Chapter 253 Preparation
Entering the room prepared by Jiang Zhe, Fang Li fell on the bed as soon as the door was closed, he was so tired!
The successive battles put too much load on his body, especially the continuous use of the powerful talisman, the agility talisman and the Frost Mystery. He even suspected that if Hua Jianfeng continued to fight, he might not be able to hold on.

As soon as his eyes were closed, Fang Li fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up, it was already three days later!

"My head hurts!"

Fang Li rubbed his head, feeling a tearing pain in his head.

"I don't know the outside world is like this!" He glanced at the gate, "But now is not the time to go out!"

When he fought against Hua Jianfeng before, he obtained the inheritance of Galewind Swordsman. At that time, he didn't watch it carefully and clicked to study. Now he has time to straighten it out.

In the League of Legends, the Gale Sword Master, whose original name was Yasuo, was an unrestrained swordsman, and his famous sword technique was "Blaster of Absolute Breath".

There are only three moves in this set of swordsmanship, but each move can be called the perfection of kendo, as can be seen from the sword shadow world where he destroyed Hua Jianfeng with one sword!
When using Zhansteel Flash, it can be said to be extremely imperfect, not even a three-pointer, but even so, it still hurt Hua Jianfeng with one sword, so you know how powerful this gale force is!
"The first sword of the Blizzard Sword is called Zhan Gangshan, the second sword is called Stepping Forward, and the third sword is called Blizzard Sword! These three swords are more powerful than each other, especially Blast , the way of the wind that is so powerful that you can use your sword to move it, and kill everything!"

The more Fang Li looked at it, the more frightened he became.

"In order to exchange for this sword technique, I have used up all my pretense points! Even the accumulated opening value has dropped from more than 100 million to more than 70. It looks like I will accumulate a little more in the future!"

Fang Li thought, got up and got out of bed.

The moment he walked out of the room, many people immediately surrounded him, obviously waiting for a long time!

Jiang Yuchen, Jiang Zhe, and Mr. Jiang all looked at him with concern!
"Brother Li, are you alright?" Jiang Yuchen almost couldn't control himself and rushed over.

"It's okay!" Fang Li smiled.

"Do you know that you have been silent for the past three days, I'm almost scared to death!" Jiang Yuchen's eyes were red, and his face was deeply tired.

"Brother Li, you don't know, my sister-in-law has been guarding outside your room for the past three days, no matter what we call her, she won't leave!" Jiang Zhe said.

"This little girl is too stubborn! I won't listen to the old man no matter what I call him!" Mr. Jiang also spoke. Jiang Yuchen looked like this, and he, who has been here, felt a little heartbroken. "Fang Xiaoyou is really lucky!"

Fang Li nodded, then looked at Jiang Yuchen with heartache, "Go and rest, I'll be fine, if something happens to me, who will protect you!"

"Yeah!" Jiang Yuchen nodded, and then someone took her down to rest.

"Mr. Jiang, Jiang Zhe, come in and talk!" Fang Li said!

Mr. Jiang nodded, and then looked at the people behind him: "Xiao Zhe comes with me, everyone else should disperse! You must take good care of Miss Yuchen. If something goes wrong, the family will take care of you!"

After going through this incident, everyone can see that Jiang Yuchen is what Fang Li cares most about. It is also because of Jiang Yuchen that Fang Li was so angry that he killed Master Huayun and Liu, and even Hua Shaorong almost died.Mr. Jiang is not stupid, so he naturally knows what to do.

"Yes!" The Jiang family's children agreed, and then they left after Mr. Jiang and Jiang Zhe entered the room.

In the room, there were only three people in it at the moment.

"How is the situation at the Hua family during the few days I've been asleep?" Fang Li asked in a deep voice. Hua Shaorong dared to do such a thing to Jiang Yuchen, which had completely angered him.

"There has been no movement from the Hua family for the past few days. I don't know what conspiracy is brewing!" Mr. Jiang was a little worried. After all, the Hua family has been in Jiang City for so many years, and no one knows how deep the background is.

"Hmph, no matter what conspiracy he is brewing, I will kill any conspiracy with a single blow!" Fang Li stood with his hands behind his back, his expression calm, but when he said this, he was so domineering.

"What Fang Xiaoyou said is indeed true, but the Hua family is still a giant after all, and we should be more cautious when dealing with him." Mr. Jiang nodded. As an old man, he admired Fang Li very much, so at this moment He reminded that, as Fang Li's collaborator, even the entire Jiang family was tied to Fang Li, so it was even more necessary for him to remind Fang Li!

"Don't worry, this is what I want to ask you, tell me the detailed information about the Hua family, I'm going to attack the Hua family!"

"Could it be too soon? You just woke up now, I think things should be considered in the long term!" Mr. Jiang was a little worried. Originally, he thought that Fang Li would repair for a few days, and then integrate the dark night before attacking the Hua family. Who knew Fang Li Going to do it right away!
"Not fast, but too slow!" Fang Li sneered. The moment he woke up, he had already made this plan. To deal with such a huge monster as the Hua family, he had to cut the mess quickly. !Once the Hua family integrates all their forces and turns to act first, then he will be in danger at that time!

"Even you guys think I'm too quick to deal with the Hua family now, do you think Hua Jianfeng thinks the same?" Fang Li said!

The two are silent!

"Fang Xiaoyou, how confident are you in this move?" Mr. Jiang said.

"It was only three points before, five points three days ago, seven points now, and after hearing you say that there is no movement in the Hua family, I have nine points!"

Fang Li said!
"Why?" Mr. Jiang looked puzzled, and Jiang Zhe beside him was also confused!
How come there are three points before, and now there are nine points?

"Because the Hua family's roots are old, there is nothing to be afraid of! If his Hua family is still the same Hua family as before, I am afraid that he has tried his best to destroy the dark night in the past three days, but there has been no movement in the past three days. I said The odds of winning by nine points are already small!"

At the beginning, he was three-point sure when he discovered An Ye, and three days ago when An Ye slaughtered Ye Chai, he was five-point sure when he saw that the Hua family was domineering and weak. If he doesn't move, he is ninety percent sure!
"That's right! The Hua family is no longer the Hua family that could be desperate at the beginning. Now the Hua family is a huge monster. If you pull your whole body, it is timid!" Mr. Jiang nodded, "In this case, I will let you know the detailed information Someone will send it later, including the distribution address of the Huajiatang entrance and the core strength, all of which will be recorded in detail."

"That's great." Fang Li nodded.

"One more thing, the Murong family asked me to tell you, as long as you don't implicate the innocent, go ahead and do it!" Mr. Jiang conveyed Murong Hua's meaning, and Fang Li was overjoyed. This is equivalent to avoiding death. Gold medal!

As long as the innocent are not involved, doesn't that mean that as long as the innocent is not involved, he can do whatever he wants?

"Okay, since that's the case, take me to tell Murong Hua that you are going to clean up the Hua family's mess in three days." Fang Li said!

"Since that's the case, the old man will go out first! Xiaozhe, come out with me!" Mr. Jiang said!

"Jiang Zhe stays," Fang Li said.

"If that's the case, then I'm leaving!" Mr. Jiang said before leaving!
(End of this chapter)

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