Chapter 248 Do You Know Who I Am?
Fang Li was furious at the moment, so this slap came with a lot of strength!
Hua Shaorong's bones on the right side of his face suddenly made a crisp sound, and his stunned face sank directly!
The majesty of one palm, the bone is broken to this point!

Fang Li kicked out, Hua Shaorong immediately bowed like a shrimp, clutching his stomach and flying out backwards!

After all this was done, the crowd came to their senses, and all of them widened their eyes, looking at Fang Li in disbelief!

"He, he hit the young master of the Hua family?"

Many people exclaimed in disbelief!
Fang Li's eyes were cold. After hearing this, he became even more annoyed. He looked around and said, "Whoever dares to have unreasonable thoughts, die!"

As soon as these words came out, many people felt the hairs on their backs suddenly, and a chill came to their hearts.

"Brother Li." Jiang Zhe got up with difficulty, and blamed himself, "I didn't protect my sister-in-law well!"

"Fang Li, the Jiang family has done their best on this matter!" Looking at the furious Fang Li, Jiang Deshan also hurried forward to explain that once Fang Li has resentment towards the Jiang family, it is not something he can bear.

Fang Li ignored the two, walked towards Jiang Yuchen, took off his clothes and covered Jiang Yuchen, "It's all right!"

"Brother Li!"

At this moment, Jiang Yuchen couldn't control it anymore, and threw himself into Fang Li's arms!
"Okay, it's alright!" Fang Li stroked Jiang Yuchen's back, as Jiang Yuchen was crying so loudly, the anger in his heart was as deep as it was!
"Fang Li, you dare to hit me, I want you to die!" Hua Shaorong struggled to get up, endured the severe pain of fractured right cheek, and said resentfully!

"Hua Yun, why are you still standing there? Kill him for me, on the spot!" Hua Shaorong roared!

It was only then that Hua Yun realized that Fang Li suddenly appeared just now and kicked Hua Shaorong away, it was so fast that he was a little dazed, but now that he was reminded, his gaze suddenly became colder and colder!

He succeeded Master Liu to protect Hua Shaorong. Now that Hua Shaorong has been beaten like this, he cannot escape the responsibility as a protector. Only by beheading Fang Li can he not be punished!
"The people of the Hua family are not something you can mess with, so prepare to die!" Hua Yun stepped forward and rushed towards him like a cold long sword!

Fang Li let go of Jiang Yuchen, turned around and said, "I'm not something your Hua family can mess with."

"Ignorance!" Hua Yun was furious, and his speed skyrocketed again. As one of the three masters trained by the Hua family himself, his move is a killer move!
He pointed at Fang Li with a sword.

"Small tricks." Fang Li snorted softly, and took one step at a fast speed, coming from behind!
With a punch, he directly pointed at Hua Yun!

Hua Yun sneered, he could break the marble with one finger, and Fang Li was facing each other with his fists, in his opinion, he was undoubtedly seeking his own death!
The moment the fists and fingers met, Hua Yun's face suddenly changed!
An incomparably piercing chill came from above Fang Li's fist and along his fingers. At this moment, his fingers condensed into an imperceptible frost, which became extremely stiff!
"not good!"

Hua Yun frowned, wanting to withdraw his fingers, but the general situation has already been established, and it is too late to withdraw!

Fingers fly!

"Impossible!" Hua Shaorong shouted immediately!

He knew how terrifying Hua Yun's finger was. He saw Hua Yun crush a [-] cm thick marble with one finger!
But now Hua Yun couldn't break Fang Li's punch with one finger?
"Nothing is impossible! How can you know my ability!" Fang Li gained power, once he entered, he continued to advance!

While Hua Yun was still flying in the air and had nowhere to rely, he punched Hua Yun's elbows, knees and elbows four times in a row!

Bang bang bang!
Every time he hits, Hua Yun's body will be thrown higher by one point!
At this moment, everyone was silent, and their eyes showed horror!
No one expected that this seemingly frail young man would be so frightening!
"Now do you know who you can't mess with?"

With four punches, Fang Li jumped up like a big roc, more than four meters high, and then slashed down with one kick, hitting Hua Yun's chest!

Huayun was forced, like a meteor falling, hit the ground, and went deep into three points!

Such strength can be seen in general!
"you dare!"

Hua Yun's mouth was bleeding, and his eyes were full of fear!
Up to now, he still doesn't believe that he can't even take a single move in Fang Li's hands!
He kept spitting out black blood, his hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably, his chest was even sunken, Fang Li broke at least six ribs with his kick!

At this moment, the audience was dead silent!
Qin Feng, Li Li, and Murong Jing were all silent at this moment!

It's not that they haven't received the news that Fang Li killed the master of the Hua family, but that's just heard, never seen!
Until today, when Fang Li took action himself, everyone knew how terrifying this gentle-looking man in front of them was!
If you don't make a move, it's all right, if you make a move, your hands and bones will be broken!

Hua Shaorong fell to the ground with a dead expression on his face. Originally, he wanted to get Jiang Yuchen while Fang Li was inside, but by then it would be too late for Fang Li to come out again!

But he had done all his calculations, and he didn't expect that Fang Li would come out early, or even do it directly as soon as he came out.

It's fine to do it, after all, he still has Hua Yun as his support, but Hua Yun is not even Fang Li's opponent at this moment, he is suddenly afraid!

Standing on the side, Jiang Yuan swallowed his saliva looking at the horrible Hua Yun. At this moment, his thoughts of dealing with Fang Li completely dissipated!
Fang Li's eyes were indifferent, neither sad nor happy, he stepped in front of Hua Yun, and said as if looking down at an ant: "Now you still think you can't provoke it?"

"You...can't kill me!" Hua Yun moved his arm with difficulty, pointing at Fang Li.

"Why can't I kill you? Because you belong to the Hua family, do you know that Jiang Yuchen belongs to me? How dare you touch her?"

Fang Li's gaze was like a sword, and he spoke every word, and his voice rolled like thunder, spreading in all directions!

Countless women are envious of it!

Even Murong Jing opened her mouth slightly!

It turns out that when a gentleman gets angry, it's only because of his beauty!

Jiang Yuchen stood by the side, trembling, and a strange light shone in his eyes!
"So, you can die! But don't worry, the Hua family will come to accompany you soon!" This time he was really angry. The Hua family can accept him once or twice, but the only thing that shouldn't be is For Jiang Yuchen!

He couldn't tolerate anything aimed at Jiang Yuchen for a moment!

But at this moment, a majestic and stern voice sounded, and Hua Jianfeng and Mr. Jiang appeared one after another!
Fang Li's eyes turned cold, and he looked directly at Hua Jianfeng: "Why should I stop?"

Hua Jianfeng's face changed, and he asked with overwhelming anger: "Fang Li, do you know who I am? How dare you attack my Hua family?"


Fang Li looked up to the sky and laughed, "Then do you know who I am? How dare you tell me to stop?"

As he said that, Fang Li stepped on it in front of everyone!
Hua Yun's head shattered like a watermelon, and red and white things shot out!

PS: The fifth update will be sent, and it will continue tomorrow. I hope everyone supports it, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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