Chapter 258 Surrounding but not attacking

"Brother Li!"

"I've seen Brother Li!"

Behind Yang Long, all the younger brothers spoke!
Everyone has an almost fanatical admiration on their faces!
Before they came, they already knew what big event Fang Li was going to do, and that was to deal with Fatang and Yitang!
Originally thought that Fang Li would be able to solve it later at least, but who knew it was faster than himself!

How could they not be excited at this moment!
Even if she was as cold and calm as Liu Shisan, bursts of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes at this moment. She knew that Fang Li could fight and kill, and his methods were far beyond ordinary people, but he solved the two halls in an hour. It will shock the entire Jiang City!
"See, I've met the master!" At this moment, she couldn't control her words, and she looked at Fang Li as if she was looking at a god.

"You guys are a bit late!" Fang Li stared at Hua's villa without looking back.

"Please punish Master!" Liu Shisan heard the dissatisfaction in Fang Li's words, and his face immediately changed.

"No problem!" Fang Li waved his hand, "Have you brought all the people I asked you to bring?"

"Already on the way!" Liu Shisan said.

"Very good!" Fang Li nodded!
Ten minutes later, all the horses in the dark night have arrived!

There are more than 700 people!
Apart from some who sincerely joined the dark night, most of them had two hearts, but Fang Li didn't care about these at all!
To deal with the Hua family, he didn't rely on these 700 people!
He wanted these 700 people just to cheer and create an aura!
Create a scene where the night is strong and the Hua family is weak, so that everyone in Jiang City can see it, and then choose where to stand!

"Let's surround this hill!" Fang Li uttered a word lightly, and Liu Shisan and the others all changed their expressions!
"What? Fence?"

"Wouldn't enclosing this hill be the same as enclosing the Hua family?"

Liu Shisan's eyes were shocked: "Master, are you going to fight the Hua family to the death?"

"Siege and not attack, I want to create momentum!" After Fang Li finished speaking, Liu Shisan already fully understood!
Fang Li is standing up!
He's going to tell everyone!

If he can move the Hua family today, he can move other families tomorrow!

Fang Li once said that An Ye was not his last choice after all, so everything he did at this moment was undoubtedly helping himself!Thinking of this, Liu Shisan suddenly became hot!

Once Fang Li soars to the sky, Dark Ye will belong to her, Liu Shisan, so everything she's doing now is undoubtedly building momentum for her!

She took a deep breath, calmed down the excitement in her heart, and then ordered tremblingly: "Waishan, without the master's order, let out a fly to deal with it!"

"Yes!" Everyone promised, holding the torches prepared in advance, and quickly dispersed!

700 people surround a small hill, enough!

The one when 700 people surrounded the mountain and lit the torches together!
A dazzling ray of light formed in an instant, illuminating the hilltop where the Huajia Villa is located, and also illuminating the entire underground world of Jiang City, just like daytime!
"Look, what's going on down the mountain? Why are so many people lighting torches?" The two gatekeepers at the gate of Hua's villa noticed something was wrong and immediately shouted!

"What are you yelling about? Why don't you cheer up and watch the night!" Hong Gui's voice sounded at this time, but when he saw the continuous flames, his expression also changed!
"What's going on? Where did the fire come from?" Hong Gui's face changed drastically, and he followed him to look along the fire, and after finding that the entire mountain was surrounded by fire, he suddenly realized that something bad was about to happen!

"You stay here, I'll go find the Patriarch!" After saying that, Hong Gui quickly disappeared at the gate!

"Rong'er, don't worry, I promise to kill Fang Li with my own hands to avenge you!" In the quiet room, Hua Jianfeng, who had just endured the pain of losing his son, calmed down and prepared to continue to concentrate on breaking through.

But at this moment, an urgent voice came from afar: "Patriarch, it's bad! The Hua family villa is surrounded by people!"

"What?" The anger that had just subsided, now ignited again with a bang, and Hua Jianfeng's face was distorted at this moment!

With a palm on the door of the quiet room, Hua Jianfeng burst out in anger.

"I want to see who dares to be so arrogant and send people to surround my Hua family villa!" Hua Jianfeng shouted angrily, spreading throughout the entire Hua family villa, even Fang Li at the foot of the mountain could hear it clearly!
"Master, it looks like this old fox is angry!" Liu Shisan said!
"It's natural to be angry." Having just experienced the pain of losing a child, and now even his own home is surrounded, how could he not be angry?
But if Hua Jianfeng knows that all three of his halls have been destroyed, then I don't know if he will go directly to Hua Shaorong in anger!

Now that Hua Jianfeng already knew that the villa was surrounded, and Fang Li was not waiting, it was time for the celebrities of Jiang City to watch this drama!

He took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Zhe.

After the call was connected, Fang Li said: "The entrance to the third hall of the Hua family has been destroyed, and the curtain is opened on the Hua family villa!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, not even a sound of breathing!
A moment later, with a bang, the phone in Jiang Zhe's hand slipped and the screen shattered!

"Little Zhe, why are you so flustered?" Mr. Jiang gave Jiang Zhe a dissatisfied look. He had been telling Jiang Zhe to be calm when doing things. Jiang Zhe's reaction disappointed him so much!

Jiang Zhe's eyes were dull, he turned his head mechanically, and looked at Mr. Jiang with a dry throat: "Grandpa, the entrance to the third hall of the Hua family has been destroyed. Brother Li is now sending people to surround the Hua family!"


Mr. Jiang neighed and jumped up from his seat.

Three minutes later, the news was quickly delivered from the mouth of the Jiang family!
At the entrance of the third hall of the Hua family, that is a colossus that any force would be afraid of!
But it was wiped out?
Moreover, the entrances of the three halls were destroyed at the same time!
For a while, countless people were doubting the authenticity of the matter!
"Check, hurry up and check the situation at the entrance of the third hall of the Hua family!"

"At all costs, find out what the dark night did tonight!"

Soon the news came back, and all the celebrities in Jiang City fell into dead silence at this moment!

Huajia three lobby entrance!

For more than an hour, all of them were slaughtered!

"Dark night, how did Dark Ye do it?"

"Zhongtang Yitang Fatang, the total number of people in the three halls is 900 people, and they were all killed?"

"What a decisive dark night, what a murderous Fang Li! We all underestimate him!"

Countless people gasped in amazement. Compared to Fang Li's strength shown in Jiang's villa, the shock brought about by beheading nearly a thousand people is far a thousand times stronger than that day!
But just as everyone was amazed and silent, another piece of news came: Fang Li led the members of the dark night and surrounded the Hua family's villa to an impenetrable size!
(End of this chapter)

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