mr. Jiang and Murong Hua didn't say anything, the other giants didn't say anything. On the contrary, Fang Li's identity became even more confused.

During the period, Hua Jianfeng also looked at Fang Li several times, Fang Li didn't care, but Hua Jianfeng gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. He could feel that the underground emperor of Jiang City should be a hidden master!
As time went by, the topic of Murong Hua and the others gradually shifted to more serious business. At this time, Fang Li felt a little awkward sitting here again!

"Mr. Jiang, then I'll go out first!" Fang Li said as he took out a talisman and handed it over, "This is a carefully nourished talisman. Wearing it on your body can prolong your life. A little heart is not a respect!"

When Fang Li took out his congratulatory gifts, many people smiled slightly, and a trace of contempt flashed in their eyes, how could anyone give gifts or talismans!

All of you here are atheists and don't believe in such things at all.

But Mr. Jiang was different, he had seen Fang Li's miraculous medical skills with his own eyes, and now that Fang Li said that he could prolong his life, he felt that he would be able to prolong his life.

"Fang Xiaoyou has a heart!"

Mr. Jiang's eyes lit up immediately, he quickly took the gift, and put it away like a treasure!
"Mr. Jiang, isn't it just a talisman? Why are you so cautious."

After Fang Li left, Murong Hua asked in surprise, in his opinion, Mr. Jiang should not be superstitious, right?

"No, these are tricks of charlatans to deceive people. How can they be taken seriously? If these talismans can prolong life, why do you need a doctor?"

Many people also laughed lightly!

"Hahaha, this is not an ordinary talisman. Xiaoyou Fang said it can prolong life, so I will treat him as prolonging life!" Mr. Jiang laughed!
Everyone could only laugh, thinking that Mr. Jiang was old and weak, and at the age where he was afraid of death, he needed something to support him.

. . . . . .
The moment Fang Li came out from the inside, there was a sudden loud noise outside, and Jiang Yuchen's voice was vaguely heard!
"what happened?"

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, and he walked quickly towards the lobby!

In the lobby!
Jiang Zhe stood firmly in front of Jiang Yuchen, looked directly at Hua Shaorong and said, "Hua Shaorong, this is Jiang's family, do you know what you are doing?"

Hua Shaorong sneered and said: "Jiang Zhe, you'd better get out of here, I dare not move, but the woman behind you is going to be fixed! Others don't know what the kid Fang Li is, so I won't Know? Why do you bother to offend me for such a person? "

"Get out." Jiang Zhe's eyes were cold. Before Fang Li went in, he handed Jiang Yuchen over to him. The purpose was to let him get to know more people in this circle with Jiang Yuchen. Now that something like this happened, he couldn't back down!
"You're looking for death!" Hua Shaorong was furious, anyone who said hello to him would end badly, even the Jiang family, which was gathered at this moment, was no exception!

"Hua Yun!"

At this time, a gloomy man came out from the crowd, and the moment he appeared, the atmosphere here became icy cold!
"Hua Shaorong, aren't you afraid of tearing up your face with the Jiang family?" Hua Yun's appearance made Jiang Zhe feel powerless, and he could only carry him out of the Jiang family at this moment!
"The Jiang family, how can it compare to my Hua family! Today, I'm sure I'll play with this woman!" Hua Shaorong's eyes were full of ferocity, as if he wanted to vent all of Fang Li's anger on Jiang Yuchen!

"You dare." Jiang Zhe stepped forward!

"Hua Shao, this is the Hua family! You can't mess around, even if it's your father!" Jiang Deshui also stood up when he saw that something was wrong!
He knew that Jiang Yuchen was brought by Fang Li. If something happened to Jiang Yuchen, Fang Li would be furious, and the Jiang family would also be implicated. He is not stupid and naturally knows what to do!
As for the Hua family, he also vaguely heard something from his father, so he is not afraid of suffering a little loss today, but Jiang Yuchen must be fine!
"Get lost, what are you?" Hua Shaorong roared, "Hua Yun, what are you waiting for?"

Jiang Deshan who stepped forward was immediately thrown out!
"How dare you?" Jiang Zhe's face changed drastically, "Kill me if you have the ability!"

Jiang Zhe looked directly at Hua Yun!


Hua Yun's eyes turned cold, and he kicked Jiang Zhe flying away. Jiang Yuchen was exposed in front of everyone like a frightened rabbit!
"You, what do you want?"

Jiang Yuchen lost the last barrier, her face paled in fright!
"What do I want? Of course I want to fuck you?" Hua Shaorong approached like a wolf, swearing constantly.

"Don't come here, don't come here!" Jiang Yuchen turned and ran away in fright, Hua Shaorong immediately reached out and grabbed it!


Jiang Yuchen's skirt sleeves were torn instantly, revealing a piece of pure white!
"It's so white!" Hua Shaorong's eyes sparkled with excitement, I don't know why the more Jiang Yuchen struggled, the more energetic he became!

All the people present were silent, and no one stood up to speak!
That's the Hua family, who dares to offend easily!

"It's useless, it's a waste for a beautiful woman like you to follow Fang Liqiong's student, why not forget it with me!" Hua Shaorong said, suddenly a figure broke through the crowd and rushed directly in front of him!
"Fang Li?"

Hua Shaorong's expression changed, "Aren't you inside?"

"You've offended me!" Fang Li's eyes were cold, and he threw his hand directly at Hua Shaorong's astonished face.

(End of this chapter)

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