Chapter 274 Where's the Defense Tower?
The stone man was really depressed. He wanted to vomit blood when he was squatted back in this way after trying to catch people!
"Brother Dali's W skill is a little perverted, so be careful!" The stone man sighed and re-entered the wild area.

Fang Li made a strong push in the bottom lane, and directly took down a tower in the bottom lane and the three of them went home!
There was no defense tower in the bottom lane, so Mouse and Bron followed Fang Li to the middle lane. Mouse concealed himself to slow down, and then Fang Li caught up with his skills, and took away the clockwork again, and the three of them started to push again. !

"Hurry up and come to the central guard, I am too poorly developed, if I don't come to the second tower of the middle road, I will be gone!" Clockwork typed quickly.

"Fuck, what's going on, I jumped so quickly!" Jian Ji was a little dissatisfied, but she still sent it over.

The stone man also came out of the wild area, and the revived Holy Gun Ranger and the Japanese girl also rushed from the bottom lane to the middle lane.

"Brother Li, they are all here! Should we go!" the mouse said.

"What are you going for? Of course it's pushing the tower?" Fang Li asked.

"But there are stone men and Japanese girls on the opposite side, it's not easy to fight under the tower!" The mouse glanced at the stone man standing under the tower, and forced a stone man under the tower to hit a stone man with a big move, which was a devastating blow.

"What are you panicking about?" Fang Li beckoned the top laner troll and the jungler blind monk to come over, while he himself slipped into the jungle area.

"What is Brother Li trying to do?" Mouse frowned.

"Leave me alone, wait for me to strike first." Fang Li slowly approached the stone wall behind the defensive tower.

"Let's be obscene and fight against the defensive tower. When the opponent makes a mistake, the stone man will force the team!" Clockwork rushed to the line after being resurrected, but just as he finished speaking, a ward suddenly appeared under the defensive tower!
The Holy Gun Ranger was about to step forward to clear his eyes, when suddenly a strange scene happened!

The defense tower in front of him disappeared directly!
Yes, it just disappeared!

"Damn it, where's my defense tower?" Holy Gun Ranger cursed directly!
"The defense towers are gone, what a fart!" Clockwork widened his eyes even more, trembling like a ghost. Just a second ago, he said to fight around the defense towers, but the next second the defense towers were in front of him Disappeared.

"Go, Brother Dali must have taken the defense tower away!" The stone man who had been captured once suddenly reminded him, and Cao Nima jumped through his mind, "This bastard, even the defense tower is gone!" Don't let it go."

But at this moment, Fang Li suddenly flashed through the wall, and his ultimate move landed on Clockwork's body, and the entire middle lane was immediately filled with dark magic balls.

"It's over!"

"This is all over!"

Looking at the densely packed magic balls, Clockwork's heart skipped a beat, and the faces of the Japanese female Paladins also changed dramatically.

And at this moment, Fang Li closed his eyes and brazenly pressed the E skill!
That's right, with eyes closed.

This densely packed magic ball, even if you push it with your eyes closed, it can still stun a bunch of people.

Driven by the dark power, the magic ball dispersed backwards, crushing everything it passed.

Clockwork, Stone Man, Gunslinger, Japanese Girl, all stunned, except for Jian Ji who blocked it with a skill.


"Brother Li, this bitch, the Yin man really has a hand!"

The audience in the live broadcast room all shouted out!

First, he threw the defense tower to the red buff position, and then he was stunned again. No one is more cheap than this!
"Go up, go up, go up!" The top lane troll was briefly shocked when he saw the defense tower being thrown, and roared excitedly when he saw Fang Li's E skill stunned four people.

"My big move, you output!" Braum was also very excited, without the defense tower, and was stunned again, no matter what kind of stone man he is, what if he is bigger?
The mouse reacted, and immediately activated the big move, constantly clicking the basic attack, puff puff puff, and dealt tons of damage!

A moment later, a bang sounded!
"Brother Li, it's amazing!"

"That's right, the defensive towers were thrown directly to the sky, and then forced to start a group, there is really no one!"

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed!

This team battle was long, but it was actually only a few seconds. There were two key points during the period, one was the disappearance of the defensive tower, and the other was the dizziness of the four players. If it weren't for these two points, the team would not be able to fight at all.

"No need to play!"

"GG! This is still playing Nima! Even the defense tower can be captured, how can there be a defense tower!"

Clockwork and the others had mournful faces, uglier than dead parents.

Soon, the game ended with the five people from the purple side giving up!

There is no way to play this at all. If you can catch the W skill of the defensive tower, you can't defend the tower at all, okay?

So let's end it quickly!

After exiting the game room, a game information bullet box suddenly appeared.

"Brother Li, help! I was abused by Feike!" The message was sent by UZI from the game, but what surprised Fang Li was not UZI being abused, but the word Feike!

South Korea is well-deserved, and even the world's well-deserved king of the League of Legends. He has led the team several times to reach the world finals and win the championship.

UZI was abused by Feike, did he come to the national server?
The audience in the live broadcast room also changed their expressions, a little surprised!

"Brother Li, this Feike is not easy! It is quite powerful. According to the comments of the Korean media, his existence is like a cheat in the League of Legends game."

You must know that there are basically no cheats in the League of Legends. There was once, but it was completely eliminated. Since then, the League has never released cheats, except of course Fang Li!

And Feike can be described as a cheat-like existence in the league, which shows how strong he is, so strong that the media described him like this.

"Hehe, a cheat-like existence?" Fang Li sneered, with disdain flashing in his eyes, Korean Bangzi just likes to brag, Feike is strong, but not so strong as to be invincible in the world, and he told himself about cheating, isn't it funny alone?

"I'll let him know what a real cheat is later!" Fang Li sneered.

"Fuck, Brother Ting Li's words mean that he wants to teach Feike how to be a man?"

Many people heard the meaning of Fang Li's words, and shouted out excitedly at this moment!

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up! I can't wait to watch Lige teach Feike!"

"That's right, these years Bangzi always likes to come to the national costume to show off his sense of superiority, Brother Li, you have to let them have a longer memory!"

The audience spoke one after another, apparently really dissatisfied with Bangzi.

"Don't worry!" Fang Li smiled, even if UZI didn't teach you a lesson, he would help!

"Hahaha, I'm relieved by Brother Youli's words!"

"It seems that Feike's national service trip this time will be very exciting!"

"Excellent will definitely be exciting, I am afraid that he will not dare to come to the national server in the future!"

The audience was cheerful, and Fang Li also exchanged a game random entry token to enter the game where UZI was.

"Fei Ke, you scum, I'm here!" Fang Li entered the game with a smile in his eyes!
PS: I recommend my friend's new book "Crossing Infinitely to Die" which tells the story of Chen Fan traveling through the League of Legends to die. If you are interested, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

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