Chapter 252 Whoever takes one step beyond this sword will die

"It's so strong." At the moment when the fist touched, Fang Li felt a huge force coming, and all the bones in his body were numb at this moment.

You must know that he just exchanged for the Super Power Talisman to increase his strength by three thousand catties, plus his own strength of at least fifteen hundred catties, the total is four thousand five hundred catties!

But even so, this punch did not break Hua Jianfeng's punch. One can imagine how powerful Hua Jianfeng is based on his own strength!

Fang Li was shocked, Hua Jianfeng's heart was even more shocked!

"How could his strength be so strong that he is on par with me?" Hua Jianfeng's face changed, and he no longer looked down upon him as before. He has practiced martial arts for many years, and only he knows how strong his strength is. Pure physical strength is the strongest. At least [-] jin, that's why he punched out with one punch, but now Fang Li's punch directly refreshed his cognition!

"It seems impossible for this kid to have such a powerful force, but why is it completely different when he makes a move? Could it be that he used some hidden means to cover up his aura?" Before Master Liu made a move, he also thought that Fang Li would die, but But the fact is the opposite, at the moment when he made a move himself, he discovered the weirdness!
"But no matter how you cover it up, in the face of absolute power, you have no chance of winning." Hua Jianfeng regained his composure, and rushed towards Fang Li again in a flash, "Today I will kill you!"

The fists fell overwhelmingly, Fang Li was not afraid at all, relying on the agility talisman and the strong talisman to fight Hua Jianfeng head-to-head. For a while, there was a bang and bang sound here, and some celebrities who watched were so frightened that their hearts beat faster, and they almost died. Send to the hospital for emergency treatment.

As time gradually elongated, Fang Li became more and more frightened as he fought. Hua Jianfeng's advantage in fighting experience, coupled with the strength of his physical body, shocked him again!

Similarly, Hua Jianfeng was also shocked. Fang Li's combat power at this moment has far exceeded his expectations. He even wondered if Fang Li was given a few more days, whether he would not be an opponent!
"Fortunately, you have no chance to grow anymore! Today I will show you what your real strength is!" Hua Jianfeng said, kicking up the willow sword used by Master Liu, "I am honored to see my strength. Swordsmanship, you will die!"

Liu Jian seemed to come alive in Hua Jianfeng's hands. Under his dancing, he transformed into sword shadows, densely covering the entire sky!
"Die!" Hua Jianfeng's face darkened, and the sword shadow he created fell down instantly, trying to envelop Fang Li in it. Once the envelopment was successful, thousands of sword shadows would merge into a murderous intent, killing Fang Li instantly!

"Sword, that's not how it's used!" Fang Li looked at the sword shadows all over the sky with an indifferent expression, but also with a sense of pride!
The long road is long and the sword is your companion!

The voice of Galewind Swordsman echoed in his mind!
At the same time, he clicked to learn the inheritance of the blast sword hero "Sword of Absolute Wind" that he had just exchanged in the intermediate mall.

Dolan's sword rose into the sky, and Fang Li grasped it vigorously, as if what he was holding was not a sword, but this world!
Everyone was shocked!

In a trance, Fang Li is the sword, and the sword is Fang Li!
Looking at the shadow of the sword covering the sky, Fang Li slashed at the place with his sword.

What is cutting steel?

No matter how many imaginary swords you have, I will kill them all with one sword!
This sword was cut out, shining brightly here, piercing into the world of sword shadows one by one dazzlingly.


The countless sword shadows created by Hua Jianfeng let out a soft sound, and then shattered into nothing. Hua Jianfeng stood there with eyes full of astonishment, and a bloodstain appeared on his arm. Although it was extremely slight, it was real!
"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" Hua Jianfeng looked crazy, until now he couldn't believe that the sword shadow he created was cut by Fang Li's sword!
"Although my sword and shadow world is not a great achievement, it is already close to perfection. How could it be cut through by a single sword?" He had a ferocious expression, and even Master Liu was not so excited when he was cut.

But at this moment, a cold light shot directly at him, he woke up suddenly, and then jumped behind him!

The long sword plunged three feet into the ground, Fang Li shouted loudly: "Whoever takes one step beyond this sword will die!"

The sound was like thunder, and everyone here felt like their minds were about to burst. At the same time, they woke up suddenly, and all of them stared at Fang Li with their eyes wide open in disbelief!

"Oh my god, he actually wounded the head of the Hua family with a sword."

"It's too strong. The sword just now directly smashed the sword shadows all over the sky. I don't even know how he did it."

Qin Feng and Li Li were all excited!
There is worship in their eyes!

Although they don't know martial arts, they also know how terrifying the sword just now is!
So at this moment they looked at Fang Li, already full of awe!
Mr. Jiang and Murong Hua looked at each other, even if their hearts were hard to calm down!

They never thought that Fang Li could compete with Hua Jianfeng, so it seems that it is not impossible for Fang Li to fight against the Hua family.

"Fang Li, you are really strong, so strong that I am surprised, but wait, you have angered me!" Hua Jianfeng said, put away the sword in his hand, took Hua Shaorong and left!

Although Fang Li's ability to hurt him has something to do with his carelessness, but if Fang Li has no ability, it is impossible to break his sword shadow, so he knows that he can't kill Fang Li at the moment with just that sword, but Fang Li can't kill him either. he!
Fang Li stood where he was, watching Hua Shaorong's figure disappear, and then walked towards the Jiang family's villa expressionlessly.

The boy's steps were very light, so light that it was frightening, but compared to the movements around his steps, they were even lighter. Even if he gave way to the boy, he was careful!

When the young man passed by, the crowd dispersed like water waves. They didn't heave a long sigh of relief until this humble young man entered the Jiang family's villa!
What happened last night was really shocking!
First, the mysterious person behind the dark night surfaced, and in the end Fang Li beheaded Hua Yun and Master Liu, and even injured Hua Jianfeng, the patriarch of the Hua family, with a sword!

Everything is enough to describe it as shocking!

There is no doubt that after tonight, Fang Li's name will definitely be heard in Jiang City!
The moment he entered Jiang's villa, Fang Li leaned against the wall. If he hadn't been supported by Dolan's sword, he might not be able to stand still!

Liu Shisan hurried forward!
"Brother Li, are you alright!" At this moment, Jiang Yuchen rushed out from inside!
She was protected by the Jiang family in the Jiang family villa and was not allowed to go out, but she could still hear the movement and voices outside, and seeing Fang Li coming in with a pale face, she burst into tears!

"I'm fine." Fang Li forced a smile, but it made Jiang Yuchen's heart ache even more.

"It's all my fault. If I can be useful, you don't have to!" Jiang Yuchen blamed himself immensely.

"I said before, I stand in front of you, and I am your god. No matter who wants to hurt you, I will not allow it." Fang Li tremblingly helped Jiang Yuchen wipe away tears, Liu Shisan's eyes flashed with disappointment, standing in the crowd Murong Jing, who was watching, also turned and left.

"Let's all disperse! Prepare a room for me, I want to rest!" Fang Li looked at Jiang Zhe!
"It's Brother Li, I've got people ready!" Jiang Zhe hurriedly said!

ps: The fifth update can't be finished, the fourth update will be delivered, sorry, I'm too tired.Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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