Chapter 259 Gathering in the Hua Family
Following the news that Fang Li led An Ye to surround Hua's villa, Jiang City was completely shaken!
"It's only been a few days, and it's only been three days since the Jiang family's villa incident. Fang Li led An Ye to surround the Hua family's villa."

"What about the Hua family? What is the reaction of the Hua family now? Are we going to let Fang Li go on like this? That old fox Hua Jianfeng is not so easy to talk to."

"No, why don't I go to such a shocking event and prepare a car to go to Hua's villa!"

Leading people to surround the Hua family, no one in Jiang City dared to do this, but Fang Li did it!
Countless people were shocked and felt incredible. Fang Li said that he would conquer the Hua family within one month. Just three days ago, they felt that Fang Li had the qualifications, but they might not be able to do it.

But now, within three days since that sentence was spoken, Hua Shaorong died strangely in just three days, the three halls of the Hua family were destroyed, and the Hua family itself was surrounded by people, and it was difficult to protect themselves.

"It's been a long time since such a major event happened in Jiang City. How can such a grand event be missed?"

The boys and buddies gathered in Jing'an Villa were extremely excited. They were always idlers, but now that they heard that Fang Li surrounded the Hua family villa, they screamed as if they had been spat with chicken blood.

"Yes, yes, let's stop guessing here, hurry over and have a look, this is much more exciting than looking for a woman in a car." Qin Feng said excitedly, even throwing the beautiful woman in his arms on the sofa, making the woman Embarrassed.

"Let's go, let's stop the ink. If we don't hurry up, we will regret it forever if we miss this good show." Li Li also called out, his face flushed with excitement, calling for everyone to leave quickly.

A group of people rushed outside, and when they reached the door, Li Li suddenly turned his head: "Murong Jing, don't you want to go and have a look?" After speaking, he heard the sound of a motor roaring away.

Murong Jing stood in the hall, dressed in white as snow, like a holy lotus isolated from the world.

But everyone can see that Shenglian is obviously not so calm, and even has a lot of complexity on his face.

"Miss, shall we also go to Hua's villa?" At this time a weak voice sounded, and the servant girl at the side slightly raised her head to look at Murong Jing, her eyes were filled with expectation and fear.

Murong Jing pondered for a long time, and her body trembled slightly. From seeing Fang Li's indifference at first, to her admiration for Fang Li being alone and the Hua family's enemy, to the loss of Fang Li's anger as a beauty, in fact, she didn't want to He had too much contact with Fang Li, and he didn't even want to hear about Fang Li.

But during this time, no matter where she went?What she heard was all about Fang Li, she forced herself to treat it normally, but when she heard Fang Li besieging the Hua family villa, the attraction in her heart overcame the resistance.

She opened her mouth, almost tremblingly said: "Go, why don't you go, without me, Murong Jing, Fang Liwei Hua's family will lose three points."


Such scenes are constantly being staged in Jiang City at this moment. Regardless of whether it has anything to do with Fang Li or not, as long as they hear about it, they all look at the Hua family.

"Dad, why did you call me here in such a hurry?" Jiang Deshan looked at his father suspiciously.

Mr. Jiang gave him a dissatisfied look, "Go to Hua's house."

"Go to Hua's house? Why go to Hua's house? Now that Hua's house and An Ye are in the same boat, shouldn't we wait?" Jiang Deshan was even more puzzled.

"Hmph." This time, Mr. Jiang didn't even look at his son, and walked straight out the door.

Fang Li did such a big thing, Jiang Deshan even asked why he went to Hua's house, why isn't Mr. Jiang angry?
Jiang Deshan's face changed, he was a little confused why he made the old man angry, he looked at Jiang Zhe hoping to get an answer.

"Dad, Brother Li even destroyed the entrance of the three main halls of Hua's house, and now he has led people to surround Hua's house."

Jiang Zhe sighed, turned and left in disappointment after speaking.

Jiang Deshan's eyes were dazed, and his body was trembling at this moment. After he reacted from shock, Jiang Zhe and Jiang Lao had disappeared.

"Dad, Xiaozhe, wait for me, I'll go to Hua's house too." Jiang Deshan shouted hastily.


At the foot of the Huajia mountain, surrounded by fiery snakes, the seven hundred disciples of the dark night had chilling expressions on their faces.

Suddenly, there was a burst of motor roar, and the lights of the car hit the Huajia villa.

When Qin Feng saw the mountain top surrounded by torches, he stepped on the brakes with a flick of his feet.

"Really, it turned out to be true, the huge mountain of Huajia was surrounded."

Qin Feng beat the steering wheel excitedly, roaring in the car.

"Hurry up, get out of the car and walk in quickly." Li Li also looked shocked, looking at the connected torches, he urged everyone to get out of the car and walk.

At that moment, countless car doors opened and they walked forward one after another. Almost everyone had a shocked expression and excited eyes.

When they were [-] meters away from Fang Li, everyone stopped in unison and looked at the black-clothed boy with serious eyes.

It was he who led 700 people and surrounded Huajia Mountain.

He is small and dusty, but bursts out with dazzling light.

He is not tall, and standing with his hands behind his back at this moment, everyone here looks up to him.

Murong Jing stood in the crowd, looking at the boy with a complicated expression, how dazzling he is at this moment!
"Please give way." Jiang Zhe's voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads to look. When Mr. Jiang came majestically, everyone hurried out of the way.

Mr. Jiang walked like a dragon and walked like a tiger, leading Jiang Deshan and Jiang Zhe towards Fang Li. When they walked in front of Fang Li, the three of them were at the same level.

"Little friend Fang."

"Brother Fang."

"Brother Li."

This scene immediately shocked everyone.

After Mr. Jiang's birthday, the Jiang family's power was in full swing, and they even bowed down to worship Fang Li when they saw Fang Li?
"Wrong, wrong, we were all wrong." Just when everyone was puzzled, Murong Jing gave a wry smile and shook her head again and again.

Everyone looked at her, and the servant girl next to her raised her head and asked, "Miss, what's wrong?"

Murong Jing looked at Fang Li with various feelings in her heart: "We were wrong at the beginning! We all thought that Fang Li was so arrogant and relied on the Jiang family, but in reality it was the Jiang family who relied on Fang Li."

Everyone was silent, but after careful consideration it seemed to be true. Fang Li followed Jiang Zhe back then, who would have thought that Jiang Zhe was by Fang Li's side?

So Murong Jing said that she was wrong at the beginning, and everyone did not refute, but chose to remain silent!

Fang Li nodded slightly when he saw the person coming, "Mr. Jiang has a heart."

At this moment, the whole city of Jiang was looking at Fang Li. Mr. Jiang came up to build momentum for him. Of course, he was also telling everyone that he was advancing and retreating with Fang Li.

Mr. Jiang bowed his body and said, "It should be, that's all the Jiang family can do."

Fang Li nodded. It is quite rare for the Jiang family to stand up at this time. After all, it can be said that the entire Jiang family has bet on it.

"Fang Li, you are too deceitful."

At this moment, an angry voice came from the top of the mountain, everyone was startled, Hua Jianfeng came.

Fang Li also raised his head at this moment, looking straight at the top of the mountain like a sword!
(End of this chapter)

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